maxdancona wrote:
I can make my point without these irrelevant alurs against Americans on the other side.
Max, why do you pretend that Mexican citizens are "American?" You seem to think that the second a Mexican illegally steps over the US/Mexico border, he suddenly becomes an "American."
La Raza and their ilk are not here to "assimilate." They are here to accomplish the "re-conquest" of "stolen" Mexican land from the filthy anglo-saxon invaders. Not militarily, of course, but through seditious infiltration of American culture and American soil. They are here to supplant american culture, not to join, promote, or in any way enhance it.
The president of the California senate is of Mexican heritage and claims that it would be wrong to attempt to stamp out the huge market for fake ID's because "half his family is illegal." The Mayor of Los Angeles is a radical mexican activist. The population of Los Angeles is now comprised of a majority of people with Mexican heritage, millions of whom are citizens of Mexico.
They are winning, with the full corroboration of naive "liberals," like you.