You must have had some idea what your mother's reaction would have been. Why would you announce the loss of your cherry so theatrically? She gave you that ring and you threw it back in her face with a smirk. When she blew up it can't have been much of a surprise.
Yes, you're an adult, and you can do what you want with your body, and no, you're not ruined for men. (I would be very wary of anyone who insisted their future spouse be a virgin anyway, too much of a control freak.) And don't for one second think I have any sympathy for your mother, but you can't deliberately set off a confrontation and not take part of the blame for what ensues.
She will always be your mother, and how your relationship develops is down to you, but it's still going to be a relationship. I would try to be a bit more tactful, if you know someone has a hair trigger don't try to set them off.