Those two maps, Blatham, are very similar.......amazing, isn't it? And what you said about the liberal social cultural movement of the 60s and the (now clandestine) counter movement is also thought provoking. As you point out:
Quote:The temptation for societies to organize themselves repressively - that is, to insist on uniformity and to demonize changes from traditional ways
but I don't reach quite the same conclusion you do here:
Quote:- seems likely to become stronger as populations increase, as internal systems become more complex, as cultures mingle, and as new knowledge and ideas place old 'knowledge' and ideas in jeopardy. Each one of these factors is a very real part of modern life.
I don't view the counter-movement as anything other than a prime example of a cultural lag. Your point about the fallacy of the "conflict of values" truism of the day speaks exactly to this point.
I was thinking last night........maybe as I was falling into sleep......that the cultural movement of the sixties is still underway. Look at the percentage of young voters that not only voted, but also voted for Kerry. Now that we're enduring the repressive response to change , we can look to this Gen Y group to carry on. As members of the older, frightened group die off (along with the rest of us war-battered movers from the 60s), the younger group carries on.
An example of this is how unprejudiced the Gen Y group is. We fought for equal treatment of minorities. But none of our generation is as untouched by prejudice as is the younger generation. Not that prejudice doesn't exist in our children and grandchildren's generation, but they are amazingly less influenced by racial prejudice than are we. The times.........they are achangin.
I believe this movement forward, followed by reactionary repression followed by a resurgence of advanced social and political thought
is the mechanism of change. So my "what to do" is to keep working and not lose hope (even though I'm discouraged and tired right now). The result of this election is frightening and we may be set back farther than I could ever have conceived would be possible ever again, but I believe the momentum is still there. It will come from our grandchildren (or our children, if we got started late.) I will fight on.
Thanks Blacksmittin for this thread. You have the right idea.