Times and the Independent were both granted an audience with Jacques Chirac in Paris yesterday. To the Independent, the French president was at his most charming. But the Times and the Sun report that he delivered a "sneering" verdict on Tony Blair's attempts to reconcile the US and the EU.
"Tony Blair and I have never quarrelled over Iraq," the Independent reports Mr Chirac as saying. "We have quarrelled only once, and that was about agriculture." They were "both tired" at the end of a long EU summit, he explained. "It was soon forgotten."
"I walk in to [No 10]. I ask 'How is Leo?' The estimable Leo is sent for and he is shown to me. He says 'Bonjour M. Le President' and 'Bonjour, M. Chirac'."
"In French?"
"Yes, in French. Then we sit down and have an excellent meal."
Can this be the same man who, the Sun says on page two, "sneered" at Mr Blair's attempt in a speech last night to "rebuild bridges" between the US and the EU? It may be that the Sun intends to resurrect its "Chirac est un ver" campaign for the president's visit to Britain later this week.
Mr Chirac told the Times that Britain appeared to have gained nothing from its support for George Bush. "I'm not sure if it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favours systematically," he said.
Ignore the intellectuals - Blair and I get on fine, insists Chirac
Btw: Chirac is on visit in London, one of the major events marking the 100th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, the 1904 diplomatic deal that ended Anglo-French imperial rivalry and heralded an era of warmer ties between London and Paris.