Blacks and women celebrate Condi Rice.

Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 02:37 pm
dlowan wrote:
nimh wrote:
I'm a little confused about how, when a Madison talk radio host says something demeaning, it represents the problem with or mindset of "the liberals" or "the Democrats", but when Democratic (and liberal) Senator Russ Feingold then openly condemns it, that, eh, does not say anything about liberals, remains irrelevant.

I mean, Lash has been condemning "the liberals" or "the Democrats" for being racist about this. I see some irony in a piece of 'evidence' being trotted out that includes the state's foremost Democrat liberal actually condemning it.

Its like if Gungasnake were to say something offensive and Lash were to condemn him for it, and I would quote the whole interaction as evidence of how "the conservatives/Republicans" are typically offensive.

Just doesnt make sense to me, but that could just be me I guess.

It isn't just you - it's ridiculous - but evidence of the entrenched enmity and tendency to no longer see the "enemy" as anything but a sort of humungous, undifferentiated, mob - defined by the worst public utterances of its most extreme fringes - that has become typical of the more extreme posters here from both sides.

It's especially ridiculous given that the radio host in Madison is a libertarian not a democrat. Although I suppose being outspokenly obnoxious about conservatives to the point of making bigoted remarks probably means he leans a little bit more toward the left than the right, huh? Embarrassed I think he should apologise, as should the other guy who called aliens from Mexico "wetbacks." Namecalling is not necessary to make any relevent point. Apologise to those he directly offended with the slurs, then apologise to them and the rest of us for making an assinine argument and making himself look like a braying castrated mule.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:13 pm
dlowan wrote:
nimh wrote:
I'm a little confused about how, when a Madison talk radio host says something demeaning, it represents the problem with or mindset of "the liberals" or "the Democrats", but when Democratic (and liberal) Senator Russ Feingold then openly condemns it, that, eh, does not say anything about liberals, remains irrelevant.

I mean, Lash has been condemning "the liberals" or "the Democrats" for being racist about this. I see some irony in a piece of 'evidence' being trotted out that includes the state's foremost Democrat liberal actually condemning it.

Its like if Gungasnake were to say something offensive and Lash were to condemn him for it, and I would quote the whole interaction as evidence of how "the conservatives/Republicans" are typically offensive.

Just doesnt make sense to me, but that could just be me I guess.

It isn't just you - it's ridiculous - but evidence of the entrenched enmity and tendency to no longer see the "enemy" as anything but a sort of humungous, undifferentiated, mob - defined by the worst public utterances of its most extreme fringes - that has become typical of the more extreme posters here from both sides.

The two of you prove my point quite well.
On another thread, dlowan says Doonesbury is not racist, because Bush actually calls Rice "Brown Sugar". And, I'm sure she wet nurses his children, as well. Do you have a link for that bit of information, dlowan? "Brown Sugar....Just like a black girl should..." I mean..that is all black women are good for, right dlowan?

Liberals, who have kept mild remarks in the news 24/7 morning noon and night--leading to the demotion of people like Trent Lott, who said NOTHING as nasty as this--are calling in to radio stations across the country, saying these slurs against Rice aren't REALLY slurs.

Don't you think you should just call it what it is? The hypocracy and WORSE--the open racism--is very clear. I applaud Russ Feingold. He is the only Democrat I've heard so far who has spoken up about it. Meanwhile, hundreds of them are snickering about it and commending it on the airwaves.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:22 pm
Actually, I said I don't think Doonesbury is racist for a whole lot of other reasons.

I would be surprised if you actually think him so.

What I actually said is that on another thread someone has said that Bush calls her that - and that if so, Doonesbury is simply being accurate.

I will not stand for you calling me racist Lash.

"The two of you prove my point quite well.
On another thread, dlowan says Doonesbury is not racist, because Bush actually calls Rice "Brown Sugar". And, I'm sure she wet nurses his children, as well. Do you have a link for that bit of information, dlowan? "Brown Sugar....Just like a black girl should..." I mean..that is all black women are good for, right dlowan?"

This is a clear accusation of racism - and totally uncalled for.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:28 pm
I will not stand for you saying I called you a racist, dlowan.

Larry was being sarcastic on another thread. That is your source for the information that Bush refers to his NSA as "Brown Sugar"? And, you took that and ran about saying you have heard Bush calls her that?

I don't need to add to that. It speaks for itself.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:30 pm
Well-- let's put it to rest.

Is calling Condi Rice "Aunt Jemima" a racist comment?
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:31 pm
Lash wrote:
I will not stand for you saying I called you a racist, dlowan.

Larry was being sarcastic on another thread. That is your source for the information that Bush refers to his NSA as "Brown Sugar"? And, you took that and ran about saying you have heard Bush calls her that?

I don't need to add to that. It speaks for itself.

What exactly did you mean by that comment then Lash.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:31 pm
The Jemima comment is not good, check. (Sand throwing is sand throwing, even if Benny was doing it a whole lot before Alfred got into the act.) I can't figure out the Brown Sugar comment. (If you look at the panel, Bush is on the left, Ms. Rice is on the right, so it seems like SHE is saying it to Bush.)


What is actually being said here, by members, especially dlowan and nimh who you haven singled out as proving your point, that is itself racist, Lash? The Jemima guy said something stupid and is probably racist, sure. But dlowan and nimh? You really want to try to back that up?
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:32 pm
Lash wrote:
I will not stand for you saying I called you a racist, dlowan.

Larry was being sarcastic on another thread. That is your source for the information that Bush refers to his NSA as "Brown Sugar"? And, you took that and ran about saying you have heard Bush calls her that?

I don't need to add to that. It speaks for itself.

I don't think there is a source other than Doonsbury. But then, sometimes, political satire can have an element of truth.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:34 pm
Oh, you're not calling them racist.

That's good.

(That's how I read it, as well.)

And sure, Aunt Jemima was stupid. (Er, since there has been this wondrous transformation of former anti-PCers, let me clarify that I'm saying the Aunt Jemima COMMENT was stupid, not Aunt Jemima herself. If she existed.)
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:38 pm
Larry is being sarcastic here??????: http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1029675

"Bush and his "brown sugar, as he is said to refer affectionately to her, are quite close. They will work it out, I am reasonably certain. But, I have to admit, when I was a federal exec I had deputies assigned that I would not have personally selected. Customary and regular it seems. "

Perhaps Larry will comment. I took him to be serious.

Here is what I said in relation to that, here on this thread - just in case people might think that I said something racist, and do not look back:

"Actually, on another thread, someone has just commented that Bush DOES, actually, call her Brown Sugar. (Not in relation to this thread - just as a by the by comment.) If so, Doonesbury was simply being accurate. I would be very surprised if he were being racist - I can imagine him lampooning it - or laughing at heavy attempts NOT to be racist - but not actually BEING racist! "

I take such accusations very seriously.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:40 pm
Larry434 wrote:
Lash wrote:
I will not stand for you saying I called you a racist, dlowan.

Larry was being sarcastic on another thread. That is your source for the information that Bush refers to his NSA as "Brown Sugar"? And, you took that and ran about saying you have heard Bush calls her that?

I don't need to add to that. It speaks for itself.

I don't think there is a source other than Doonsbury. But then, sometimes, political satire can have an element of truth.

Ah - Larry - you were not speaking with some information from outside? I took it that you must be - given your loyalties!

But please note - I said "If this is true:"
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:40 pm
Lash wrote:
Well-- let's put it to rest.

Is calling Condi Rice "Aunt Jemima" a racist comment?

Lash, the only person in any link I've been able to find who said Condoleezza Rice was "Aunt Jemima" is some guy from Madison WIsconsin who has a radio show which is supposed to be about libertarian views. The democrats in Wisconsin have gone on record in the article I believe you linked saying they found that statement appalling. I think it makes him sound like bigot, myself. It's not any nationally syndicated show, at least not any one I've ever heard of, nobody else is saying anything derogatory like that about her. One moron with a job in radio in Madison who ought to apologise for his comment. That doesn't mean that everyone in Madison shares his views, all libertarians share his views, not even that all "crackers" share his views. Just one man and one views. (Btw, that "cracker" cooment is dripping with sarcasm. What I really think is he's an ass, either the braying kind or the other, take your pick since mnsho is they both apply. Twisted Evil
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:42 pm
sozobe wrote:
Oh, you're not calling them racist.

That's good.

(That's how I read it, as well.)

And sure, Aunt Jemima was stupid. (Er, since there has been this wondrous transformation of former anti-PCers, let me clarify that I'm saying the Aunt Jemima COMMENT was stupid, not Aunt Jemima herself. If she existed.)

Lol - I have HEARD of Aunt Jemima - and I know it is an insult - but I have no idea who she is.

Is she also from Uncle Tom's Cabin?

(Now I will have to go and look her up!)
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:49 pm
As far as I know, she is the smiling face on pancake and syrup packaging. A mascot/ brand sort of dealie.


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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:49 pm
I assume Aunt Jemimah is used as a way of saying that a black woman has sold out?

The Australian Aborigines have a great way of saying the same thing - they call people they think have sold out "coco-nuts" - brown on the outside, white on the inside!

Like Aunt Jemimah, (if my reading of that is accurate), it is not something a white person should ever say to, or of, a black person - though the word is liberally used by the aboriginal community itself.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:53 pm
dlowan wrote:
I am trying to figure out if they are racist - I can't see that the little bird one is - mebbe sexist - but I think any gender and race would look fine as that little bird (having just spent an 'orrible five months near the seats of power).

The aluminium tubes - I suppose that is a Gone With the Wind reference? "I don't know nuthin' about birthin' no babies, Miss Scarlett!" ????

Hmmm - it wouldn't be racist, I think, if she were not black - or is any reference to GWTW racist these days?

Damn it! It probably IS racist - which is a bummer - cos I think it encapsulates the horror of actually being asked to do something that you have only had to talk about before.

I suppose the other one is said to be racist cos of the "brown sugar" reference?

I do not know American mores enough to comment on that - but the rest of the content is very cutting and effective.

I shall leave it to Murricans to say if Brown Sugar is racist in such circumstances - I think it a demeaning way to refer to someone - I would certainly see it as somewhat sexist - but pretty funny despite that.

Making excuses for the sexist and highly racist cartoon of Condi as Butterfly McQueen nursing missles--making excuses for the Brown Sugar comment--admitting it is sexist an then saying it's funny anyway... You've lost the right to say anything to anyone about racism, IMO.

This isn't a double entendre--or something that can be taken more than one way. I don'tfind the parrot cartoon offensive-- but in an article BBB brought about Condi, the writer again used the word 'subservient'. They are really after her in a way I haven't seen the American public accept for the past thirty years.
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:54 pm
I don't know of that much baggage (but am not an expert on the subject, by a long shot), I think it has more to do with the old logo and old South/ Mammy connotations:

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Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:54 pm
Coco-nuts. Great expression. In the States, the expression is Oreos. An oreo is a bikky of brown dough with white creme on the inside.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 03:59 pm
Lash, your post kinda loses it's punch put right up against what dlowan actually said (thanks for doing so) -- dlowan muses in print, and then says:

Damn it! It probably IS racist - which is a bummer - cos I think it encapsulates the horror of actually being asked to do something that you have only had to talk about before.

We've established that you don't think that nimh and dlowan have actually said anything racist here, right?

All that seems to be left is musings about whether these instances could have a less nefarious meaning -- and then an out-and-out admittance that, damn it, [one of them] probably is racist.

Meanwhile, I'm quite serious about the Doonesbury left/right thing. I don't get it -- doesn't make sense that Bush is saying it TO Condi. Willing to have it explained and bash forehead as realization dawns, but as of now generally doesn't make sense. Does he say two things in that last panel? Added it?
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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 04:08 pm
Lash wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I am trying to figure out if they are racist - I can't see that the little bird one is - mebbe sexist - but I think any gender and race would look fine as that little bird (having just spent an 'orrible five months near the seats of power).

The aluminium tubes - I suppose that is a Gone With the Wind reference? "I don't know nuthin' about birthin' no babies, Miss Scarlett!" ????

Hmmm - it wouldn't be racist, I think, if she were not black - or is any reference to GWTW racist these days?

Damn it! It probably IS racist - which is a bummer - cos I think it encapsulates the horror of actually being asked to do something that you have only had to talk about before.

I suppose the other one is said to be racist cos of the "brown sugar" reference?

I do not know American mores enough to comment on that - but the rest of the content is very cutting and effective.

I shall leave it to Murricans to say if Brown Sugar is racist in such circumstances - I think it a demeaning way to refer to someone - I would certainly see it as somewhat sexist - but pretty funny despite that.

Making excuses for the sexist and highly racist cartoon of Condi as Butterfly McQueen nursing missles--making excuses for the Brown Sugar comment--admitting it is sexist an then saying it's funny anyway... You've lost the right to say anything to anyone about racism, IMO.

This isn't a double entendre--or something that can be taken more than one way. I don'tfind the parrot cartoon offensive-- but in an article BBB brought about Condi, the writer again used the word 'subservient'. They are really after her in a way I haven't.

That is twice you have called me racist, Lash.

I think you are actually only demeaning yourself - but whatever.

I shall leave others to laugh at the sexist thing.
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