Quote max:
Quote:Trump has angry White men in red hats. We have angry White women in pink hats. Angry White people in hats is not a playing field that is favorable for the Democrats.
Yet it's the angry women in pink hats at those town halls that Senators and Congressmen have been calling which seems to have changed the picture about the ACA repeal. Now four Republican senators have said that they will not be able to vote for Trumpcare unless they change it so that the Medicaid expansion, (raising the Medicaid income limit from $9,000 up to $18,000 for a single person, more for a family), is kept. The Trumpcare bill now will reverse the income limit, knock it back down to $9,000 a year, leaving those who make between $9K and $18K yearly in an impossible position to buy health insurance-they don't make enough to live, how are they going to afford health insurance premiums?
The Democrats got victimized by a Hate Hillary blitz. Time to give the Republicans the same. Pressure Republicans to keep the Medicaid expansion and most of the good things in the ACA, and push, push, push on Trump's Russian connections, which look deep. Very deep.