Quote:Mebbe we get into constant over-correction loops here - where each side focusses on the negatives of the other, seeing this as a correction to over-focus on positives by the other - sort of like a sugar dump, where too much sugar promotes too much insulin, followed by low sugar, and a desire to eat sweets????? (I like digressions and odd thoughts.)
Not so much a "digression and odd thought" as a valid and probably true observation, IMO.
Quote:I do consider Iraq part of a sort of imperialist US scheme - but not merely for historic reasons. Do you deny that it is? In fact, I don't really understand what you are trying to say there. And - you DO control - or try to - lots of countries - with few actual invasions. You didn't invade Iran or Chile - just set up a puppet government. This is an example of how you do things - as did the soviets - though they favoured invasion more than you guys do - at least just after the war they did. And when countries got frisky - like Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Yes, I do. The reasons for the invasion of Iraq were many and valid. Getting our grubby little hands on the oil so we could steal it, was not one of them. I do not discount the strategic benefit of having some measure of control over oil, and that part of the world (ME) is very strategic for that reason. But the "over-correction" by some lefties to say the only reason we went to Iraq was to plunder its natural resources causes me to bristle.
Saddam is no longer in power. It behooves not only the US, but the rest of the world to instill a democratic government. Doubtless the government will be friendly towards the US, but that may not always be the case. It certainly pays some countries to have the US as its ally. But I do not believe the claim of "puppet" government if warranted. For I am equally certain that in the right climate, the US and Iraq will differ. So too will the US and Afghanistan. This may be years down the road, but I put no stock in the claim that either of those two governments are nothing more than "puppet governments."
And thank you for pointing out a distinction between the democratic United State, and the Communist Soviet Union. You might also mention the gulags and the murderous regimes of the former USSR, just in case someone harbored any questions about the differences between our countries over the years.
Einherjar wrote:Not true, Japan gives more, in dollar amount.
I knew I could count on someone in this thread to correct me on that point if I was wrong. :wink: