Wed 15 Feb, 2017 09:11 pm
Copied from a friend's post on Facebook.
Giving him a chance means giving him the opportunity to do all the things that I do not want him to do. I will #persist and #resist.
Several of my conservative friends have said that we should work together with the president and the Republican majority because they won the election and Trump is everyone's president. This is my response:
•I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years...
•I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
•I will not "work together" to build a wall.
•I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
•I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries.
•I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
•I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies.
•I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
•I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
•I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people like killing them.
•I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
•I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
•I will not "work together" to slash funding for education.
•I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
•I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
•I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
•I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
•I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
•I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women.
•I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
•I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
•I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
•I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred
And racism.
•I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
•I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition."
•I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
•I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
•I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government.
•I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators.
•I will not "work together" to give less support to government employees.
•I will not "work together" to find ways for the billionaires to cheat the system.
•I will not "work together" to implement a hiring freeze at government agencies.
•I will not "work together" to suppress reporters' right to ask questions the administrations does not like.
•I will not "work together" to bully any country, big or small.
•I will not "work together" to craft a message diminishing women and young adults.
•I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen.
This is my line, and I am drawing it.
•I will stand for honesty, love, and respect for all living beings.
If you agree feel free to copy and re-post (this results in larger numbers of people seeing a post), and if you want, sign your name below ours. Also, if we have left anything out, feel free to add it to this list.
"because they won the election and Trump is everyone's president."
That is patently false but it is a oft repeated bit of propaganda. If it had any truth to it, there would be no such thing as opposition parties. As far as I know, they exist.
I dident vote for the crooked con man.
I applaud your common sense, Rabel.
Agree. The good news is that according to the latest Gallup poll, Trump has a
55% disapproval rating. It must surely hurt his tender ego.
@cicerone imposter,
Yeah, but loss of approval is not an impeachable crime. The popularity contest ended in November.
Quote:That is patently false but it is a oft repeated bit of propaganda. If it had any truth to it, there would be no such thing as opposition parties. As far as I know, they exist.
I didn't vote for Trump. I don't agree with Trump. I don't approve of Trump. But he is my president. To deny that he is your president is to deny our whole system of the peaceful transition of power.
To deny that Trump is your president implies that you have a different president; maybe Hillary Clinton? Should all those that voted for Clinton swear allegiance to her and maybe raise an army and march on Washington?
Is that the America you'd like to see? Not me. That's how they run things in Zimbabwe or Gambia or Chad. Where any fifty guys with machine guns becomes the new government. Not here. Here we use the ballot box to affect change, not the AK-47.
Trump won and that's a shame. But don't blame him. He didn't try to fool anybody. He didn't hide the fact that he is a loud mouthed, inarticulate buffoon with no knowledge or interest in our laws and Constitution. He put that right out there, and 60 million Americans were just fine with that. 60 million others voted against him. WHERE WERE THE REST OF THE VOTING AGE POPULATION?
TomTomBinks wrote:
He didn't hide the fact that he is a loud mouthed, inarticulate buffoon with no knowledge or interest in our laws and Constitution.
Gosh. I wonder who old TomTom could be talking about.
TomTom, if Hitler had won, should Germany, France, Italy etc have worked with him?
Maybe some people should have worked with Obama the last 8 years
He may be our elected president, but he has a history of bigotry, scamming and lying. That makes him unqualified to be our president. That the American voters are ignorant in who we vote as our president doesn't wash his bigoted, scamming and lying history.
In Gambia Adama Barrow has become president in a peaceful transfer of power. Admittedly it took the threat of Senegalese soldiers to persuade Yahya Jammeh to leave the country, but leave he did, without a shot being fired.
You mean babysitting him right ? Yeah...its not a choice. Put up whith it.
Just posting to see what others think. I will resist wrong headed policies, but can't argue over who sits in the White House. I don't know if he really will get impeached. The Republican congress is having free rein right now, so I don't know if they would rock the boat any time soon. Some of the attacks on Trump are no less uncalled for than the Impeach Obama crowd. I believe the vitriol aimed at him will soon have a boomerang effect if not used more intelligently.
The thing that Tom Tom mentioned, while true, must also recognize that we have the duty to keep him from irreparably damaging the Republic. Tom Tom, to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence, "Governments are instituted by men, wherein they derive their powers via the consent of the governed".
Its our duty to keep this regime in check , and, if necessary, to change it.
The only problem we have is to determine "HOW?"
Honestly, I don't think I'll be "working with him" any more or any less than I worked with any other president. I'm pretty insignificant and I don't do much more than post opinions on a message board, vote, serve willingly on jury duty, and pay taxes. And if I did none of these things it wouldn't amount to diddly-squat.
It has nothing to do with the peaceful transition of power. That went off without a hitch. Do you deny that there are opposition parties?
I don't say that we should work with him or agree with him. if we work against him it must be within legal guidelines. We have the capacity to change our government from within, using our own laws.
@cicerone imposter,
I agree. He is unqualified. He should be voted out in 2020, or impeached sooner if he commits an impeachable offense.