Once I had a black person tell me they had a gun in their pocket and to hand over all my money. I called their bluff and walked off. So are all blacks gangsters?
I have been beaten to near death by cops. Are all cops worthy of mistrust and distain? Certainly not.
I have been beaten up by white bullies for being gay. Are all whites males homophobes? Again, no.
Blacks were held captive for many years by the horrid and inexcusable institution of white slavery. Are all whites wannabe slave owners? NO.
I have been ripped off by republican gerrymandering and voter intimidation. Are all republican politicians evil? They don't always vote along partisan lines.
The Russian dictator meddled in our election. Are all Russians crooks? NO.
To imply that because of a person's experience that racism/bias is fine is simply a fault in logic and good reasoning skills. In other words, STUPID.
I once went to shake a black woman's hand and she withdrew it as if I had the plague.
I was once playing my guitar on the streets and white people were on that occasion walking by ignoring me and a black woman walked by and tipped me 5 dollars. Are all white people bad tippers?
If a person relies on a bad experience to paint a wide brush on perceptions then they do themselves and others an injustice.
I once had my house robbed by a white guy with long hair. Are all long haired men robbers?
I have been cheated on by gay lovers. Are all gay men whores?
To appease and rationalize bias and racism with the claim that an insolated experience spoils the whole bunch is the height of ignorance.
I have a Spanish friend who whenever he speaks Spanish it sound like noise and is irritating to my ears... So Spanish is a terrible language?
When Julio Iglesias sings Spanish the beauty of it makes me cry.
Fox News lies and deviously skews the truth about 60% of the time but the recently departed (RIP) Alan Colmes was spot on, on most issues...
Chris Wallace sometimes makes some good points too.
Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway are full of ****, so are all blond women dumb opportunistic bitches? NO.
Some American Indians rake in the bucks with slot machines and roulette wheels so do all Indians promulgate gambling? NO.
Your logic needs some scrutiny and self introspection.
Many catholic priests are pedophiles so are all Catholic priests guilty of this terrible crime? NO
Some Muslims are terrorists so are all Muslims terrorists?
To go through life taking isolated incidents and applying them across the board is simply. WRONG.
To imply that using isolated personal experiences to condemn entire sectors of society is travesty.
Many men physically abuse their spouses and many woman constantly complain.
These are stereotypes and they deny the good in people for a narrow and biased view of reality.
Do all lesbians love crewcuts and motorcycles? NO.
Using stereotypes to judge people is shallow and inconsiderate.