Oi is she serious? Ok yes I agree you need to get help. Why don't you give her one? How commited is she to keeping her marriage together? If sex is enough to break it apart then what do you really have? I mean she did know you were christian when she married you right? It wasn't like some huge secret or she married a stranger, the marriage wasn't arranged right? She is not respecting you if she is asking you to give up what you believe in. If you can't stand for some thing then you'll fall for anything. Some times it's better to walk away then to lose yourself. Who are you gonna be when she changes everything about you? And what about when you can't any more and she leaves you? You hold on to your belief or faith cause it will be there when she no longer is. Grab some back bone and face the day.
I would take a step back and reconsider why you married your wife. What was it that made you know you wanted to be with her forever? Was it sexual? was it something more? When two people are truely in love.....they NEVER make an ultimatum such as your wife did. Maybe a girlfriend....but not a life partner. It's one thing to want to try new things....and want to include your partner....it's an different thing to tell your partner that they do what you want- or nothing at all. That's childish and stupid. I'm very sorry you've been put in this situation.