How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 08:52 am

My primary conditioning (positive) did have a large quantity of Barbara Stanwyk,Rita Hayworth and Doris Day and that set me on the right road.

Dylan refers somewhere to father figures.It is either in Brownsville Girl or in chat about it.Some of those Hollywood guys set many a young lad on the upward path when their real father couldn't for one reason or another.(Not a criticism).

And my mother told me that America kept us fed during the war and at a cost of many of your young men's lives.

CBS said last night that 14 Americans were killed in Iraq in the last two days.And our news never even mentioned it.I'm disgusted.And you should see the time they devote to that lawyer's beanfeast known as the Jackson trial.Some people have no sense of proportion.

Anyway Veblen was an American and he saved my poor little life.And there's Bob and Andy and Norman and JD and Joseph and loads,loads more.
List too long.And now there's Lola who brightens up many an otherwise dull afternoon.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 08:57 am
deep down Spendi......you're a sweetie.

Are you upset with me for outing you? If so, I'll delete the offending posts.

And as to the lack of respect paid to you on the spoonerism thread.....devvie seems to be willing to learn. And I certainly didn't know what a spoonerism was, not a proper one anyway. So you have two of us. Thanks for your expert advice.

But what about the muck tags?.......I never got it. Please decipher.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:21 am
It is quite complicated actually even though it looks simple.You are allowed poetic licence.It is a bit too scatty for further explanations.Sorry.Tuck/fold/hide/shame/newsagent's you know.Mags like that would be tucked even now.I don't suppose they even exist.You are so refined Lola that the joke wouldn't apply to you.At least I like to think not.I'm sure everybody is agreed on that.

I'm not upset at all.I thought my user name would be recognised as soon as I came on.Couple it with my member profile and I am right there in the crosswires.

I'm too sweet for my own good.I didn't used to be but then I found out how short life was and how long eternity is and I saw the sense in what Voltaire said about unnecessary enemies.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:23 am
Favored Novels; Brothers Karamazov

Yes, me too, george. But I favor Notes from the Underground. I've read most all of Dostoevsky and most of Tolstoy. Anna Karenina especially. I'm not sure what I like about the Russian's novels......maybe it's the romance, but I hate the punishment phase which always seems to be there in the end. Dostoevsky especially was prone to punish for pleasures.

I also love, as I know you do, Hemmingway. And someday I'll get to Mailer, at Spendi's advice. But for now, I must read Salammbo.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:27 am
It is quite complicated actually even though it looks simple.You are allowed poetic licence.It is a bit to scatty for further explanations.Sorry.Tuck/fold/hide/shame/newsagent's you know.Mags like that would be tucked even now.

Yes, I thought that was it, but I got going on the town drain and took an unnecessary detour. I see now that you meant by "town drain principle," a spoonerism. Funny.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:31 am
As to Salammbo......did you know, Spendi that the entire text is available on the internet?

Here for instance is Chapter 5:

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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:32 am

Try to go slowly but it isn't easy.Every word and construction has been chiselled out of pure space.
Always,when reading,bear in mind the empty paper which is slowly being painted by a mind which knows what it is doing.(In GF's case I mean).
You read the last chapter against my advice.

Mailer just loves wild speculations and I do too.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:35 am
I'm not upset at all.I thought my user name would be recognised as soon as I came on.Couple it with my member profile and I am right there in the crosswires.

Isn't it funny that I never thought to google spendius before? I actually found it by googling the other poster's name and coming (on page three of that search) a reference to Salammbo and then entered your user name. Surprising that your a2k listings were right there.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:41 am
Oh yes.Five lines and I'm hooked all over again.

"Listen..and first of all fear nothing!I shall fulfill my promise-"

Just dig that "Listen".I can hear it.What a man.What a role model.You will adore Salammbo and you will be in good company.

That zaimph.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:45 am
I didn't read Chapter 5 yet. I just happened to find it. I'll start with chapter 1. But I'm sure I'll have to read 5 as well.........I'm too curious about why I shouldn't.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:51 am
Hey, Spendi, look at this. On the very first post of this thread, you used a smiley face. And you told me you didn't like them.....

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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:54 am
It is my birthday today and,as nobody has recognised this crucially important event,i am reduced to attempting to treat myself and what i would really really like most is to wind up the department of philosophy at the famous centre of excellence in Cambridge so that all the little structures of feeling contained therein are pressed to engage in a proper occupation and make something meaningful out of their lives.
Has anybody an idea how to realise my project as the protective blank walls they have erected around themselves are too high for me. Laughing

And we also know your birthday, but we have to guess your age......given hints like Barbara Stanwyk and Doris Day........Dylan, etc. That would place you somewhere in your late fifties, I'd say. Same as me, Bill Clinton and Bernie . . . .george too, I suspect. Is that right?
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 05:38 am

My very first post was exactly that.That was the first time I lost my virginity in cyberspace.I'm now a fallen man.The smiley was used due to inexperience and somebody showing me how to work this wierd and wonderful thingy.Once I thought about it I realised that they catered for lazy expression.It wasn't my birthday either.I was acting daft.I knew you would draw that conclusion about my age but I decided it didn't matter one way or the other.I'm a well-evolved microbe called spendius and I was born in time.You are a well-evolved microbe called Lola and you were born in time.I know it and now you know it.It is the best place to be because it is true.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 06:30 am
Sometimes I like to be lazy.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:05 am
Spendius,before he drinks his first draught of freedom exults-

"Hail first to thee,Baal-Eschmoun,the deliverer,whom the people of my country call Aesculapius! and to you genii of the fountains,light,and woods!and to you,ye gods hidden beneath the mountains and in the caverns of the earth! and to you,strong men in shining armour who have set me free!"

Does nobody ever feel like that about all the strong men and women who have brought our freedom.What a toast that is.

And "one hand waving free" freedom is as good as it can get.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:10 am
Ever tried the Rubens pose?That look lazy.

I bet Francis can get that up for us.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 07:58 am
Very funny Spendapus. Shall I quote Janis on freedom, or can you guess?
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:03 am
No don't.I downgrade stuff from people who die young.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:10 am
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 08:12 am
You mean like this?


scary! But, even though he knows God will rescue him for his faithful prayers, he looks a bit tense even still.
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