How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 09:41 pm
As for educational barriers on this side of the pond, there are many. One brief glance at the admissions "profilers" of Yale, Stanford, Princeton, or Harvard would show this.

For me, and your reply speaks of me, I found no barriers. I attended City College, specialized in maths and philosophy (mostly the latter), graduated at 22, and was given a lectureship with the faculty of philosophy at 23. My stay at the college was very enjoyable, and the school assisted me in many ways; with texts, transportation, finances, and so on. And my students were fantastic.

Petrol, gas, smoke, fag, hood, bonnet- whatever makes you feel comfortable. I myself was educated by those blokes at the Campion School in Athens, so I am accustomed to your versions. I prefer them.

As for your assumption, it is false; I have no situation at a petrol station- never have.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 10:00 pm
Hey, Noble con.......do you know we're meeting this week in New York? Would you like to join us?
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 10:13 pm
What meeting? I did not receive the memo... Exclamation

Where in NY? In the city? And who will be there? Frank Apisa mentioned something of the sort, but not clearly.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 10:32 pm
Tonight...?! Shocked

Short notice, unfortunately. I would love to meet you all, though I require more time. I suppose I could drive to the Square right now, but I would arrive in an hour, or 1:30 am. Hmm...

Is the password fidelio?
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 10:33 pm
NobleCon wrote:
What meeting? I did not receive the memo... Exclamation

Where in NY? In the city? And who will be there? Frank Apisa mentioned something of the sort, but not clearly.

Times Square. Tonight. I can't make it, but I'll send one of my astral selves. You may see me appear as a transvestite hooker, but do not be deceived or alarmed. I will be in the short pink skirt.

If you have to ask where it is, something is wrong.

Look for the Wall that has a sign on it that says "Madman's Magical Theater Entrance."

When you see this sign, look closely on the wall, and you will see a small arcane handle.

Say the password, turn the handle correctly, and you are in. But once you get in, it may be difficult to turn back.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 10:43 pm
No not tonight..........But I understand that you may not want to get involved. It's up to you.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 11:20 pm
When will this occur Lola? And, if I may, who will be there?

I would love to join you. Where will this meeting be held?
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:43 am
This is getting close to "Over The Garden Wall".

Don't you think you might be disappointed by meeting "in the flesh" an' all.I'm sure I would be having constructed my very own fantasy picture of you all which has been designed specifically to downplay to zero any possibilities of unfortunate dispositions which are,as you must know,quite prevalent in randomly selected specimens of the human race.
The very idea of doing the same thing in England is appalling.Mathos is bad enough in the clinical two dimensions.The thought of him in three right there before my very eyes is.....oh...it's too much.He probably has an extensive paunch,false teeth,I love Mum tattoos,a bone through his nose and two rotweilers straining on their leashes.
I trust you won't be discussing spendius with your Columbo heads on.
But I'm sure you are all very nice and Lola will tell us all how lovable you are and what a wonderful evening you spent together and how you got on so famously until the narcotics brought out the baser side of your personalities.
And think of all the extra Christmas cards.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:14 am

Perhaps we have all lived enough to take illusions and the disappointments they may entail quite in stride. One accepts the world as it is, people as they are, and assumes the same from the other side of the table. Beyond that, why give a damn?

Another excerpt from old Fitz.

Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise
To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;
One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies;
The Flower that once has blown for ever dies.

Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same Door as in I went.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 05:38 am
I don't give a damn.

I grew up with Omar.I have half a dozen copies.When I see one with a nice binding in a S/H bookshop I can't resist.
He did make one mistake though.He didn't forsee this thing here where you can wash out as many words as you wish after your moving finger has writ.But I wouldn't hold that against him because he doesn't give a damn either.
I find that the other side of the table is rarely of the mind you suggest.It usually gives a lot of damns about the damnest trivia.Like umbrella deployment for instance.Or celibacy.It was only an offhand remark I made which has sparked off all that futility and that has led to polarisation which I play my part in just for the fun of it.I can't really understand why it is of concern.Have you any idea?
What I live for are displays of human skill,ingenuity and intelligence whether it be in a book or film,a sporting occasion or a piece of music or anything good.I'm an elitist.
Surely an artificially constructed social occasion represents some degree of failure in the various locales from where the participants emerge.Wild horses wouldn't have dragged me away from the company of Emily Bronte and they can't shift me from my usual routines either.I am inclined to the view that the city person is alienated from his own nature.
Emily's heaven is mine-

"Mine was rocking in a rustling green tree,with a west wind blowing,and bright,white clouds flitting rapidly above; and not only larks,but throstles,and blackbirds,and linnets,and cuckoos pouring out music on every side,and the moors seen at a distance,broken into cool dusky dells,but close by,great swells of long grass undulating in waves to the breeze;and woods and sounding water,and the whole world awake and wild with joy."

I couldn't have wrecked that with anything so sordid as lust.The damage is too great.Look around you.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:36 am

Wonderful images in that description of the moors and "... the whole world awake, and wild with joy".

However we can take our joyful moors with us wherever we go -- and a pox on those who cannot appreciate them.

A few verses of Yeats are appropriate here (from "Vacillation")

Get all the gold and silver that you can,
Satisfy ambition, animate
The trivial days and ram them with the sun,
And yet upon these maxims meditate:
All women dote upon an idle man
Although their children need a rich estate;
No man has ever lived that had enough
Of children's gratitude or woman's love.


My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book and empty cup
On the marble table-top.
While on the shop and street I gazed
My body of a sudden blazed;
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed, so great my happiness,
That I was blessed and could bless.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 09:12 am


Extending the 20 minutes is the game.Writers who do that are where I dream.

A new guy appeared in the pub about a month back.Never spoke to anybody.I forced myself on him last week.Blasted by a woman.Three nights later
he's in ecstasy describing A Midsummer Night's Dream.You could see him dropping his woes as he talked.I might have two arty boozing companions now.If you go to the same places all the time something always happens eventually.Darting all over the place is a dead loss.Last night we discussed that song-It Ain't What You Do It's The Way That You Do It.Artie Shaw I think.I've googled round for the words but can't turn them up.Do you know them?
I must have some Yeats.I'll have a look.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 02:38 pm
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 02:46 pm
NobleCon wrote:
As for educational barriers on this side of the pond, there are many. One brief glance at the admissions "profilers" of Yale, Stanford, Princeton, or Harvard would show this.

For me, and your reply speaks of me, I found no barriers. I attended City College, specialized in maths and philosophy (mostly the latter), graduated at 22, and was given a lectureship with the faculty of philosophy at 23. My stay at the college was very enjoyable, and the school assisted me in many ways; with texts, transportation, finances, and so on. And my students were fantastic.

Petrol, gas, smoke, fag, hood, bonnet- whatever makes you feel comfortable. I myself was educated by those blokes at the Campion School in Athens, so I am accustomed to your versions. I prefer them.

As for your assumption, it is false; I have no situation at a petrol station- never have.

Outstanding academic achievement and record 'Young Man' I salute you!

Now, would you reciprocate my kindness by giving me your personal interpretation of the word 'groomed?'
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:17 pm
My own interpretation of 'groomed' you say? I assume you mean in reference to my enquiry on the CPD admissions.

My guess is that the CPD "grooms" its applicants in the sense not that it "raises" them as it were to enter the department from fetus to their O-levels, but rather in the sense of "selections" of attributes and specializations that may be congenial to the CPD. In this way, "groomed" can be viewed as "profiling" or "weeding out" the "appropriate" candidates for admission. Intuitively, this comes to mind.

Though perhaps you mean something more. I am not certain, and I am not familair with the admissions procedures of Cambridge in general. I would like to know of course, as I will be submitting my application for gradute studies in maths in '07.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:21 pm
And thank you for the compliment. My stay with the faculty of philosophy was brief (two terms), and I was ousted for including Leibniz, Frege, Russell, Ramsey, and Wittgenstein in my lectures. Oh, and a few students came on to me... :wink:
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 09:48 pm
spendius wrote:

Extending the 20 minutes is the game.Writers who do that are where I dream.

Well said. Who has done that for you?

Last night we discussed that song-It Ain't What You Do It's The Way That You Do It.Artie Shaw I think.I've googled round for the words but can't turn them up.Do you know them?

Don't know it, but I'll look. The verses (particularly) and lyrics to songs from the '30s & '40s were often both beautiful and little noticed. Even some more recent ones - including a few of Dylan's Baby Blue, Tamborine man, etc. Do you recall Rolf Harris' (Tie me kangaroo Down Sport" ) song "Two Little Boys"? -- corny, but magical. I'm no parrot head, but do like some of Jimmy Buffet's songs as well.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 05:42 am

EB,of course
The Bard
Bob Colacello in Holy Terror (surprisingly)

That's enough to be going on with.

Don't know Buffet but like the name.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:04 am
sorry, I've been away for a while. I'll catch up.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:28 am

You can never catch up.

The bird is on the wing.

I have found a potential signature-

If women had intelligence men would lie prostrate.

Any good?
0 Replies

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