finn, perhaps channeling Coulter, blurted
Quote:"The problem has not really been that Democrat values are not consistent with Christian teachings, it has been the seeming disdain for all things religious (and particularly Christian) expressed by Liberal activists, and intelligentsia."
How silly this is. Who, after all, would be the converse of 'intelligent sia'? The unbright ians. There's a community of achievers to clambor towards.
But you intend, of course, a cliched hack at the educated. Education makes you stupider and if you stay uneducated, well boy you are then really at the peak of intellectual achievement. So puff up with pride, Mr Everyman, for not reading.
You ought to walk into a religious studies survey course at any university, finn. Liberals as far as your myopia might peer. Or pick up a book by someone like Elaine Pagels, professor, Christian and as intelligent a lady as you are ever going to bump into. And then compare her book to one by Falwell or Robertson or Grapham. Disdain is an appropriate response for that group of three dwarf-minds.
Creation Science in the schools. Disdain is an appropriate response. The 'Left Behind' books. Disdain is an appropriate response.
Read Augustine, and if you have even a nonce of brains and curiosity and love of learning, he'll knock you on your bum.
Unlike the rich Catholic and Anglican traditions, the protestant community in America has produced no religious philospher worth a pinch of coonshit. The best they've got is Alvin Plantinga, and that's not saying much.
There's a reason for this. The happy promotion of unbrightia.