Ticomaya wrote:Blatham, I am anxious to hear your "plan" as it would regard the US' foreign policy stance towards the nations you have listed.
Odd coincidence. I'm anxious to see you attempt even the shallowest analyses of Boortz, Coulter and the other folks you paste in here regularly.
As to Barnes' approach to speech-critique...
I see a family dining table, Tico in the big chair beneath the chandelier, everyone's hands on laps and their heads dutifully, almost worshipfully tilted Ticowards. He will talk today, they all know, on the family's direction for the next year. The family leader begins, voice low and authoritative. "We shall, this family shall, reach for the very stars. It is our destiny, our duty, our place in the neighborhood."
At the slightly dimmer end of the table, Mrs Tico is thinking about the huge credit card debt racked up over 2004, the ongoing legal battle with the neighbors next door, how half the kids think Dad is the biggest doofus on the block, how he simply cannot admit the Lada was a lousy purchase, and she's wondering why, whenever she attempts to talk about these matters, he calls her a traitor.