Well, I dunno Gautam - I got nothing!
Although we can take long service leave after ten years. That is nice.
There, there - we wuv you!!!!
hiama wrote:Gautam buddy, go somewhere where they appreciate you like we do
hiama, sadly the drag queen routine in nightclubs doesnt pay that much
You're clearly going to the wrong nightclub.
I wonder what would happen if someone stayed here for ten years? Hmmm. I suppose the powers that be would think they had them securely under their thumb and heap more work and scorn on them.
It's a patiodog sighting!
Are you getting as sick of this chilly rain as am I?
soz - it's going all right. (you didn't tell me, by the way, that there was a friggin' oscar mayer plant right in the middle of madison and that it would frickin' snow on me at the end of march there...)
blatham - i wouldn't mind it so much if it did it while i worked and then cleared up when i went home, but it seems to be doing it the other way 'round. had to go hunting for my ice scraper this morning. but there you have it.
(how undigressionary of me... am still worried about gautam; 10 years at the same place sounds entirely too much like a long-term commitment.)
It snowed? Really? It's 75 and bee-you-tee-ful outside right now, and I'm not so far south as all that.
Uh, yeah, Oscar Mayer. Didn't mention? Sorry. Didja see the weinermobile, though? Rather Freudian but very cool!
I think Blatham should be spanked for his judging. He deserves a reward.
Man, soz, you're the third person to ask me about the Weinermobile. Nope, didn't see it, but did stumble across a grotesque Packers house and stopped to snap some pics. Stopped by the old neighborhood in Chicago before flying out. Ukrainian Village is getting "cleaned up" (sigh). Our old building is now owned by a property management company instead of the nice old couple who had it. Tuman's Alcohol Abuse center is boarded up. The Bucktown Pub has turned into some drink-and-surf-the-internet place or something. So sad. At least the Inner Town Pub was still there, but it was closed at noon with a huge chain and lock around the grating -- and the Rip Tide was still shining in it's glorious butchly-owned, open 'til four a.m., yuppie infested magnificence. (Sigh again.) Ended up at Leona's chomping on roasted garlic (to build up flatulence to share on the plane), which just ain't the same as the old haunts.
lola (LOL-a, I s'pose she is) should be judged for spanking.
To quote the rabbit-" Where's this smeggin Judge Dread thread ? "
Speaking of yoga soreness, my bum is finally sore today! Hooray! This may also puzzle those who know not the history behind this. Just ignore me like others do, I am used to that. My life, so tough...
Who's your bum? Is it Joe Pesci, like in that movie nobody saw?
Eh, I am puzzled now, but I AM A FOREIGNER <grin>, I don't have to understand a thing! Though I have been previously banned to use that line in the real life, not yet here on A2K! hooray to that too!
Hurray to Tatu? So, you're a furner who knows Fantasy Island, but not the mid-90s filmography of Joe Pesci? For shame!
(It was some movie, in all probability very bad, about an old homeless guy who befriends some kids at Harvard and ends up getting a degree there or something. Typical pollyannic anti-intellectual pretend-to-have-some-compassion feel-good garbage. Like local news...)
(the movie was With Honors)
Yeah, that's it. I wonder if they were at that How High party?
Biscuits for the Patiopuppy!
You know you people, to Oz ears it is awfully difficult to keep the wiener/wienie concept separate - you have a vehicle of some sort that looks like a PENIS?
Youse peepul is WEIRD!
I had a friend arrested once, for carrying, and waving "suggestively", a huge polystyrene foam penis. It was at an anti-Mary Whitehouse rally. Anyone remember her? She was one of those nasty moral right crusaders - a Brit -and she visited Oz. He had no idea where the penis came from, but it was being passed around, and he happened to have it when the music stopped - or rather when the police came.
I think your wienie vehicle might cause a bit of a stir here - but maybe not get arrested. Is it circumcised?