No, I hadnt gone to bed yet ... just texting A., telling her that her elections didnt look too hot ... but that it all still depended on ohio - then, a few minutes later, that ohio had gone too.
She responded: "i dont want to know"
Then I saved some text and closed my windows one by one and here we are.
Senate results really get to me. I mean, at least the presidential race was close. Well, kinda. But the senate - all those contested seats - you won em almost all. Except for Salazar. ND and Alaska look bad too. To see people like Coburn and DeMint get in, and with such margins (Coburn got a 12% lead!) - I mean, I'm sorry, the neocons are one thing with their messianistic interventionism, but at least they're driven by their own modern brand of idealism. These people are the <tries to find a nice word for pigs' arse, fails> of your party, and they swept in.
Meanwhile, Yahoo is still stubbornly refusing to call Ohio for Bush, though they called NH and MN for Kerry by now ... but everyone else did, it seems, so <shrugs>. Done.
Well, lemme go post some haikus on that other thread that i wrote yesterday but didnt want to post in order not to spoil our chances ... and call it a day, then. Because it is, by now (day, I mean).