Baldimo wrote:
Elected as in the way Saddam was "elected"?
Do you want me to be president?
A no vote means you die and there will be no "no" votes.
Your knowledge of French election(s) is surprisinly "great" - considering how many candidates there were in the last election in the USA and in the last French presidential elections (although: both times the conservative won

Nah, he's referring to the Palestine elections in which Arafat was elected.
Not that they were of the kind he describes either.
There are 2 distinct things at issue here people.
1. It's fun to deride the French. I do so regularly. Chirac is a snobby bastard that asks for all he gets.
2. Arafat was a ruthless killer who murdered Olympic Athletes for crying out sideways. Honoring that piece of sh!t would be a bit out of whack even for the Frogs. You guys must really like piling on to Republicans to argue on behalf of that fiend.
Sozobe, the Nobel isn't what it once was. Kim Dae Jung bought one by illegally bribing Kim Jong Il with money that in all likelihood was used to develop the weapons that are pointing at him now. If memory serves, someone threw themselves out a window when that sh!t hit the fan.
Five hours after BPB's post, and I haven't bothered to read all the posts(actually, I only read the Bear post), and I still dislike the french...
Nemmind how the they wanna treat the memory of an ex-Nobel Peace Price Winner, or ex-terrorist, I never liked him, nor the french. Don't ask me to explain, cuz I wont.
Embarrassing; not knowing as a swede how to spell Nobel.... my edit
Three frenchmen arrive home to discover one of their wives passed out on the sofa, legs wide open with a stream of bloo trickling from her vagina down her thigh!!!
"Oh!"says the first frenchmen,"Zis looks like zee menstrual blood"!
The second frenchmen leans over and smells her crotch and exclaims "Sacre Bleu! Zis smells like zee menstrual blood"!!
The third goes down on her for a minute, comes back up and declares "Mon Dieu!! Zis tastes like and is zee menstrual blood! Zank God we did not f*#k her"!!
McG, Baldimo, rent a U-boat or a stealth bomber and just annihilate those wine-loving bastards already. It would give you both something to do besides ranting. I personally don't care about the French, so go on, be done with them already.
I suspect there are a few others who would be happy to join that ship of fools...
That's it Cav. lets turn France into a parking lot. We could then use it as are-fueling base while bombing the entire middle east.
D'artagnan wrote:I suspect there are a few others who would be happy to join that ship of fools...
I see a Disney version of the journey already "Le Con Tiki"...
dyslexia wrote:That's it Cav. lets turn France into a parking lot. We could then use it as are-fueling base while bombing the entire middle east.
Yes, and let's put in a duty free shop that only sells Pabst Blue Ribbon and baked beans. That should result in enough gas to bomb everyone. The neat trick there is that nobody ever does a cavity search at customs for chemical weapons of mass combustion.
dyslexia wrote:Tis my understand that Rue Morgue will be renamed Bush Street.
That was very funny, dys.
cavfancier wrote:McG, Baldimo, rent a U-boat or a stealth bomber and just annihilate those wine-loving bastards already. It would give you both something to do besides ranting. I personally don't care about the French, so go on, be done with them already.

If we did that, we would only have Canadians left to make fun of. :wink:
McGentrix wrote:cavfancier wrote:McG, Baldimo, rent a U-boat or a stealth bomber and just annihilate those wine-loving bastards already. It would give you both something to do besides ranting. I personally don't care about the French, so go on, be done with them already.

If we did that, we would only have Canadians left to make fun of. :wink:
There's always the Dutch. :wink:
Be sure and fill that boat up with wine before returning! I'm no big fan of the French, but somehow they consistently make the best wine for long-term storage.
Yer closer to California Bill. Stock up on Caymus Cab reserve.
or better yet, check out the canadian stocks, delish.
I told you I'd call if I ever make it up that way, darlin. :wink:
Caymus looks good, Cav, but too pricey. I'm talking cheap! A couple years ago, Chateau Parenchere released a Bordeaux you wouldn't believe for around $150
a case! I'm thinking 94, 95 or 96...(not sure on dates, but it was good, good, incredible and then one year it just stopped being good). Any decent liquor store can turn you on to a tasty Italian in that range but they'll never keep. Perhaps I'm prejudice, but I've never tasted a Cali wine that was keepable, promised to improve and was cheap! On the other hand, 2 years is usually as long as I can stand to hold them anyway.
OCCOM BILL wrote:I told you I'd call if I ever make it up that way, darlin. :wink:
Caymus looks good, Cav, but too pricey. I'm talking cheap! A couple years ago, Chateau Parenchere released a Bordeaux you wouldn't believe for around $150
a case! I'm thinking 94, 95 or 96...(not sure on dates, but it was good, good, incredible and then one year it just stopped being good). Any decent liquor store can turn you on to a tasty Italian in that range but they'll never keep. Perhaps I'm prejudice, but I've never tasted a Cali wine that was keepable, promised to improve and was cheap! On the other hand, 2 years is usually as long as I can stand to hold them anyway.

Bill, I always thought you were in support of American capitalism. I have a client who stocks up on Caymus, and other high-priced Cali Cabs, and every time they hire us, they regret drinking their high-priced stash.

Do you buy Bordeaux futures?
Futures? Nope. I'd sooner take my 401 to Vegas. To be honest; I didn't know there was such thing as Bordeaux-futures. Trying to hang on the expensive ones is murder.
I think you'll find Silver Oak is even better than Caymus. If you want to pay less try Jordan, or less still Franciscan. All are as good as the best French Bordeaux wines.
The French are very agreeable people - a bit testy, convinced that theirs is the core culture of the Western World, and that everyone should speak as they do ---- all just like Americans. I have long felt that, though we are far better friends with the British, the French are more like Americans than any other Europeans,
France, the political system, the government and its long term behavior are another matter. France is a country that spent more lives and treasure in attempting to reconquer its colonial empire in Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, and Indochina after WWII, than it did defending its own territory during WWII. The French sat out WWII and cooperated nicely with the Nazis until it appeared they would lose. They turned their Jews over to the Nazis withiout resistance. We took a couple of thousand casualties fighting the French during operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa. Later we allowed an American-equipped Free French division to take Paris (against only token German resistance). After the end of hostilities we found it useful to pretend France was our ally during the war, and give them a zone of occupation in Germany and a seat on the UN Security Council. We did this in an attempt to prevent the French Communist Party fron Taking over. Twelve years later, at the height of the Cold War, the French withdrew from the NATO military alliance and summarily kicked all NATO. forces out of France.
The French people are OK but their nation is not ,and never has been, our friend.