How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2004 09:39 am
"this thread"

That thread-bunch of little lads playing at it.Not a clue what a real woman wants.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2004 09:50 am
The Vancouver guy will be around soon enough, I think.

I should start a thread entitled, "Thick Skins Required.........that's no ordinary rabbit."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 07:47 am

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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 07:55 am
LOL yes, bacon
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 07:58 am
I feel all inhibited.

Anybody know a quick helminthagogue?

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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 08:28 am
Gee whiz, spendius........what does feeling inhibited have to do with parasitic worms?

Answering a question with a question........sorry. It's a habit that's hard to break.

How about a nice cup of wine and a little smoke?

Or what if I say I'm sorry.......an inhibited spendius would be bad news if it lasted too long or interrupted the flow.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 08:42 am
How about a bottle or two and a preposterous smoke?

May I remind you that the Dark Queen of Manhattan never says sorry.Not ever.And especially never to altar boys.

That's pecisely a flow interrupter.

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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 09:09 am
the Dark Queen of Manhattan never says sorry.Not ever.And especially never to altar boys.

I'll keep it in mind........no interruptions
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 10:15 am
For homework this evening I've dug out Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis.Its the least I can do.
Sodding pub quiz tonight.I hate quizes.They are so demeaning.It is a bit interesting though watching the non regulars who come specially for it humiliating themselves with self satisfied smirks on their fissogs when Pavlov's plonker lights a section of their brain up randomly.
I'm clocked out.

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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 11:14 am
Much better to spend your time on The Mind in Conflict......Charles Brenner. Introductory lectures are easy to read and historically informative, but if you want to know something about contemporary Freudian psychoanalysis, Brenner is the source. Brenner writes with a minimum of words making understanding of his ideas easy.

quizes, yes........I hate them too. Twenty years or so ago, I audited some English lit courses at the local university. I hated test day. No class discussion to entertain me. I was on my own.......tests, in my opinion, are for literal minds attempting to quantify the unquantifiable.

I envy you your pub. Scopophilic fun is especially enjoyable when humiliation is involved.

. . . It is usual for most normal people to linger to some extent over the intermediate aim of looking that has a sexual tinge to it; indeed, this offers them a possibility of directing some proportion of their libido on to higher artistic aims. . .

Sigmund Freud, "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality," 1905

note: I'll be away tomorrow.....returning sometime on the week end. See you soon.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 08:19 am
Why would a mind not in conflict read Mind In Conflict.I was only checking Freud out to refresh.
I'm a materialist.Sometimes I go behaviorist but only for scopping.
What about initiation tests.Entrance tests.Tests are okay when focussed,disciplined and directed surely?
Not to be confused with pub quizzes which are none of these.You set tests Lola.I know you do.You are supposed to raise the bar otherwise you don't proceed to greater glories.All women who have the choice,such as Poppea Sabina or Messalina,would not countenance anything else.Madame de Pompadour had a pretty free hand for a time.We had to bring in the democratic process to tame 'em.

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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 12:27 am
Confused :wink:

See how much in conflict a mind can be? How's spendius?
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 07:30 am
spendius remains roughly upright on the surface of the planet.What joy.One awaits "a plaintful story from a sistering vale," with thrumming anticipation of the casted shadow.

Could not the "unconscious" be but the hidden deviousness of the mind.Resistance analysis then being the torture that rather than raising hidden contents to the surface extracts a confession.Is it possible then to psychoanalyse a bureaucracy.

There is a potential diagnostic tool in A Lover's Complaint.

"His browny locks did hang in crooked curls,
And every light occasion of the wind
Upon his lips their silken parcels hurls.
What's sweet to do,to do will aptly find:
Each eye that saw him did enchant the mind:
For on his visage was in little drawn
What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn."

If such an apparition was irresistable to the maid what happens to those maids dealing with a lesser grace.Do they compromise.Make a deal as Dylan has it.And how does that play out in much use.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 12:29 pm
Hi Spendius,

Happy to find you upright.

'O, that infected moisture of his eye,
O, that false fire which in his cheek so glow'd,
O, that forced thunder from his heart did fly,
O, that sad breath his spongy lungs bestow'd,
O, all that borrow'd motion seeming ow'd,
Would yet again betray the fore-betray'd,
And new pervert a reconciled maid!'

Have you seen the current version of Alfie?

Tests, yes.....well, tests in the classroom are perhaps a necessary evil......but I think not. And I question the validity of any test with a score in numbers. Evaluations are another matter and are not only inevitable but ubiquitous. Like and being as a compromise formation, if you please.

Could not the "unconscious" be but the hidden deviousness of the mind.Resistance analysis then being the torture that rather than raising hidden contents to the surface extracts a confession.

For an answer to this question, I refer you back again to this:

Surmising 'neath the Tum tum tree
My mind alights on uber-ich
Me thinks tis of religion born
A peace disposed to morbific

Of id, id, id and ego born
Of id and ego I remain
As I go down, as down I will
Pray not my mind to arraign

Of diabolical intercourse
With Incubi and baldersnatch
Give me the Jabberwock tonight
The underground we'll unlatch

Wellbutrin, Viagra, Stellizine
Effexor, Xanax, Billabong
From silthy toves and gimbled wabe
Which of these does not belong?

words such as devious, torture and confession are but value judgements. helpful in their own right only as a measure of how well a thing works. As to the rest of that question, "could not the unconscious be but the hiddenness of the mind?"

yes, I think so.

Can a bureaucracy be analyzed? Maybe.

Do they compromise.Make a deal as Dylan has it.And how does that play out in much use.

Everything is compromise, the question remains, not [to compromise or not to compromise], but rather a question of function. I've made a deal......I think it's a good one, works for me anyway. How does it play out in much use? The proof will be in the pudding.

Thanks to spendius for the editing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 06:06 am
Hello Lola,

Just one tiny little error.It is "ow'd" not "owed".I know that's a bit pickety but still.(Edit).

I have not seen the Alfie.I didn't much care for the original.The cheapskate Lothario is not a role model for me.Its a cheapskate movie as well.It cost a mere 500,000 dollars to make which doesn't even count as movie making.And I detest the cockney accent.Caine couldn't act his way out of a toffee paper.I thought it embarrassing.Its reputation hangs on its "daring" use of language which to an ex-military was aimed at the tea-cosy set.

I wasn't actually referring to classrooms.

"Devious","torture" and "confession" as value judgements??I'm not so sure.False confession maybe.Is there a difference between tests and evaluations.There might be value judgements there.One presumes you test/evaluate your male friends according to criteria of your choosing.And act on the information derived.

Your cute verse is certainly a confession.It also represents a challenge.A test maybe.A run it up the flagpole and see who salutes job.Like black stockings.

Not everything is compromise.Look at the martyrs.
Look at Jesus."Everything" is somewhat cynical to put it mildly.

"You said you'd never compromise
With the mystery tramp,but now you realise
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And ask him do you want to make a deal?"

Punctuation and wording from Lyrics 1962-1985.Its not usually performed quite like that.

You are a materialist too Lola.Utility is all.Take care with the pudding.It might have some hard lumps in it on which teeth can get chipped

What about my dream?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 08:35 am
Lola.Oh Lola.Where ar't thou Lola?

I'm having to read some of these other threads.OhLolalola.

Where's blatham?


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Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 10:27 am
I'm here, just a bit late again. But I suppose you've gone on your way.........back later.
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Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 01:55 pm
"Devious","torture" and "confession" as value judgements??I'm not so sure.False confession maybe . . .

Value judgements, yes.......well, for "devious," the first two definitions of the word are not value judgements:

2 a : WANDERING, ROUNDABOUT <a devious path> b : moving without a fixed course : ERRANT <devious breezes>

However, in the most common use of the word, definition 3 applies, I believe.

3 a : deviating from a right, accepted, or common course b : not straightforward : CUNNING; also : DECEPTIVE

and "confession" ....... yes, the connotation, is the confession of a sin, indicating guilt of a wrong thought or act. For a definition of compromise formation, see Brenner. Freud coined the term, but Brenner has developed the idea into a useful concept. The idea being that contents of the unconscious have nothing to do with sins or saints. It has to do with wishes, like them or not.

The concept of right and wrong, good and evil is a function of [what has until very recently been known as] the superego. While the superego is not a place in the mind, as in a noun, it is an action, itself composing a compromise formation, as a verb. Superego is the value judgement, developed within the first 5 or 6 years of life, based on a perception of the young child of whether an action or wish pleases or displeases a parent.

As to false confessions.........there is no negative in the unconscious. Just as parody is about the subject. So that, "Not the Bible" is about the Bible. In the unconscious, everything is true, the question is, what is it true about? Whether a wish should exist or not is not a true or false question. It is, instead, an idea, developed in early life, based on experience with parents or other important figures in the child's life.

Torture.......I agree, less value judgement there. Whether one experiences torture or not is based on a feeling or sensation of unpleasure. Defense interpretations can be experienced as painful.......but they can also be experienced as a new freedom and that generally feels good. Torture does, however indicate a motive on the part of the torturer. The motive is to do harm, I believe. So in that sense, it's a value judgement as well.

Whether everything is compromise (formation) has nothing to do with cynicism. It is rather an empirical observation. Sorry if I'm getting too technical. It's my view of the world......it works for me better than anything else I've found.

I know that the more general understanding of the word "compromise" is one in which the compromiser is giving up a personal value or principle.......(as in "family values") in order to gain a desired result. But I was making a play on the word compromise from the psychoanalytic meaning. Too technical, perhaps.

And yes, I evaluate based on my own idea of the best way to get what I want without ruining it for myself. (what works for me.) It's a skill and some compromise formations work better than others. It's all about gratification and defense, while avoiding guilt and fear of punishment. That's the way I think of it.

My cute little poem is a revelation but not a confession. And yes, it is up the flagpole.

You are a materialist too Lola.Utility is all.Take care with the pudding.It might have some hard lumps in it on which teeth can get chipped

So then, after all this, we agree. Utility is all and the lumps are just as much a part of the pudding as is the sugar and spice.

What about my dream?

Yes, what about it? I'm waiting for your associations, deary, then we can get on with it.
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Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 02:25 pm
(poke head in door) Sorry, busy honing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 08:40 am
Praise to Aton...
Who makes the chick speak within its shell.

0 Replies

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