Try Martha, soz. Does that work?
I love it, for the most part. Unless, of course, the person that drops by, is not a friend, but an irritable acquaintance of sort. But that doesn't happen, friends come and can come anytime. I do that too, though i call to see if they're home first usually - too lazy to waste time for nutin. Anyone is welcome here, too, but there is a chance i will drag you out into the garden, tell you all about each plant and start weeding or whatnot. Or any other project.
It's true that Dagmaraka does that - the weeding thing. It's something we have in common.
ooops, i will try to be more polite. but hey, i come and clean or whatnot! and we do arts projects every now and then!
I don't consider it impolite in the least!
yeah, i think it comes naturally to us earthy people.
Interested in soz and martha, et al, but in the meantime, I was always sort of weird, being, erm, an only child.
I like my own space, and have for decades.
I remember living in the second story of a house in west LA. A friend (it turns out, but I didn't know that) would spring up the steps and do rap rap rap rap rap on the door.
Forget it. Midnight, me, a woman alone, no chance I would answer it.
Turns out she was a nice person with non developed urban savvy. Still, no way I would answer that.
I might be sleeping in the afternoon, or picking pimples (not likely now, but might have been back then) , or reading a novel while lolling on my couch, but I don't want someone hammering at my door. Didn't then, and still don't, now. Though I love my friends, I am not without spacial constraints.
blatham and lola showed up at my house last friday, Blatham spent hours working in my yard while the ladies did their shopping and I supervised (they were invited) Blatham went home yesterday with a back-ache (he may never come back)
Well, at my house, some people would be welcome any time, day or night, but, y'know not all, at all.
So, it's official, the world is miniscule. Via PM, O'Bill and I have confirmed that I actually lived with his sister. (She's a great gal, pity she's had to put up with such a lunkhead of a brother... ;-)) Further, E.G. knew her husband well. They used to share dishwashing duty and make up weird songs/ rhymes together.
Tiny, tiny, tiny world.
(Oh and her name isn't Martha. That's a bit of a code.)
Holy cannoli, that's amazin'!
It's a shame anyone has to know Bill or his siblings.
Well, it's your cross to bear, Soz.
I'll take that back. I'm sure his sister is a fine human being.
She is! Waiting on Bill to wake up and give me her contact info, then will be in touch with her again. Cool.
I'm still a bit amazed by the whole thing. We've talked about Madison and just very recently about how we (Bill's sis and I) lived there around the same time, hey maybe I knew her heh heh, never imagined that I actually LIVED with her. (Although she moved in just a few months before I went off to London, so E.G. actually knows them better than I do.)
Maybe you knew Bill, but didn't remember him without that wedge of cheese on his head.
That's what I'm really wondering about! If we met back then, and especially (please please please) whether I was wearing clothes at the time (in that house, not a given at all.)
Which brings things back full circle to standups original question, I guess...
Pop in guests are great.....I love the look on their faces when I come to the door with the leather hood and the barb wire cock ring on and tell them "You're timing is perfect...just remove your clothing and put it in the hall closet and come on upstairs, you wouldn't happen to have any of that self heating ky on you would ya? It makes the beagle howl really loud"
Set your fears aside, darlin. I never laid eyes on you (nekkid or otherwise). I sent you a PM.
No one forgets me, Gus... Nekkid or otherwise...
Got the PM, thanks!
(This is just so cool. Set us off on a round of co-op reminiscing last night.)
(And whew...)