@old europe,
Well the answer lies in the sentence you quoted. Take out the obviously exaggerated and categorical stuff ( "Trump is unfit... ; a pathological liar; interfered with our election: " etc.) and you are left with a very small residue of material that might be worth considering. I find most of the anti Trump material here to be a mixture of categorical nonsense, partisan selective and grossly exaggerated stuff, lacking context and thoughtful consideration of the results obtained and their meaning.
Presidents are human beings, complex creatures filled with contradictions, perceived virtues that become faults in office and the converse. History reveals achievements and failings that usually confound the first impressions of partisans on both sides. Harry Truman was an excellent example of undetected potential and integrity We now know (most of ) what we got with Obama : Trump is an unwritten page.
Contrast the contemporary nonsense about Putin with what I wrote in the post above concerning our relations with that country. There I made a brief effort to state the context in which this stuff should be evaluated - something that is totally absent from the overpartisan and largely meaningless "dialogue" here on the mattter.
Trump presents some unusual contrasts and apparent contradictions that are ignored and unexamined in the ever partisan dialogue here. Indeed in most cases I think any attempt to do so would be a waste of time in a game where scoring points is at issue, not a search for understanding. Some considerations;
=> Obama speaks in generalities about the "right" action or policy , usually in terms of its merits relative so some abstract principle or value. His detailed management of our government apparatus and policy, both foreign and domestic has been a sad series of failures.
=> Trump speaks in very (sometimes almost absurdly) specific and concrete terms with vivid and specific references ( "build a wall..." ) , and he does so often with apparent inconsistently ( though there is an easily detected central tendency in it). Despite that I believe most of his supporters believe they know what he intends to do far better than they knew what they would get from the more elegantly loquatious Obama. His opponents merely seize on the inconsistencies. We shall see....
=> Obama's Cabinet was, Except for Bill Gates (former SECDEF) a collection of weak people entirely (or partly in the case of Hilllary) dependent on him. All behaved consistently as sycophants reflecting the Obama line in everything while the Federal Bureaucracy grew in size and cost, and shrank in competence and effectiveness.
=> Trump has selected a group of rather independent and distinguished people whose competence and stated interests amplify his sometimes inarticulately stated, but clear goals. They have already demonstrated their willingness to differ with him in detail in their testimony to Congress - something that never occurred (except for Gates) with Obama, and Trump has confidently endorsed those actions.
This is a long and complex subject, but I have attempted tobriefly outline what I believe may be a coherent way of evaluating the differences. I see the possibility that Trump will be a focused and decisive, action-oriented President and in that form much needed in a successor to the selo-absorbed Hamlet who proceeded him. I hope that answers your question.