Then again, they were called "windies", gag!
I thought that was a hamberger, Bill.
Now you've all done it! I have been trying to think of a movie title in order to refer to this great piano scene and no no no no no I cannot remember, days are going by. I loved it so much, oh, no no no.
Ok, you asked. There is this african woman fleeing a revolt in her country...her husband is taken prisoner and jailed. She was a medical worker..she goes to Rome to medical school. While there in med school she lives downstairs in the grand apartment of a concert pianist and does his housekeeping. They have a strange and wonderful love affair....sigh. He ends up, no, I shouldn't tell you, but there is a scene where his very grand piano is removed from his very grand palazzo can tell where it is, right by the Spanish steps....what a scene, what a romance, and what the hell happened at the end...
Terrible, I will not rest til I know...
Not about what happened, but the movie title. It was about two years ago...
Oh Osso, you have fueled my imagination!!
Ok, I found it. It was Bertolucci's Besieged.
I'll give a link, but I tell you, there were 45,000 cookies I was asked to accept and declined before I got to it -
Still, it's one of those movies I might actually buy the video of.
Oh can I rent that video from my local video store? Is it in French or has it got subtitles?
Lola, just my mothers little pet name - long before Wendy's
Dear Revered Auntie
Your advice column has impregnated me. Of course, I use the Hamletian sense of the term here, and find myself near bursting with a spankable pink inspiration come trailing clouds of glory, as it were.
I believe, with Heepian humility, that I can help folks here too. By judging them. A judging thread. I think I'll call it... JUDGE BERNIE. What do you advise, auntie?
Why fart and waste when u can burp and taste
Fabulous conception, Bernie!
Shall you judge harshly, or with mercy?
I too shall look forward to the noble Canadian's efforts
Hmmmmmmm.......judge not, lest you be judged......
We are not judging Bernie's judging, are we?
I wonder how judges feel about that bit of the bible?
Do they judge that it referes to them, or do they see that there is a professional wiggle factor that they judge applies to them?
If they are christians, of course....
Of course, lets throw them to the lions !!
Or lets be emancipated, lets throw the lions to them
Lions must have become very tired of christians - "oh no! Not christians again! They are tough and stringy!"
Dear Aunty Lowan,
My secy just came to my office to inform me that Human Resources has finally woken up to the fact that I completed 10 yrs with the bank in Feb this year. As a token of appreciation, I will get
1. Gift Vouchers for GBP 30
2. A signed letter of appreciation by my boss (which in all probablity his secy will type from a template)
3. Flowers
4. An extra day's vacation per year
My questions are as follows
- 10 years and this is all I get. Is this enough ?
- 10 years in the same company (barring a brief 7 month sabbatical). Isn't my life sad ?
Gautam buddy, go somewhere where they appreciate you like we do