msolga wrote:I'll second that!

I'll third it. Why do I feel like I'm in a popularity contest with one of the coolest people in cyberspace?

No contest. I'll conceed in a minute.
For the record, let me first state that I too think Panzade is among the nicest people I've met in cyberspace which is why
his changed behavior towards me saddens me so much. You'll notice it doesn't have the same effect when people I don't like insult me. Let's resconstruct this briefly though, Panz, because it really bothers the hell out of me... that you've let it fester... especially since folks have seen fit to pass judgment, without knowledge of the changes I'm speaking of (and that's not feeling so hot either, thank you

). Perhaps you can remember where your first attack was... but since I forgave it without so much as a response, I lost track of it.
This is the one I'm going to quote from.
Shortly after the election, Bi-Polar Bear wrote:dear panz...youve been trying to be the calm voice of reason so much it's looking forced, that's all.....just vent dude, and get it over with.......I'm about to start a nice digression thread that will return us to the gutter.....all is well...
OCCOM BILL wrote:I respect Panz for trying to be reasonable. Don't worry, though... he's venting too. You must have missed it when he blindsided me this morning. :wink:
I don't remember where, but he had about took my head off for calling John Kerry a scumbag for not conceding the election (it was shortly before he did, when the writing had long since been on the wall.) As if I should even have to explain, after hearing Bush called worse by tons of people, every day before the election... and every day since. I had let it pass that time, because the unprovoked attack was so out of character for someone as cool as Panz. Any way, to this he responds:
panzade wrote:No blind side Bill, your immature gleeful gloating was nauseating. I expected it from Larry and baldimo but not from my pal Bill who taught me the ropes on A2K.
I can't vent over the people speaking out with their vote but I can vent over the loss of kinship with someone that I used to really admire.
OCCOM BILL wrote:You need to check yourself, Panz. I'm well within my rights to slam Kerry for what I perceived as dishonorable denial. Between us, that's nothing but a political distinction. When you turned my political slight on Kerry (not anyone here), into a personal slam on me, you were out of line, not I. Assuming you were just upset, I let it slide, there. Your continued disrespect is disheartening as the kinship and admiration you spoke of is, or at least was, mutual. I think you're a good guy having a bad day, and I hope you prove me right. Regards.
panzade wrote:Sorry Bill, I'm watching you do your spin routine and it saddens me even more.
It's not about Apisa and others calling the candidates names it's about the respect I had for your graciousness and objectivity. It's about the fact that YOU never stooped to their level.
And it's not about joshing each other on the Packers and Redskins...they're inanimate teams not living , breathing human beings.
I guess I must appear a little loony, but when good people let me down, I have to respond. In time I'm sure it will all blow by.
Now, before I read this, I had noticed that Panzade was trashing me for calling Kerry
on a thread that I wasn't even posting on (much nicer read, and conclusion though :wink: ) so it upset me even more. Keep in mind, none of us really got enough sleep that night. Anyway:
OCCOM BILL wrote:Sorry Kicky... last one, I promise.
panzade wrote: Sorry Bill, I'm watching you do your spin routine and it saddens me even more.
Fresh insults are a sorry substitute for the apology you owe me.
panzade wrote: It's not about Apisa and others calling the candidates names it's about the respect I had for your graciousness and objectivity. It's about the fact that YOU never stooped to their level.
I'm flattered that you would put me in a special class of people Panzade. I feel the same way about you... but that doesn't give you some special right to come down extra hard on me when I don't live up to the elevated standards you've set for me. Be surprised, even disappointed, that I emitted a stronger negative reaction than normal if you like. But don't you dare suggest I have to live up to some higher standard than Frank or anyone else around here to suit you.
Then you drag my name through the dirt on another thread as an example of distastefulness... because I failed to live up to your standard? You've got some nerve, but less of a sense of fair play then I had previously given you credit for if you can't see the error, hell the irony, in that play.
panzade wrote:I guess I must appear a little loony, but when good people let me down, I have to respond. In time I'm sure it will all blow by.
(Shakes head sadly). Did you ever see the episode of M.A.S.H. where Hawkeye tells Radar to go to hell for telling him that he didn't live up to his elevated standard? Did you think he was right or wrong to do so?
Truthfully Panzade, I think you are uncommonly cool. But, if this is how you treat your friends, I'll look forward to being better strangers.
This was the last time I heard from Panzade before his fresh round of insults and request for pilers-on on this thread.
I think he's a hell of guy too. One of my favorite people I've met in cyberspace but I'm pretty sick of this BS. You still owe me the apology Panz... but I'd like it even better if you just forgot about it. Lots of cyber relationships got strained late last month and early this month. It's time to get over it. I'll continue to think you're uncommonly cool and I don't really mind if you hate me but do me a favor and don't snipe at me as if I had wronged you in some way. I never have... and outside of responding to BS like this, I probably never will.
Okay, now I concede. I could never be half as friendly and caring as Panzade usually is naturally. <shrugs>