Frank Apisa wrote:
Why...because above all these things you listed God is still more loving and has more grace than you give to him. God gives all chance to come to Him, but it is man who slaps Him in His face. Most people fear judgement because they feel unworthy and fear punishment, the verdict of judgement is either guilty or innocent. God wishes all to be innocent and gives them ample oppertunity to repent and to be declared innocent, yet, man refuses. So if your guilty your guilty. And then will know that the punishment was hell, is up to every man to accept or reject. You are trying to go against absolutes, whether you wish to accept it or not, the absolute doesn't change.
Yeah...I know why you worship the god, Smoke....because you are scared shytless of it.
Imagine loving a god that would conceive of a punishment that involves torturing someone relentlessly for all the rest of eternity!!!!
Even fairytale ogres aren't that disgusting.
Any reasonable look at things shows that you god is fiction...and not especially good fiction at that.[/quote]
Here's the deal frank, I am not scared of God but have a deep respect for the Man. I am not trying to convince anybody to believe in God, although I know He exists and it really doesn't matter to me if you do or not. Your words are just chaff in the wind my friend. And by you trying to make God a mere fairy tale is your deal and not mine. The thing is, my life is great, and in fact greater than it has ever been. I have tried to poisons of life and have found it all useless and vain, now, I live with purpose and destiny and you basically just exist to no end. You have no ability to comprehend the greatness of God, therefor you would rather discredit Him in fear of you being wrong. And if you would be wrong what would that imply? You chose rather to live ignorantly claiming that "you know that you don't know", well, that's the easy way of living and with absolutely no consequence. So you can keep on babbling and jabbling with your point, but it comes to no end. It serves no purpose and has no value. You seem like a wise man since I have read your responses, but your wisdom is only the start of foolishness to God. Guess what my friend, I'll be praying for you.