Uh-oh! Who provoked the bunny?!?!?!
Woopsy! s'probably me again! But Olympics ain't sport - it's business!!
You been provoking me AGAIN, Margo?
Jeez, I didn't mean to, your dlowanship...grovel, grovel......, sniffff
but sometimes, ya know, my brain just wanders off into non-bunny-approved areas, like sport, n'all that.....
sorry - <tugs forelock, whimpers, hands over eyes>
You WERE taking the piss, you know. I am VERY sensitive - I can tell these things....
Extractum urinem , a phrase derived from the anglo saxon " taking the piss", in modern parlance can be an affectionate greeting between fellow distaff bunnies and pussie cats or can be a more threatening rejoinder for a wider audience displaying " smeggin monday morning blues"
In recent years this phrase has become very much part of the zeitgeist and is heard in all the best Adelaide parties.
LOL Hiama!!!!!!!
Nemmind, Gautam - unless you're taking the piss. You taking the piss? ARE you? Eh?
I hate it when they take the piss outta me....
Huh ??
Banking standard riposte to anyone who applies for a loan and actually NEEDS it.
Hmmmmmm -yes.... to them that hath shall be given....and from them that hath not, it shall be taken away, even that which they thoughteth they hathest...
No - loans I have. What I need is MONEY.
How much and what are you prepared to do to get it ?
Es prohibe se hace
agua aqui'
Now why does it sound like an indecent proposal ??
Ok so now I've hoo'd you, what do you think ?
Is that all there is?
So - what now? when are you sending the money?