Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:22 am
timberlandko wrote:
Zogby certainly doesn't take well to finding his methodology and expectations having been proven wrong.

LOL. Zogby said he is out of the business of applying fudge factors to bias the outcome to suit his hopes. Says he is sticking to strict adherance to polling methodology in the future.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:24 am
Harper wrote:
I am getting a little skeptical about her claims.

An unsurprising development. And while I don't share your depth of skepticism, I do not deny there is much room for improvement in the electoral system. A good place to start would be the education of voters, particularly new voters, and those less than fluent in English as well as those of overall lower education, in the mechanics of the process. An informed voter is an effective voter.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:41 am
timberlandko wrote:
I do not deny there is much room for improvement in the electoral system. A good place to start would be the education of voters, particularly new voters, and those less than fluent in English as well as those of overall lower education, in the mechanics of the process. An informed voter is an effective voter.

All that doesn't matter, the voting will continue to be a fraud and easily hacked into as long as their ain't no receipt, especially if the companies that make the machines and the people who count the votes are corrupt. Change those things, then we can talk about a fair election.

Exit polls was never wrong by more than 1%, but in the swing states, it was off by around 3%, and all went in Bush's favor. The odds of that happening is so rare, that something is suspicious. And the fact that we can't check the numbers again means their is a coverup. That's not to hard to realize.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:43 am
timberlandko wrote:
Zogby certainly doesn't take well to finding his methodology and expectations having been proven wrong.

If you had followed the link and read the article, you would know the article was posted ON Zogby but was not BY Zogby.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:54 am
I read the article, squinney... possibly before you did; I get Zogby's daily email updates. I found it amusing that Shea's piece of drivel was accorded sufficient credence to be included.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:01 am
" I am taking trouble with you, Winston ", he said, " because you are worth trouble. You know perfectly well what is the matter with you. You have known it for years, though you have fought against the knowledge. You are mentally deranged. You suffer from a defective memory. You are unable to remember real events and you persuade yourself that you remember other events which never happened. Fortunately it is curable. You have never cured yourself of it, because you did not choose to. There was a small effort of the will that you were not ready to make. Even now, I am well aware, you are clinging to your disease under the impression that it is a virtue. Now we will take an example. At this moment, which power is Oceania at war with ? "

" When I was arrested, Oceania was at war with Eastasia. "

" With Eastasia. Good. And Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, has it not ? "

Winston drew in his breath. He opened his mouth to speak and then did not speak. He could not take his eyes away from the dial.

" The truth, please, Winston. Your truth. Tell me what you think you remember. "

" I remember that until only a week before I was arrested, we were not at war with Eastasia at all. We were in alliance with them. The war was against Eurasia. That had lasted for four years. Before that - "

O'Brien stopped him with a movement of the hand.

" Another example ", he said. " Some years ago you had a very serious delusion indeed. You believed that three men, three one-time Party members named Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford men who were executed for treachery and sabotage after making the fullest possible confession - were not guilty of the crimes they were charged with. You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false. There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this. "

An oblong slip of newspaper had appeared between O'Brien's fingers. For perhaps five seconds it was within the angle of Winston's vision. It was a photograph, and there was no question of its identity. It was THE photograph. It was another copy of the photograph of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford at the party function in New York, which he had chanced upon eleven years ago and promptly destroyed. For only an instant it was before his eyes, then it was out of sight again. But he had seen it, unquestionably he had seen it ! He made a desperate, agonizing effort to wrench the top half of his body free. It was impossible to move so much as a centimetre in any direction. For the moment he had even forgotten the dial. All he wanted was to hold the photograph in his fingers again, or at least to see it.

" It exists ! " he cried.

" No ", said O'Brien.

He stepped across the room. There was a memory hole in the opposite wall. O'Brien lifted the grating. Unseen, the frail slip of paper was whirling away on the current of warm air ; it was vanishing in a flash of flame. O'Brien turned away from the wall.

" Ashes ", he said. " Not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed. "

" But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember it. "

" I do not remember it ", said O'Brien.

Winston's heart sank. That was doublethink. He had a feeling of deadly helplessness. If he could have been certain that O'Brien was lying, it would not have seemed to matter. But it was perfectly possible that O'Brien had really forgotten the photograph. And if so, then already he would have forgotten his denial of remembering it, and forgotten the act of forgetting. How could one be sure that it was simple trickery ? Perhaps that lunatic dislocation in the mind could really happen : that was the thought that defeated him.

O'Brien was looking down at him speculatively. More than ever he had the air of a teacher taking pains with a wayward but promising child.

" There is a Party slogan dealing with the control of the past ", he said. " Repeat it, if you please. "

" Who controls the past controls the future : who controls the present controls the past ", repeated Winston obediently.

" Who controls the present controls the past ", said O'Brien, nodding his head with slow approval. " Is it your opinion, Winston, that the past has real existence ? "

Again the feeling of helplessness descended upon Winston. His eyes flitted towards the dial. He not only did not know whether " yes " or " no " was the answer that would save him from pain ; he did not even know which answer he believed to be the true one.

O'Brien smiled faintly. " You are no metaphysician, Winston ", he said. " Until this moment you had never considered what is meant by existence. I will put it more precisely. Does the past exist concretely, in space ? Is there somewhere or other a place, a world of solid objects, where the past is still happening ? "

" No."

" Then where does the past exist, if at all ? "

" In records. It is written down."

" In records. And - ?

" In the mind. In human memories. "

" In memory. Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not ? "

" But how can you stop people remembering things ? " cried Winston again momentarily forgetting the dial. " It is involuntary. It is outside oneself. How can you control memory ? You have not controlled mine ! "

O'Brien's manner grew stern again. He laid his hand on the dial.

" On the contrary ", he said, " you have not controlled it. That is what has brought you here. You are here because you have failed in humility, in self-discipline. You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one. Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes : only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane."

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:06 am
chris56789 wrote:
Exit polls was never wrong by more than 1%

That statement approaches accuracy only if only final, full-day, fully collated exit polling tallys, not the dynamically updating, typically shifting, often contradictory interim releases, are considered ... and even then, the MOE statiscally is significantly greater than 1%.

But do please continue with the "We wuz robbed" mantra. We of Conservative sentiment appreciate deeply the assistance to the Democratic Party's achievement record provided thereby.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:12 am
Forget about changing the results of the current election, Timber - that would be a hell of a mess, so why bother?

There are a significant number of abnormalities that need to be traced down. The system of counting votes itself is unbelievably crappy. There NEED to be people working on reforming the system.

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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:03 am
squinney, interesting use of a quote from 1949 oevre noire direly predicting the state of affairs 35 years on which state of affairs shows no evidence of realization now, yet 20 years further on. There is much to be drawn from Orwell, yes. Have you read his 1950 essay Politics and the English Language? Or considered his Animal Farm as allegory of Left/Liberal agenda realized? I have.

Dystopia is there for those who yearn for it.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:12 am
Gosh, with that tone of intellectual superiority, you'd almost think you were a liberal! :-)
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:14 am
LOL ... touché, Soz Laughing
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:14 am
Animal farm? Watch the Republican national convention video tape again, look at the pictures they show of the crowd, and try to tell me that we don't have pigs walking around as people.

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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:24 am
Cyc, I try only where there is reasonable expectation of success. Some things just aren't worth botherin' with. I'm not tryin' to tell folks of the liberal persuasion a damned thing, as I see no basis to expect success to follow from such an excersize. That is evidenced in my harping on the point The Democratic Party has none to blame for its woes than itself. I'm quite confident that opinion of the proximate cause of their ongoing disappointment is anethema to the psyche of those so affected, thus rendering the offering of the observation harmless.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:33 am
I'm quite confident that opinion of the proximate cause of their ongoing disappointment is anethema to the psyche of those so affected, thus rendering the offering of the observation harmless.

I really don't ever want to read you type the words 'liberal elite' ever again, Timber....

I'm glad you can use big words, though. Sure is impressive, despite the poor usage.

ANYWAYS.... I bring this specific point up about Animal Farm and the RNC not in an effort to throw some blind, mad partisanship into the mix; but from a personal recollection, while watching the event, of the cameras panning the crowd during mandatory clapping time and managing to find some of the most unbelievably pig-faced people I've ever seen. At the time, I made an Animal Farm comment to my fellow watchers and was amazed by the level of agreement (even from my Republican mother, who said they must have intentionally picked the uglies people to show).

There are pigs out there walking on two legs. All you have to do is look for them.

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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:49 am
Cyclo...I am shocked! The "Party of the Tolerant" making detrimental comments on a person's appearance???? Of course, you're merely joking, right?

<Wonders if she should post a pic of that poster-boy of health and fitness known as M. Moore>
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 11:51 am
It takes a lot more than weight to make one into a pig, JW. The look on their faces, the high, snout-like nose, the feverous gleam in their eye as they envision a world without Muslims, or gays, or the poor.....

It's a real accomplishment, yaknow? Moore is just somewhat irrelevant compared to the armies of porcine Republicans out there.

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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 12:06 pm
It's always Animal Farm, or 1984, or Nazi's with the left. They will never be happy until we live in a socialized country being ruled by what ever super-power fills the void the US did before the liberlas took over.

The last election proved that the US is not a country that wants some weak-a$$ed leader that can't defend his own positions, much less the country. It's pitiful to read the crybaby tales of woe from the left and the continuous blubbering of another 4 years of Bush.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 12:07 pm
McGentrix wrote:
It's always Animal Farm, or 1984, or Nazi's with the left. They will never be happy until we live in a socialized country being ruled by what ever super-power fills the void the US did before the liberlas took over.

The last election proved that the US is not a country that wants some weak-a$$ed leader that can't defend his own positions, much less the country. It's pitiful to read the crybaby tales of woe from the left and the continuous blubbering of another 4 years of Bush.

That has got to be the worst thing I've ever seen you write, McG.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 12:11 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
It's always Animal Farm, or 1984, or Nazi's with the left. They will never be happy until we live in a socialized country being ruled by what ever super-power fills the void the US did before the liberlas took over.

The last election proved that the US is not a country that wants some weak-a$$ed leader that can't defend his own positions, much less the country. It's pitiful to read the crybaby tales of woe from the left and the continuous blubbering of another 4 years of Bush.

That has got to be the worst thing I've ever seen you write, McG.

I am sick of reading the same garbage posts by the same posters over and over and over. It's old and pathetic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 12:12 pm
Cheer up, McG. Your side won. You can round us all up and put us in camps now. Laughing
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