SmokingFire wrote:I am about to leave now, I have to go and let my spirit go...but Frank I would love to hear your points on my comment of John 3:16 and see your points on it, whether you believe I have a full understanding on it, or if you have some questions you would like for me to answer.
Peace and blessings to you all! :wink:
Nah...I have no questions at all.
So let's be at it.
Here are some of my thoughts on the notions contained in John 3:16...and in your post, SF.
A I was taught, is an infraction against one of the many laws of your god. Essentially, it is a thought, word, or deed that offends the god.
According to you theistic folk...we all sin. In other words, we all do things that offend your god.
Now you seem to think that "sacrifice" is needed to your god for some reason or another...and that Jesus "sacrificed" himself for your sins.
Once again...essentially...this means that your god would forgive you your sins...
...that is, your god will forgive you for offending (him)...
...but was unwilling to do so without a sacrifice.
And you theist folk seem to think that the sacrifice needed to get the god to cooperate...had to be a significant sacrifice.
You folks also say that this god sent (his) son to Earth to make that sacrifice. know better than I what terrible things you have done to offend your god...but I simply cannot conceive of them being so horrible that someone had to be tortured and killed in order for your god to forgive you for them.
And I cannot conceive of anything that would make me love, honor, adore, or worship a god so disgusting that (he) would be offeded by so much...and who would demand that you first torture and kills (his) son before forgiving any of it.
Consider all this...and let's discuss it.