I feel like **** because i dont have a gf i really need help
all of my friends have gfs and they keep askimg me "are you gay wtf when will you get a gf" and its putting me down and eating me from the inside
one guy from my class asked another one "whatya gonna buy ya gf fot valentines"
and he said lol nothing i dont give a fu**
when i saw his gf he acted like a douche and she was jumping around him like an albino rat
well he is hot honestlycbut a huge dumbass
i hate my life its not fair i wanna die
There is girl that likes me
how i know she does?
Her friend said "now you are going to hear his voice for the first time" right before i ordered a burger at a shop, and her friends laugh when they see me comming
the girl is chubby hot and cute in one, i wont judge her untill i get brave and self confident enough to meet her actually, but if i do i hope she likes same stuff as i do
i also have a really good female friend he is my classmate i really like her but She keeps hinting me to not Try anything at all because i may ruin the friendship, but she compliments me too which i find a friendly maneer
please help me somehow
world aint fair
i feel really bad
im near 17 btw
And another thing, for my classmates girls are walking vaginas