Bush Supporters are Indeed Sociopaths
By Mary MacElveen
In response to a past article written by Reggie: G.W. Bush: Deaf Man Talking I stated that her article goes much deeper than that. If you have not read this article, I highly recommend that you do.
Here is my direct response to her outstanding article: "But, I think it goes much deeper than that. It goes to his mentality. I do not know if you were ever a fan of that show "The Pretender" I was a huge fan of it when it was on. In order to order to try to tie loose ends together since NBC canceled it abruptly, they made two movies. One was called "The Pretender 2001" movie and the other one "Island of the Haunted" In the "Pretender 2001" movie there is an exchange between Mr. Parker and Alex who was a bad pretender (someone who is a genius and is able to become anything they want to be)
In that exchange, Mr. Parker who runs the Centre which created these pretenders states to Alex: "Are you happy, you psychopath" and this is what Alex stated back: "There is something that I would like to clarify. I am not a psychopath. I am a sociopath. There is a difference. A psychopath is insane and doesn't know right from wrong. A sociopath knows the difference. He just doesn't have a conscience, so he doesn't care. So blowing one's brains out and eating a Popsicle are the same."
In my opinion, Bush is not insane, knows right from wrong is a sociopath where he just does not care. When Bush came into office and started this madness, that exchange in that movie jumped out at me.
You may be asking, why I am bringing this up now and I will tell you. We have a sociopath running this country; then again others will say that Cheney is really the one in charge. But, that is not what scares me the most. What scares me the most are those who still support him. I am not speaking about the GOP politicians since they are a hopeless cause, I am speaking of our fellow Americans who continue to support him and especially the working class and the ones who claim to support our soldiers.
If we are to believe through unscientific polls and some scientific ones that still half support Bush in this country, then folks we are indeed in trouble. As I see it, we stand in front of a fork in the road where one path leads to absolute destruction and the other half to absolute correction.
Those that still support Bush are indeed sociopaths if they want to lead us down the path to absolute destruction. They do know right from wrong, but they just do not care. If they want this for America, then clearly they do not have a conscience.
To those of you who are your support your soldiers' type: How can you stand by and condone this fact: "soldiers were ordered to leave their privately purchased body armor at home or face the possibility of both losing their life insurance benefit and facing disciplinary action." As reported in this article: Army Orders Soldiers to Shed Dragon Skin or Lose SGLI Death Benefits Does that make any sense to you at all? Are you sociopaths where you do not care for their protection while on the battlefield? Not that it will help all that much due to our use of depleted uranium. But, still give them at least a fighting chance.
According to Ellen Robinson's op-ed piece: Outsourcing the American Dream for Nightmare she states: "These days it's looking more like the American Dream is being outsourced in exchange for the American Nightmare which the vast majority of the nation's population is waking up to in this cheaper reality." She also states: "The social-economic gaps in our nation are at record heights." If this practice of outsourcing American jobs is okay, then again, you are a sociopath. Through the detrimental economic practices and policies put forth by Bush, he blew the brains out of the American economy, yet he does not care.
After reading this NY Times piece: President Tells Insurers to Aid Ailing Medicare Drug Plan, this passage jumped out at me: "Republicans have joined Democrats in asserting that the federal government botched the beginning of the prescription drug program, which started on Jan. 1. People who had signed up for coverage found that they were not on the government's list of subscribers. Insurers said they had no way to identify poor people entitled to extra help with their drug costs. Pharmacists spent hours on the telephone trying to reach insurance companies that administer the drug benefit under contract to Medicare." This Medicare plan was hastily put together without much debate in time for the 2004 presidential election to give the appearance that Bush cared for our seniors, yet Mr. Sociopath clearly did not have a handle on this situation, so you Bush supporters are truly sociopaths if this is okay with you.
These are but a few items that I wanted to point out to you Bush supporters to show you how you are indeed sociopaths if all of these items above are okay. Where is your conscience? Oh yes, sociopaths do not have one.
I think that from time to time, I will bring forth these noteworthy items to prove once and for all that you who support Bush really need some therapeutic help.