How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 08:58 am
It is your self-imposed status as a celibate Spendius
which both irks and irritates my persona!
The basic elementary facts of normality in THIS particular sphere of our existence totally rules out celibacy. How on earth can a member of the male species (unless of course he wishes to divert from his masculinity as do 'The Lady Boy's 'of this era) particularly endure a systematic and regular lifetstyle. Do you cross dress Spendius? Do you embroil yourself in the artificial world as Henry Miller would have us endure, aimlessly view pornography totally void of the realisation of it all being a hoax, as the celibate is an imposter? Or, does he interfere with children? Being ever mindful that the confessional box is not surrounded by a moat! Have you any idea how many "takes " are endured to get the sex scenes ready for public viewing? As I have previously mentioned, Hitchcock went to tremendous pain with 'Norman Bates' proving beyond any shadow of doubt celibacy was an equalisation of total insanity.

I would welcome your terminating this preposterous idiosyncrasy, forthwith! {Perhaps your soul could be preserved and you may find sanity and comfort by a twelve month study at 'Miletus'}

Thales 634-546BC

Anoximenes 570-500BC

Anaximander 611-547BC

Being suitable examples for your perusal. Cast off this skin of celibacy Spendius along with the 'Zimmerman' t-shirts and other memorabilia you treasure, he is but a second rate poet ! Certainly he does not warrant the 'icon' status.

As an anecdote : - The Nazarene, we are lead to believe practiced celibacy. They crucified him!
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 10:42 am
You guys are all being naughty. Relax and live a little. This is the one way trip. It's silly to waste it.

But if you must scuffle.......I'll just sit over here in the corner and polish my nails.

La te da
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 11:00 am
[ ?
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 01:56 pm
Scuffle! Dear lola, Scuffle indeed, the man has nothing to offer in return, he clutches at straws, talks of petrol bombs, he is a Freudian, he isn't a Freudian, He is a phillosopher, he isn't a phillosopher, I rather thank 'Mother Earth' that he isn't operating a childrens crossing. Construction ? Put a roof on, take it off again, put a window there, No put it over there! 'The man is stark raving bonkers' Or Dear Lola, your inter-reaction with me, has caused him to flip. That is my personal view anyhow!
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 07:42 pm
Mathos wrote:
Scuffle! Dear lola, Scuffle indeed, the man has nothing to offer in return, he clutches at straws, talks of petrol bombs, he is a Freudian, he isn't a Freudian, He is a phillosopher, he isn't a phillosopher, I rather thank 'Mother Earth' that he isn't operating a childrens crossing. Construction ? Put a roof on, take it off again, put a window there, No put it over there! 'The man is stark raving bonkers' Or Dear Lola, your inter-reaction with me, has caused him to flip. That is my personal view anyhow!

dream on dear Mathos. It takes one to know one, I always say.
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 06:50 am
Lola wrote:

dream on dear Mathos. It takes one to know one, I always say.

I do wish people would commence a sentence with a capital letter !

I may be justified in considering a liaison of 'kinds' exists between yourself and Spendius Lola ? Do you retire to your bed with his photograph? What on earth does our mutual 'friend' look like? Neanderthal crosses my thought pattern! It would be far more appropriate Dear Lady were you to use your womanly talents in 'saving him' from the depths of debauchery he will no doubt enter should he pursue his celibacy status. The construction industry by it's own design has an unexplainable talent for producing magnates of dubious character.
You my dear Lady appear to merely seek his favour by defending him. "You should know better!"
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 12:18 pm
Lola, My Dear Sweet Lady of Manhattan,
I am presently working on a personal poem for you! It is difficult to create the profundity without access to your visionary. With this in mind, I would respectfully request that you forward me a photograph of yourself, in your refinery (The exercise at this point is not demanding a naturist fulfillment) I have created a personal profile of you, basically, you will be in the 55 year age bracket. Short hair. Slim build. Stylish, even chic! Perhaps 'Goth'. Single divorcee or possibly widowed. Raised from 10/12 years of age by your mother. Professional vocation, lawyer,banker (or lawyers/bankers office type). Fierce defender of family life and corresponding influences. Abstainer except perhaps 'special occasions' Humanist! Let me know how I score on this and send the photograph to [email protected]. I will reciprocate if you so require. United in the act of Cleansing the mind of Spendius !Please do not ever again suggest that he and I could be one and the same. Better you associate me with 'Yogi Bear'
Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, Adolf hitler or The Grand old Duke of York. Never Spendius!
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 05:07 am
Can you not start a new thread about who can think up the daftest assertions and the slimiest smears.One with curtains.

This thread is concerned with the proper use of taxpayer's money.We are on the point of closing down MG Rover for want of cash and the Cambridge Philosophy Department remains,as usual,unscathed and it makes nothing useful as far as I can tell.

Perhaps the cleansing department has had the weekend off or maybe run out of disinfectant.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 05:53 am
A quote:-

To analyze anyone's sexuality assumes we know what sex is about;even the assumption is offensive."

Norman Mailer.Genius and Lust.Chap 4 Narcissism.

"There is a modern vanity which thrusts us into the dissection of our betters."

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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:36 am
There seems to be some misunderstandings going on here.

The discussion was intended to focus on the idea of celibacy as a precondition to philosophy and theology.It was not intended,perhaps I ought to have known better, to stimulate a raft of confessions.Embarrassing confessions at that.Some shocking to young threaders.

C.S. Lewis (I think it was) used the expression "the pram in the hallway" as a way of hinting that those with such an accoutrement to their household were disqualified from having anything useful to contribute to philosophy,theology or art.Many well known writers have fully agreed with this conclusion and Mr I.A.Richards in Principles of Literary Criticism has developed the notion at some length.One wouldn't expect the readers of tabloid newspapers,who are encouraged to militantly disavow celibacy for obvious commercial reasons,to be able to take the point seriously.The Cambridge Philosophy Department,and others of like ilk,will be expected to agree with tabloid readers as their very bread and butter depends on them successfully veiling the topic in a plethora of pink gauze.Celibate philosophers excepted of course.

What it has to do with me I can't imagine as I am not a paid philosopher but if I was and I was unable to remain celibate I would resign.

The very idea that one should listen to the pronoucements or read the productions or accept sacred ceremonials at the hands of people who do the sort of things described in Confessions of a Window Cleaner is laughable not to say tragic.That suggests,at the very least,that they are no different from the rest of us,or monkeys,and at the very worst it leads to conclusions which are unsuitable for polite company given the degree of imagination and intelligence being likely to be brought to bear on what is,after all,a dynamic activity.

I refer threaders to the publication VIZ.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 02:57 pm
spendius wrote:
There seems to be some misunderstandings going on here.

The discussion was intended to focus on the idea of celibacy as a precondition to philosophy and theology.It was not intended,perhaps I ought to have known better, to stimulate a raft of confessions.Embarrassing confessions at that.Some shocking to young threaders.

C.S. Lewis (I think it was) used the expression "the pram in the hallway" as a way of hinting that those with such an accoutrement to their household were disqualified from having anything useful to contribute to philosophy,theology or art.Many well known writers have fully agreed with this conclusion and Mr I.A.Richards in Principles of Literary Criticism has developed the notion at some length.One wouldn't expect the readers of tabloid newspapers,who are encouraged to militantly disavow celibacy for obvious commercial reasons,to be able to take the point seriously.The Cambridge Philosophy Department,and others of like ilk,will be expected to agree with tabloid readers as their very bread and butter depends on them successfully veiling the topic in a plethora of pink gauze.Celibate philosophers excepted of course.

What it has to do with me I can't imagine as I am not a paid philosopher but if I was and I was unable to remain celibate I would resign.

The very idea that one should listen to the pronoucements or read the productions or accept sacred ceremonials at the hands of people who do the sort of things described in Confessions of a Window Cleaner is laughable not to say tragic.That suggests,at the very least,that they are no different from the rest of us,or monkeys,and at the very worst it leads to conclusions which are unsuitable for polite company given the degree of imagination and intelligence being likely to be brought to bear on what is,after all,a dynamic activity.

I refer threaders to the publication VIZ.

The trip around The Yorkshire Vales was quite interesting Spendius, I rather think a straightforward retraction of your misdemeanour would have sufficed 'Old Chap.'

I have gone to a great amount of pain recently to encourage you to withdraw from such ludicrous involvement. I am satisfied however, that you have seen the light. Well done.

However, my displeasure at your obnoxious and un-warranted remarks regarding The Heir to The Throne are still a severe irritation, having had the displeasure of reading very similar misesteems from The Obese
Pompous Michael Winner in the NOTW on Sunday last. I feel a sense of honourable duty to my Liege. Prior to issuing further statements of any intentions I may have, I consider it; 'fit, proper and gentlemanly conduct' to allow you the opportunity to explain yourself in this matter of 'Grave Proportions.'

I cannot believe, that an Englishman of any denomination could issue such disgraceful un-warranted disparaging remarks under any normal instance. Unless of course he be 'taedium vitae
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 06:42 am
It amazes me that someone should be so bold as to have me seeing a light which not only have I not seen but isn't there to be seen.

When I read someone saying that they have "gone to a great amount of pain" I tend to reach for an onion.

What ever one might say about Mr Winner one does have to admit that the ad.he has running at the moment is really quite funny and a very powerful argument for celibacy.

It is also somewhat pompous to be found using the Latin language when addressing threaders most of whom do not speak it.
Ad pulcritudinem tria requiruntur,integritas,consonantia,claritas.(Aquinas).Bear that in mind for the eyes of threaders.

It is worth remembering that the Latin language exists today by the efforts of celibates.
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 08:57 am
Very Happy
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:01 am
Rather you than me.
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:07 am

But Mathos seems interested in you. Moreso than in me.

How are you?
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:25 am
What do you mean how am I.You know how I am.I'm laughing mi' long-johns off here.
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:26 am
Well, laughing is good for the soul, I say.

What are you laughing about?
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:28 am
Wit my dear.Wit.

Was it not meant to be witty?From Manhattan!!!???
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:29 am
It was an honest witty response. I'm glad you liked it.

Who is this Mathos person anyway?
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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 09:32 am
I'm really glad that you are glad that I liked it.I'm gladdy-gladdy glad glad goodstyle.
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