Bush supporters' aftermath thread

Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 05:17 pm
I finally heard from one of the soldiers I correspond with in Iraq Smile They all cheered...whooped and hollered...when they got the news of the election.

He sounds so happy Smile
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 08:58 am
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 09:21 am
Cute, isn't it? A young Abe Lincoln.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 02:00 pm
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 02:34 pm
Wonderful find, Tico.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 03:40 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

Yea, pretty nice. Except the issues of this election really seem to say that while the War is very important, it wasn't the only issue people voted on. The sweep of the Defense of Marriage acts really seems to belie a single-issue campaign (many Christians I know, confused by the extra thick helping of lies served up this time by the Media, did not vote for president but came out and voted the other races and issues). Also, news this morning from IBD points out that people are more happy with the moral and ethical direction this country is taking since the elections: http://www.investors.com/editorial/feature.asp?v=11/9

This election was primarily about national security in an increasingly unsecure world, but it was also definately about the man who has a moral compass and readily admits to using it to guide his every day decisions.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 04:20 pm
Thanks for the link music.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 04:27 pm
JustWonders wrote:

I heard Robert Redford is mad and planning to move to Ireland. Anyone here think that's wise? IRELAND???

You guys are wary of the French, and now Ireland! Whats wrong with Ireland JustWonders?
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 04:47 pm
gav wrote:
JustWonders wrote:

I heard Robert Redford is mad and planning to move to Ireland. Anyone here think that's wise? IRELAND???

You guys are wary of the French, and now Ireland! Whats wrong with Ireland JustWonders?

Wow! I had to go back 4 days and 25 pages to find that post from JW. That's all I have ...
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 04:50 pm
I'd love to go to Ireland, but I think Mr. Redford will ruin it for me. I'm from CA, so I can say this:
I don't mind all these celebs being in the US, in fact I hope they stay, hidden away from Reality in their blighted corner of my state. The last thing the rest of the world needs is more cotton-heads spewing their filth on the other beautiful places that make up this world. Hollywoods already been ruined, we don't need to let them ruin anywhere else. LOL
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 04:56 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

Wow! I had to go back 4 days and 25 pages to find that post from JW. That's all I have ...

I know!!! - its such an entertaining thread that I went back to the start, but I noticed that on my first trip through the thread I missed a page. Hence my "delayed reaction post".

Oh and Music, that didnt sound sarcastic at all - I SWEAR!!!
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 05:13 pm
With all the high-fivin', back-slappin', and goofy grinnin' goin' on, I'd like to remind folks winnin' a big play ain't the whole deal ... its what's done with setup from winnin' that play. There's lotsa plays to go.

In no particular order;

Tort Reform
Tax Reform
Judicial Reform
Healthcare Reform
Welfare Reform
Education Reform
Social Security Reform
Campaign Finance Reform
General Economic Reform
Corporate Governance Reform
Deficit Reduction
Immigration Policy
Environmental Policy
And a buncha other stuff

The ball is in The Republican's court now.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 05:36 pm
Boy you said it Timber...

Judicial Reform
Tax Reform
Education Reform
Deficit Reduction
and Immigration are my top 5.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 05:56 pm
Gav - Redford can go anywhere he wants, although I think his reception in France (say a nice little villa on the French Riviera) would be more to his liking.

Timber - I hope he goes with tort reform right out of the gate. Then, an overhaul of social security. That one I'm really excited about as I've always felt I know better how to spend my money than the government ever will LOL.

I'm expecting great things Smile
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 06:05 pm
JustWonders, I think you should look beyond just France and the MiddleEast for more international opinion. Despite the Irish government allowing your armed forces to stop and refuel their planes at Shannon airport, your "president" is looked upon with equally as much disdain and disrespect as he is in France.
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 09:01 pm
Zogby says he's out of the "predicting" business!!!

Mea Culpa: I am a Pollster, Not a Predictor
By John Zogby

Okay, I got it wrong. And I got it right. Last May, I did indeed say that John Kerry would win and, if he didn't, it would be his fault.

Please understand that I wasn't saying this as a partisan but as a historian of elections. I did not have a horse in this race. For those of you so kind to point out that my brother is on the executive committee of the Democratic National Committee, you need to understand that he was an active Democrat when my polling showed George Pataki defeating Mario Cuomo in 1994, when I had Bob Dole doing much better than other polls suggested against Bill Clinton in 1996, and when I polled for the National Republican Congressional Committee in 1998. It seems I spent lots of my time back then denying I was a Republican.

And to those who note my Arab heritage and again my relationship with my brother, please read the Democratic National Committee position on the Middle East. It offered me no comfort.

I had no horse in this race.

The rest of the story...
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 10:36 pm
So, all you Bush supporters - who do you (not) want to see back (respectively, who would you (not) have liked to seen back) in George Bush's new cabinet?

(Or is there a thread about that already?)
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:26 pm
Not sure if there is Nimh, but this is as good a thread as any to discuss it. I'm still hoping Colin Powell will stay....no news yet speculating that he's leaving. I'm hoping Condi Rice will stay. I'm ambivalent on Rumsfield--he is hands down the most experienced and capable available in his post, but he may be too politically damaged to be effective.

For Attorney General, I don't have any clue who will replace Ashcroft.

Bush has thus far picked talented, capable, good people thus far as is testified by the virtually scandal free administration. I trust him to pick the right people to replace those who are leaving.
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Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2004 04:36 am
"Zogby says he's out of the "predicting" business!!!"

Quite a candid admission....saying his poll numbers were correct, his prediction of a trend for Kerry in them was wishful thinking.
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Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2004 04:39 am
nimh wrote:
So, all you Bush supporters - who do you (not) want to see back (respectively, who would you (not) have liked to seen back) in George Bush's new cabinet?

(Or is there a thread about that already?)

There Is Now
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