Whew, what a variety of answers. I'm kinda relieved about that; after the first page of posts I was really

. I'm all - damn! - you (North-)Americans are
really big on privacy!
Not that I dont empathize with Montana's dilemma mind ya, that would drive me up the wall too. But the initial length of posts that were like, anyone shows up unannounced out of principle gets sent away, if they do it again thats the end of it, i like living in a gated thing cause the guards can send them away ... you know, that kind of thing - man! Someone called me neurotic in another thread a while ago because I wasnt keen on sharing my email address with, you know, just anyone here on the board I would possibly like to stay in contact with some day should the board go down or they leave - but this is something different still! I was thinking, that must be
one cultural difference (even if the Dutch, compared with people further south or east, are already at least half on our way to your standards).
Anyway, but then there were a few other posts and I was reassured again that it was mostly just a personal thing, different folks, different strokes. Tho it'd be interesting to see if there's like, regional/cultural patterns or something.
Yeah, I'm like Soz myself - instinctively, my urge is to be by myself, read and be left alone, so some people kinda just spontaneously coming by and taking me out of that were also always just kind of practical, cause in the end its usually fun.
Talk about going "man!", by the way! That thing with Soz and Bill ... eerie/amazing! How small is a chance like that, eh? Man!