Quote max:
Quote:Hate Hillary Blitz? Give me a break. Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate running a deeply flawed campaign.
The Right has been on Hillary since her husband had the nerve to win the Presidency in 1992 with Hillary prominently featured in the campaign. Republicans hated the Clintons' guts because they viewed the Reagan presidency as a turning point in American politics for Republicans, so when Bill Clinton won the hatred poured out like lava from a volcano.
When women having careers was still a little bit of an issue back then, the conservatives hit hard on the fact that she used Rodham as her last name in business dealings to make her seem like she wasn't really committed to her marriage. When Vince Foster committed suicide because of depression and Washington pressure, they pounded away at the fantasy that Hillary had Foster murdered to cover up the affair he and Hillary were supposedly having. Then a few months later they started on the notion that
of course Hillary is a lesbian, forgetting that this latest smear directly contradicts the smear they were pushing a few months previous about Hillary having an extramarital affair with Vince Foster. Lesbians generally don't have extramarital affairs with men. Republicans didn't care, they smeared anyway.
Overall, Hillary running as her husband's partner-the Republicans dubbed it the "co-presidency"-meant that Hillary might run someday, so they went into overdrive for decades to portray her as the epitome of Loudmouth Feminazi Lezzy Dike Bitch. Even then, in a normal campaign she would have won for her experience and knowledge, but just as Hitler effectively used the radio to impose his personality on Germany, Trump used Twitter to direct the press' attention to his latest outburst on social media. Press coverage of the campaign became the Trump Twitter Review. As PT Barnum said, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Even then she would have won, but we all know about Republicans and voter suppression. I have second hand knowledge of at least one case of a vote emerging from a voting machine the opposite of what the voter voted for, and nobody at the polling station was terribly upset when it was brought to their attention-the vote was somehow voided and the voter was given a paper ballot to fill out, but no investigation apparently ensued. When Jill Stein paid millions for a recount in three states-Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan-not
one of those three states had a full recount of the paper ballots. There always seemed to be, ummm, problems. After Stein paid millions. And during the court cases where Stein tried to get the recount she was willing to pay for, Republican posters were posting all over the internet, "But we need an investigation to see where the extra money Stein collected that she didn't pay for the recount" during the time that it was not even clear if there would be a recount or how much it was going to cost.
So out of that mess, Trump emerged the victor. And you think Bernie would have done better?