I still beleive and still have faith and nothing will change that. I've gone thru too many horrible things in my life and only God got me thru it, but I can see where Frank is coming from.
Frank has obviously read the bible because he quotes it well and I respect his opinion.
It's just that we see it differently, kind of like the glass with water, half empty, half full.
I discussed this forum with my mom, and even she admitted that yeah, looking at it from Frank's and many other's point of view, it does look ugly and dismall........but.........I still see something beautiful in it....
One of my favorite verses is:
(and I know I might get some flak...flack..flake..?...whatever... for it)
Heb. 13:5
I will never fail you. I will never forsake you.
Yes..Yes....I know guys...Jesus screamed on the cross:
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me"?!
I've heard different teachings on that, and so far it made sense to me...enough said.
So......like I said, because of some devastating things that I went thru, and outcomes to things that should have been tragic, but weren't because God answered my anguished cries....I will never stop beleiving.
And no...not ALL my prayers have been answered...yet...
I still haven't won the lottery, I still can't seem to loose those last 10 lbs,
I want a dark, silver hummer....but seriously....there still are some things that only a miracle could cure...I'll continue praying.
