Foxfyre wrote: I am impressed that such a large percentage of the new young voters voted for Bush. I think usually the young are more liberal, idealistic, and find the more liberal candidate to be more appealing.
Have you ever heard of "Young Life" Foxfyre? It is a huge evangelical force for teens & twenty-somethings, offering a Godly mix of big fun at twice weekly fellowships and extraordinary & exclusively YL summer camps *bank-rolled by conservative Christians.* It was a major force in developing "Youth for Bush" and youth "value voters" here.
Here's an example of the strength of that Christian commitment. This was said as a "novena" nine times each Sunday prior to the election. Those willing to do so in their parish signed on -- more than 10,000 and this was just the small segment who are Catholics.:
[size=8] Prayer for our National Elections
O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord,
Not only of individuals, but
of nations and governments.
We thank you for the privilege
Of being able to
organize ourselves politically
And of knowing that political loyalty
Does not have to mean disloyalty to you.
We thank you for your law,
Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged
And recognized as higher than any human law.
We thank you for the opportunity that this election year puts before us,
To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote,
But to influence countless others to vote,
to vote correctly.
Lord, we pray that your people may be awakened.
Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation,
Their response to you
requires that they be politically active.
Awaken your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing the world
But rather a community of faith renewing the world.
Awaken them that the
same hands lifted up to you in prayer
Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth;
That the same eyes that read your Word
Are the eyes that
read the names on the ballot,
And that they do not cease to be Christians
When they
enter the voting booth.
Awaken your people to a commitment to justice
To the sanctity of marriage and the family,
To the dignity of each individual human life,
And to the truth that human rights begin when human lives begin,
And not one moment later.
Lord, we rejoice today
That we are citizens of your kingdom.
May that make us all the more committed
To being faithful citizens on earth.
That's a lot of responsibility for government being placed in the hands of the Christian religion. Yet, and this is what confuses me, those same "values voters" don't put a priority at all on some strong "wwjd" commitments:
--Respite for those in prison (How is it that we have such a huge ratio of prisoners to population? Something is going very wrong.)
--Helping the elderly and weak (via Social Security and Heathcare)
--Loving our enemies (errrrr?)
--Loving each other (while hating the gays, women who have abortions, Muslims, etc.)
Foxfyre wrote:I would like to think a majority of his opposition will accept that, will get behind him and support him and help move the country forward.
What does Bush stand for that we should support?
Should we get behind giving more money to the wealthiest?
Should we help to strip away protections from the workers?
Should we continue the pillage of Social Security?
Should we support a fight he picked in Iraq while backtracking on the go-it-alone war against terrorism that we cannot afford?
Should we agree that homosexuals are against God's word?
Should we agree to plunder Alaskan oil, despite the costs?
Should we keep gerry-mandering legislative districts with the hope that eventually every one of them is a guaranteed lock for one incumbent or another of his ilk?
What is it in Bush's agenda that you feel someone like me should support? I'm interested. My priorities are the environment and maintaining a good neighbor attitude both within and outside the country. I also want there to be a diverse and encouraging job market for my children --- especially jobs which seem meaningful.