How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 09:57 am
A few minor glitches here.I am reorienting into my altar-boy mode after a brief period of necessary bastard exec.scenario.

Hello Lola-

That's the most tortuous and devious confession of
submission to male logic I have seen in a long time.I was using confession in a psychoanalytical sense of exposure of a hidden state of mind.No guilt was implied.The hidden state may easily be a strategy which is not deviating from any accepted path.An example is a lady who is pretending to be the acme of respectability whilst harbouring secretly what might be termed in the interests of brevity a "dirty mind".The administering of doses of alcohols is sometimes quite as effective as analysis in illuminating these dark areas of the mind
providing they are remembered.Often more so.And much cheaper too.Especially with moonshine.

There is an implicit assumption contained in your description of the superego.It is that the child has an interest in pleasing the goofers who engineered it into existence.I certainly have no recollection of any betrayals of such a nature in my past and this is where Freudians have us.That's why they shoot for the infancy.Nobody can prove them wrong.But it is reasonable to assume that when no memory of any attempt to please the goofers exists there is likely never to have been any previous perversion of such a despicable nature.Goofers have a bounden duty to please the infant.Fancy bringing infants into the world,to suffer the slings and arrows etc,and thinking otherwise.That's value judgement.And its inherited too but not genetically.
Selfishly more like.Or under a biological imperitive similar to rabbits.Children are not tools and if goofers reject being tools themselves they should desist from procreation.Like The Pope.What is often referred to as "bad" behaviour is simply a process of learning.Maybe things are different in urban settings but in wildernesses there's no call for a superego and on leaving the wilderness behind on maturity one does unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I used "torture" in the sense of an analyst making the coucho squirm in embarrassment.
Now-"compromise".If a value is given up in order to achieve a desired result then the desired result must have more value than the value surrendered. Such as when one buys drinks for ladies to consume.Its not all that technical.
I still think your lovely poem is a confession.That is what renders it lovely.A revelation,to a scientist,has a general application,a confession is individual.We already know you have a tum tum;the confession applies to your particular attitude to it.I will forbear Reich's terminology.

My dream then.What's an association?

Re-blatham-what's "honing"?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 12:13 pm
The hidden state may easily be a strategy which is not deviating from any accepted path.

Yes, now you've got it. Strategy is compromise formation. It's a method.

An example is a lady who is pretending to be the acme of respectability whilst harbouring secretly what might be termed in the interests of brevity a "dirty mind".

Excellent example. How secret the "dirty mind" is to others or to herself depends upon her strategy. Strategies can be more of less conscious and sometimes totally unconscious.

There is an implicit assumption contained in your description of the superego.It is that the child has an interest in pleasing the goofers who engineered it into existence.I certainly have no recollection of any betrayals of such a nature in my past and this is where Freudians have us. That's why they shoot for the infancy.Nobody can prove them wrong.

It is a bit complicated, but here is a portion of an interview with Joseph LeDoux. LeDoux is a faculty member and researcher at the New York University Center for Neural Research. He and his colleagues have some interesting findings. New technologies are improving our ability to theorize about how the brain/mind works.

JB: What's the difference between an emotional and a cognitive memory?

LEDOUX: By cognitive memory I'm going to assume you mean explicit conscious memory, the kind of memory we usually have in mind when we use the word memory in everyday speech. Emotional memory and explicit memory happen at the same time, but separately. For example, the amygdala mediates emotional memory and the temporal lobe memory system mediates explicit memory.

Here's an example. Imagine driving down the road and having an accident. You hit your head on the steering wheel and the horn gets stuck on. You're bleeding and in pain. It's awful. Sometime later, you hear the sound of a horn. The sound goes to your amygdala and activates your autonomic nervous system (raising your blood pressure and heart rate, making you sweat), tenses your body muscles, releases stress hormones into your blood, and so on. The sound also goes to the temporal lobe system and reminds you of the accident, of who you were with and where you were going. It also reminds you that it was awful. But these are all just facts about the situation. They are memories of the emotional experience rather than emotional memories. In general, one difference between emotional and cognitive processing is that emotional processing often leads to bodily responses, whereas cognitive processing leads to more cognitive processing. Cognitions are seldom characterized by specific kinds of responses, but emotions usually are. It's important that we understand as much as we can about the biology of these systems.

Many people have problems with their emotional memories; psychologists' offices are filled with people who are basically trying to take care of and alter emotional memories, get rid of them, hold them in check. If anything, emotional memory is more basic than explicit conscious memory. For example, it takes place at an earlier age. It's conceivable, and in fact seems very likely, that a child could be abused very early in life and develop unconscious emotional memories through the amygdala prior to the point where the temporal lobe memory system has kicked in. If that's true then emotional memories are being formed for things that will never be consciously understood, because the system that mediates conscious memory isn't available to encode the experience and can therefore never retrieve it.


Goofers and infants need each other.....if all goes well. And as you say, goofers who reject being tools themselves should desist from procreation. But they so often don't. That's the unfortunate thing. But infants are dependent on goofers, however goofy they may be, so the eagerness to please is a survival mechanism.

And of course, something LeDoux doesn't make clear in the above quotation.....abusive experiences (in this case, LeDoux is specifically studying fear) are not the only emotions recorded by emotion. Good feelings are no exception to the rule. Pleasurable unconscious feelings as well as unpleasureable ones are recorded in early infancy through the amygdala. Optimally, the pleasant ones are the rule......but we're not all so fortunate as that. Emotions rule our associations. That is, one thought follows the other based on emotional memory.

What is often referred to as "bad" behaviour is simply a process of learning.

No argument here. But on the Lord of the Flies question, I don't agree. Conscience is necessary if people are to live together on one planet, as we must.........conscience works best when it's not overly dependent on guilt and punishment. Gratification is a necessary component of any successful strategy. I don't call it selfishness, I just call it getting what I want. But of course, gratification can't be all because we can't have everything we want........that is, our wants often conflict and interfere with gratification of one wish or the other.

I used "torture" in the sense of an analyst making the coucho squirm in embarrassment.

But where does the embarrassment come from? We're back to chicken consciousness.

".If a value is given up in order to achieve a desired result then the desired result must have more value than the value surrendered.

Yes, that's what I meant when I said, everything is true, the question is, what is it true about. It all comes back to wishes. What would be better than keeping your own money and letting the lady get her own drink, or getting it paid for by some other man at the bar? I won't give the obvious answer to my own question.

And from a lady's perspective, why would she feign dependency or submission (allowing the gent to buy her a drink, rather than paying for it herself) unless she was getting what she wanted too. Fun fun fun. The rewards are out there and I intend to get as many of them as I can before I'm gone away. This is where strategy comes into play.

And now to your associations. (Associations are the next thought that comes to your mind without editing.) Of course no one can do that without sooner or later (usually sooner) coming upon a thought one doesn't want to think about. And that's how strategy is investigated. The wishes are obvious, although not everyone agrees. But this is the foundation of Freudian theory. And Freudian theory has infiltrated present day society, just like Shakespeare's assumptions. People take certain Freudian or Shakepearian ideas for granted, often without attribution. The wishes are basic. Sex and aggression. It's the strategy that makes us all uniquely who we are.

So there, alter boy! Take that, you naughty naughty man.

But aren't we letting the CPD off the hook with all this talk of psychic mechinisms?

P.S. "Honing"...to sharpen, make acute, to (not to put too fine a point on it) make pointed; to practice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:19 am

"Conscience is necessary if people are to live together ".

Do you mean live together in the sense of how you live in your Manhattan loft?Where conscience is mightily convenient.There are many real instances of conscience absence and many depictions in literature and film and the people still live together.Albeit disagreeably.I feel editing in "agreeably" between live and together would be best.Conscience seems to me to be something of a luxury.It is dealt with in 1984 but I don't recommend that particular book to ladies.

If Ledoux had taken fear of spiders as his starting point rather than a motor accident he could have produced a more interesting argument.
Can you supply an example of an unconscious strategy.That seems to my untrained mind (?) to be a paradox.Would it not be a reflex?

Infants don't need goofers.Goofers are parents.Its a subtle subject and very long winded.Our ex-Home Secretary has been wrestling with it for a while to his great cost.He actually thinks his son needs him.What arrogance.Anybody would think his mother was going to expose the lad on a hilltop if Blunkett doesn't ride to the rescue.He could drop dead tomorrow.All he did was empty his bins and that's hardly a great sacrifice.
I'd hate to have grown up feeling needed as if I was a toy or something.
Misguided procreation is only unfortunate in the abstract.Without it who would man or woman the "service" industries.Veblen said that illegitimacy was the triumph of the hormones over the proprietries and Mailer picked the point up somewhere.

What does "overly dependent" mean?

Its interesting this-"I don't call it selfishness.I call it getting what I want."
That's pretty tortuous.Does the word "selfishness" raise your blood pressure and heart rate and make you sweat?We can get close to having everything we want providing we don't want too much.A book of verse,a flask of wine and Thou beside me singing in the wilderness and Lo! the wilderness is paradise enow.You can watch the conflicts at war in women's feechewer journalism(sic).

Embarrassment comes from being found out.An analysts job.Lancaster sensed he was being found out."Shoot to kill" he said.

Chicken consciousness is a specific mental state.It is covered in a book called CLUCK by Jon-Stephen Fink and Mieke van der Linden ISBN 907080
15 4.It is quite interesting though it may well be an elaborate teleology,like a lot of things.

It would be a lapse in etiquette to allow a lady to buy her own drinks which I feel sure she would take notice of.Stendahl said that The Book of Etiquette was the most important book of his time.I bet you haven't read D'Lamour.I'll avoid the "fun,fun,fun strategy for now.

There is such a thing as ease of the bone.See Twain,Jerome,WC Fields and many others.Sex and agression do not exhaust the gratifications.

My associations?I don't know.I haven't any.I,ve no subconscious.I associated the black imp with that and the big cat with self knowledge I suppose.Why a cat and not a dog or a monster.No idea.Maybe I fed the cat before going to bed.It was a female cat.Maybe I equated the mentality of a big fat cat with the mentality of the English Rose I mentioned.Something to do,possibly,with Miller's remark about the woman without the slightest spark of decency.It took place on a stage.In public that is,all lit up.

I know I am unique in a pedantic way but I certainly don't feel it.

We might not be letting the CPD off you know.They'll read it all when they get onto us.Patience and perseverence are the watchwords.I'm gathering evidence of their incompetance as paid guiders of thinking.

Thank you for the chastisement Madame-


Where are our cohorts?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 12:36 pm
Our cohorts are either lurking (not likely) or they've gone off to other threads to play. As for Blatham........I don't know what's up with him. Sometimes his ways are inexplicable.

agreeably, yes, that would make my meaning clearer. 1984 I read when I was a young 16 y. o. in high school.....it's been one of my favorite books, just under Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye ever since.

I'll leave LeDoux, fear/anxiety, implicit relational knowing and unconscious strategy for later.......but most strategies are unconscious......no need to think consciously about it all the time.

Embarrassment about being found out? What are you up to? I want what I want and my embarrassment is not likely to follow the exposure of my wishes, conflicting as they are. How I go about satisfying myself is another matter. Embarrassment does follow a revelation of unfair (less than optimal) technique.

I never asked anyone to die for my sins.....I don't think I've done anything all that bad that someone should have to die for it. So, then my question....which came first the embarrassment or the idea that spawns it?

I've never been successful at wanting only what I can have.....I want it all regardless of how much I can have but I know I can have more if I'm clever..........how much remains to be seen. I'm working on it.

That English Rose Cat incident dream........was it unpleasant for you? I need more information about your feeling state. But the picture is coming together. Cats with too much power can be dangerous when consciousness is associated with original sin and all (re: the your opinion about the meaning of the Miller quote).

Infants do need parents......what's a baby to do, go out and get a job and feed itself? I don't think so. It's the original helplessness of man that is the issue.....not original sin.

And it would be a lapse in etiquette for a lady to refuse the offer of a drink, but that still doesn't address the question of motivation.

Overly dependent means avoiding a fair share of the work and expecting more than a fair share (50/50) of the goodies. You know what over dependent means, don't you? Were you correcting my grammar or are you really claiming ignorance on this point?

You're welcome for the spanking.......the same to you, dear.
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Reply Fri 17 Dec, 2004 08:38 am

I was meditating on your Avie and Hughes sprang into mind as if by magic.

"......he is,so to speak,(Othello),suspended awhile within the dark underparts of the undifferentiated total love of the Goddess,in the idyllic dawn of the myth (like Anthony and Cleopatra).His blackness,in other words, is his identification with Persephone,the Queen of Hell.It is a magnificent primal blackness while it is benign,before the Puritan world has touched it." (p 230).

What hoh!sailor.That little lot should interest a Freudian.And there's much more in similar vein.I can imagine Hughes shouting the end bit into the rafters with his arms upheld and shaking.Maybe he had a tape running.

Maybe that's why my imp was black.No-the dream was quite neutral.The pleasure came on waking.I have thought that I might be the imp and the cat the Inland Revenue.Do you think it might have been my pride which the Rose was shredding.I was taught by priests for six years from 11 on.(No they didn't-they kicked us)Maybe the imp represented the priesthood.Could that mean that there's a connection between original sin and subconscious.
The cat thus being Hughes's Dark Goddess.

I read Catcher again recently.It is a beautiful book.
I hate 1984.So black.
Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class will help you want less to the point of being able to have all you want in the material sense.It did me anyway.

The problem with "fair shares" is the dependence,oh so often, on assertions.A guy in the pub last night was telling me how hard he worked for his degree.I laughed at him with scorn.He didn't understand that he'd been insulting my intelligence.
I bet he would have been embarrassed if I had a chance to see his answer papers.Everybody seems to be a socialist at work and a capitalist elsewhere.
Watch a socialist bargain hunting.What a sorry spectacle.
You will love the Hughes I feel sure.Get you on the mythic plane where psychology as a science belongs.That might not be the case in therapy though which is about management of disorder I think.You will certainly want to look Shakespeare over again.And some other things too.His poems.
Where is there a woman I can shoot a quote from Lovers Complaint at and get one straight back.Only in Manhattan.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 12:52 am
Black rose goddesses who misuse undifferentiated love in the public light should never be trusted again. Sin is unrelated.

I'm travelling tomorrow and must get some sleep.
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Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 05:32 am

Sleep tight.

See you Monday-I hope.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 08:35 am
It's the Christmas holidays......ugh! But still....I know I'll get into it once I get there. See you soon.
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Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 09:12 am
Lola-a Kwissmass message.

Would you say you contributed to the 50/50 share of the "work".How would you define "work"I'll bet money subjectively.

Would you say you only recieved a 50/50 share of the goodies?

The gleaning so far suggest 90/10 at least.Lucky you.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 10:16 am
If a subjective judgement of 50/50 is shared by both parties involved, does that work for you? I'd say I do my half pretty well with everyone I know, except of course for my kids......in that case, I do all the work.

I do get lots of goodies, but since some benefits are shared, it's hard to say a percentage compared to the other.

But you think I take up more than my share.....hummm, I wonder how you got that idea.

Merry Kwissmass to Spendius as well.
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Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 10:42 am

Apologies for absence, but have been hoarding my intellect for some likely future where there will be feet-kissing worship and countless sexual favors on offer.
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Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 05:12 am
Major General-

You don't need intellect on here.

I don't recommend the feet kissing.Its really tiring,not much appreciated,time consuming and gets you nowhere.You can also wear the knees outa your pants.
You didn't go to Cambridge by any chance.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 11:18 pm
Feet kissing is a sacred art form practiced in my household. It gets a man everywhere. And the pants are protected from wear since no pants are allowed.

Merry Christmas, spendius........
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 04:37 am
What's "everywhere"?

Does that include the CPD?Even unto the uttermost ends of the world?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 09:58 am
Hi spendius,

Everywhere......you know.

But no it doesn't include the CPD. Only the men in my household get everywhere from feet kissing. Or at least I should clarify.......kissing my pleasant, kissable, little feet.

Feet kissing is an art form I enjoy myself from time to time. It's fun and not at all wearing on the knees.

How are you this week? I've been rushing around buying presents for my family and friends. I don't want to be caught empty handed on the big day.

I'll be happy when it's all done and we can get on with life. But for now, this is fun too, I must admit. So I haven't had much time for thinking about the CPD problem. I hope it's not going to get completely out of hand before we have the time to get back to it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 10:18 am
No Lola-

It won't get out of hand.

I tend towards the view that shopping is popular because it provides opportunities for consumers to be obsequiously addressed by salespersons.I guess it is because they don't earn the right to be so addressed in any other way.

It does nothing for me I'm sorry to say.I sometimes wish it did but only very very rarely like when the moon is blue.

The CPD isn't a problem for me.Its a problem for those who need the money which is spent on it.

And a happy new year when it gets here.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 10:44 am
I do love the numerous compliments from sales people. I often wonder if they think it's not an obvious sales technique. It is ubiquitous. Still sales does keep the economy going and that's a good thing. I like stuff, although I've been known to over do it a bit. I'm trying to learn humility. But I'm not very humble in my need for it.....so maybe I'm defeating myself.

What little rats we all are.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 07:01 am

Women are the same the world over-that's a quote from Rider Haggard,It is especially true concerning compliments.Not only do they know it is an obvious sales technique but they are trained up in the deployment of it.I have personally witnessed sales persons V-signing customers as soon as their back is turned.They have nothing but contempt for customers.It has a cost.After years at it they can end up with a rigidity of the facial muscles in what might be termed "smile rictus" mode.When you try on a hat,say,and ask them how it looks they will offer you the most cloying dross known to woman while thinking to themselves-"aroint thee thou rump-fed roynon".(Those who have read Macbeth).
It isn't strictly true that sales keep the economy going.That's only true when the economy is defined in such a way that entails the customer being nothing but a way-station between production units and waste disposal operations.In the event that such an economy does cause the ice-caps to melt
Manhattan will be in the front line of a water based economy.In which case it wouldn't be a good thing except for investors in the Catskills.
I can't say that I'm altogether surprised to find that you have sometimes been known "to overdo it a bit"
I reckon a year's retreat in a French nunnery would do you a power of good.

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Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2004 10:12 am
I gotta go-other pleasures are howling after me.

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Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2004 07:43 pm
spendius has pleasures.......oh goody. What are they, pray?

And your provocations about women won't work with me. I agree with you. We love a good compliment, genuine or not. But I never buy based on the salesperson's advise.....you can end up with some nasty stuff that way. Oh did you mean I wondered if their compliments were genuine? I meant I often wonder if they think their compliments are not obviously a sales technique. Because it certainly seems obvious to me and many others I know. Still it seems to work......figure on that one.

And I never throw my stuff away. I buy good stuff and pass it down. But I agree, I'm worried about Manhattan in the case of the big thaw........worry worry worry.

Or better yet, I think I'll work all the harder to unseat the fool on the hill......

I hope your pleasure was a good one. I'm having mine soon as well.
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