yes but he also led the al in innings pitched, 7th in al in ks per nine, 3rd in bb per nine, 6th in hr per nine, 4th in babip, 5th in lob %, 5th in gb %, 21st in hr/fb, 1st in era, 4th in fip, 3rd in xfip, 3rd in war
hers price's stats...15th in inn pitched, 9th in al in ks per nine, 35th in bb per nine, 8th in hr per nine, 7th in babip, 2nd in lob%, 25th in gb%, 9th in hr/fb, 3rd in era, 8th in fip, 16th in xfip, 13th in war...
price has felix beat in 2 categories, and price's 35th in bb/nine with felix pitching 41 more innings did him in...the only thing that even makes it a debate is wins which you and I have both stated they put too much emphasis on wins/losses...so no comparison between the 2...actually looking over the stats justin verlander should have been higher in the mix for the al cy young last year...
hers verlanders stats...4th in wins (price btw was 3rd and felix was 18th so 3 categories) 3rd in innings pitched, 4th in ks per nine, 21st in bb per nine, 4th in hr per nine, 21st in babip, 22 in lob %, 29 in gb%, 2nd in hr/fb, 11th in era (prolly what did him in) 3rd in fip, 6th in xfip, 2nd in war...