Hmmmmmm - one must, of course, always balance compassion and gentleness with honesty. Unless her question was one about whether or not the diet was working - ie unless you were being asked for the purpose of evaluating the diet, and she was not weighing herself, then I would go with encouragement. I assume she HAS lost some weight? "You look wonderful" is an always acceptable alternative - or "not yet - but your outfit is so flattering and lovely".
With really close friends I tell the truth about such matters, though...
I am unsure of the wisdom of this, though - I get into trouble with interior decor items....
Thanks for that, O Wise One!
Er, actually she WAS sort of asking if the diet was working ...
Yikes!!!! heehee - you may need to rethink if it doesn't!
What, ain't she got a scale?
This is true. We lost them when we became amphibians, then gained them when we became reptiles, then they became . We coulda gone the dinosaur to bird route and had feathers and the power of flight, but nooooooo, we had to go the hair-and-mammary gland route.
Anywho, I forgot you were metric folks down there. So, to rephrase: "What, ain't she got a balance?"
Just how many Aussies on A2K do you think are "balanced"?
There is absolute true, undeniable lying and hope. It is never wrong to go down the avenue of hope!
scales are instrumnts of the devil....
What do they sound like? Marimbas?
They sound like the earth cracking open and emitting the foul stench of sulphur and brimstone, and like the trump of doom.
Oh. So more like a tuba. Or a greasy omelet.
How do you sound like a greasy omelette?
<quote>They sound like the earth cracking open and emitting the foul stench of sulphur and brimstone, and like the trump of doom.</quote>
Replace earth with cheeks, an earthy and cheeky image, to be sure. (And earthy and cheeky humour today, we've got. Time to clean things up a bit. Was already admonished for my language in the main office today.)
Goodness me! Dinna worrit none, I have as filthy a tongue as any on the right day...
I heard that earth f*rt all the way over here, or is it in here?
I have NO idea! The idea!
hmmmm... flubbed the quotations there. "in the event of a water landing, the bottom of your seat may be used as a quotation device." no, that's not right...