This is what's wrong.
Lola wrote:Right........and today, I feel like insulting the majority of the electorate that voted for Bush. I hope I'm succeeding well enough.
For days now O BILL has been attacked by supposed friends for calling John Kerry a scumbag. But just look at all of the threads and posts by those that disagree with the outcome of the election. We are called stupid, racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on becasue we have a different opinion than you. You exclude those of us that you want to win over.
Federal posted a letter by a republican friend of his in another thread... while I don't agree with all that was said there he got one thing right...
YOU (read the democrats) need
ME... and people like me.
You have been complaining for sometime now about the religious nuts that elected Bush. You aren't going to change their minds... but you have a chance of changing mine.
I am the person you should be trying to convince. But everytime you call me stupid or a sheep or tell me you need to "simplify" your ideas for me, everytime you call me a racist and a fascist or a homophobe all you do is push me farther away from your ideas.
I am none of those things... but you automatically group me with those that are... and every time that you do you drive the wedge that is dividing this country a little bit deeper.