intoodeep wrote:
... and have found several other women in my shoes.
I looked at your posts, and you have found several other women who either
(a) Made one post months ago, and haven't been back (you responed to one of those one hit wonders, who had posted back in July. Pay attention to dates)
(b) Are certified nut jobs (like Eliusa) who are out of touch with reality on all levels.
(c) One other person who seems to want to engage you. So great, you made a friend.
You complain you're not being offered "comfort and support", but what makes you think that's our job? You've repeatedly been told this isn't a site for "the other woman", yet you keep trying to cram a square peg into a round hole. Who's doing that? Oh, yeah....you.
I did a quick google to the effect of forums/sites for the other woman, and came up with a bunch....yet you could find none.
I personally don't care if you screw married men, as long as it's not mine. But don't act like you're owed something for coming on a random forum site that is for general discussion, and don't find a bunch of doxies having heart felt breakdowns.
The straight poop is if he wanted to be with you, he'd leave his wife and would.