OCCOM BILL wrote:The Independent would have you judge the Sistine Chapel on the first day of painting. They'd show you pictures of the messy drop cloths and point out the damage done by scaffolding, paint drips and whatnot
prophesize about how terrible it might look when
(who we kidding?) if it's completed. Then they'd ask "Did you think the Chapel was too plain before, or do you think it's messier now? While some would demand reparations and spend their time ranting and raving about the mess and undue expense
others would smile inwardly and look forward to it's completion with eager anticipation.
For the second time this year, Bill reminds me of a revolutionary communist. This is getting worrying.
You've probably guessed the association I was making. When the communists took over in Russia, things got worse. First there was war, but as the communists said, it was just one of those things you have to go through to wrest something new: a question of fighting the "rearguards" of the old regime. You have to be ruthless, even ignore some basic human rights, because otherwise that golden future of democracy and people's power will never materialise, and isn't that a goal worthy of some temporary compromise, in a region where democracy would be a first?
The economy kept slipping too, though. And the new regime became ever more unpopular. The US occupation now apparently is supported by just 2% of Iraqis. The Soviets too were at some point faced with the fact that the very people they said they were liberating from servitude had lost all confidence in them - going, as they were, simply on how bad things were going at the time.
What was the answer they came up with, both to reassure themselves and to declaim to those disgruntled folks? Don't judge us on the necessary hardships of this transition period - think about the beauty of the future we're creating for you! You will be free, you will be prosperous! Just as soon as we have achieved communism! And to achieve communism, you must understand, we just have to implement some unpopular measues now, for the enemies of democracy and people's power are all around us, still committing sabotage, still obstructing Our Big Project.
We will never get round to the beauty of that great future if we do not, for now, ignore the doubters and the whiners, who look only at the troubles of today, and would like us to stop right here in our tracks just because things havent immediately gotten all better yet! What do you expect? Of course things haven't gotten perfect straight away - communism isn't built in a day, it takes resolve, it takes the willingness to clench your teeth through the inevitable tough first days and see them through! And most of the things going wrong are the fault of the saboteurs and old-regime enemies, anyway.
No, what we ask you to do - what we demand of you - is to have Trust. Don't go on how badly things go today, what with all this paint splattering about in the form of blood and bombs and lack of basic services - think of the future. Think of what we're doing it all for. We're doing it all for you, you know, even if you hate us for it. We
have to not care about your fickle public opinion, because to do so would endanger this one chance, this one window of opportunity to create a better future for this country. Think of the Sixtine Chapel of communism we're building, through this time of unyielding resolve!
No, dont judge us on how your life has changed so far through our actions - that would be unfair. Fair would be to have faith, close your eyes and instead smile inwardly, and there see, with eager anticipation, how much better things will be when they are what we're promising you they will be, eventually.
Every ideologist claims his actions should be measured by the goals they will achieve. But for all us non-believers out here, the saner thing is to judge a project on what it's actually creating and producing.