Applauds with one paw....
To quote Deb's favorite quote
Dear Aunty Lowan,
Maybe I am not suited for Monkhood. What do u think ?
verra nice. thump thump thump. (applauding with thumping stump-of-a-tail -- sorry, hebba.)
such smart sozobes (insecure anxiousness prompting endless questions) and whatnot.
have a similar story to blatham's, but involving hubris rather than misunderstanding. was a wee lad following around some far superior skiers. everybody stops at one point and eyes this smooth mound between two trees leading into the out-of-bounds area. they tell me i probably shouldn't go, then the take off. one after another disappears over the mound. "screw them," i say, and head towrad it meself. get that familiar bump under my feet, knees buckle up a bit, am very airborne. i close my eyes and hope for the best. amazingly, i land on my skis, bump my butt and get back to my feet just in time congratulate myself and see a much larger, steeper, and more precipitous jump immediately ahead.
good laughs for all, bruises for me.
I think you are not suited for monkhood.
gautam -
is your begging bowl clean?
(sorry, i'm not auntie lowan.)
Dear Uncle Patiodog,
Why ?
Dear Aunty Lowan,
Why ?
is there any other requirement of a monk than that he keep his begging bowl clean?
Yes, to enlighten you lost souls.....
Lone Monks should also have a dog with them. The OOOOh ahhhhh
factor is a magnet for loose change
G - you are waaaaaaaaaay too hedonistic to be a monk!
And - I believe you are weee bit fond of mammon.
From Merriam Webster Online:
Mammon: material wealth or possessions especially having an evil power or debasing influence : WEALTH, MONEY <you cannot serve God and mammon -- Mt 6:24 (Revised Standard Version)
And you....er.....this is difficult to say.....you ...er...seem to ...ummmm.......enjoy sex a lot!
there - I got it out...
Okay, now that we have solved what's #1, shall we work on #2? Let's make that sex two also too!