Sinclair Broadcasting Group Poised to Break Election Laws

Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:28 am

He got an honorable discharge"...after making up enough of the drills he missed to earn the miniumum number of points.

And competent authority is required to establish that a crime has been committed. It's that due process thingy you know. A great improvement over lynchings I might add. :wink:
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:35 am
Thomas you have given me a lot to consider.

It is just that I believe that the government is governed by the people. If there are rules in place then "we the people" can fight those with most of the money by forming together and having laws by which people have to live by so that those with the most money don't end up controlling us with less money.

If government or regulations becomes currupt or works in the opposite way it is intended, then in a government that is owned by the people like America is, we can change it by changing those in charge or fixing the laws.

However it is our responsiblity and if we just keep letting these people get away with monopolies and other tacky tactics then we deserve what we get.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:39 am
George Soros gets to use his fortune to advocate his political ideas. Why not the owners of Sinclair Group? The bias of the broadcast media (ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR) has been demonstrated by repeated analysis of their reporting. They are very quick to defend their right to interpret and present the news as they wish, and I agree with them on that point. Why do you wish to apply this restraint only to the Sinclair group (which btw is but a minor player in the media world.)
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:40 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Think about it:

Both Bush and Kerry come from privileged backgrounds.

And yet, whereas Kerry went overseas, fought for his country, was wounded, and came back with a conscience to talk about the horrors of the Vietnam war, Bush chose the National Guard, got favors, chose not to go to Vietnam, and was AWOL for close to a year. And now Bush is sending our sons and daughters into a war that was justified at the time because Saddam was an "imminent" threat, when millions around the world knew that was bullshit.

Kerry went overseas, and immediately showed himself to be such a total idiot and incompetent that the guys in charge sent him home after two months with three purple hearts for bandaid wounds.

George W. Bush flew jet fighters for a few years in the guard, which is a more dangerous job than most of the jobs for US soldiers in Nam were, and then moved to Boston to attend Harvard business school. Nobody should expect eldest sons of patrician families to have ambitions to pilot jetliners or to make a career of the national guard.

Basically, VietNam was a French colonial position which the frogs had the brains fo duck out of and a democrat administration here didn't, and almost nobody gives a rat's ass about what anybody did or didn't do at that time.

UNLESS of course, the guy in question walks out onto a stage on primetime television and says "I'm John F'ing Kerry, the glorious war hero, reporting for duty!!!!!!!", and THEN an investigation into his actual military records show him to be an idiot and an absolutely phony SOB.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:40 am

It's ALL ABOUT the public airwaves!

Noone is claiming that the movie itself is wrong (though it is) or that it doesn't have the right to be seen or heard. Just not using the public spectrum.

Sinclair owns the station, NOT the airwaves - those are public property and should be treated as such.

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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:50 am
revel wrote:
If there are rules in place then "we the people" can fight those with most of the money by forming together and having laws by which people have to live by so that those with the most money don't end up controlling us with less money.

"We, the people can", but there are good reasons to expect that "we, the people" won't, and those with the most money will. To begin with, your individual ballot vote, by itself, has a trivial amount of influence over who ends up governing you -- so the system by itself doesn't give you any incentive to vote responsibly. On the other hand, politicians, once elected, will find it more important to pursue their own agenda rather than yours, especially since they know that controlling them faces you with the same free-rider problem you faced when you voted.

Moreover, the money votes of lobbyists usually end up benefitting the people who spend the money, so their incentive to trade favors with politicians is much greater. Connect the dots, and you can see why the lobbyists end up controlling the agencies that were created to control them. It's not a degeneration of an otherwise noble system. This is how the system really works. And the only solution I see is to give the politicians fewer favors to trade.

This isn't just a crazy conspiracy theory on my part -- there's a well-established scientific field on this matter called "public choice theory". This old Slate article by Paul Krugman should give you a good introduction into the issues. Note that Krugman is a well-known liberal, so his partisan incentive would be to play the issue of government failure down, not up.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:56 am
It's a boycott of the company in general, not of the program in specific. And don't kid yourself - losing advertising revenue WILL hurt them.

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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 10:59 am
Ever heard "No such thing as bad press" before? Could be Sinclair advances with the unprecedented amount of attention they're getting. (just a thought)
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 11:02 am
It is an idea, Bill.

Though part of the problem for Sinclair is that, as an owner of stations which basically show network broadcasting, there's very little 'branding' that they can put forward with this move; there's no product to sell, and they are just going to go on showing the same network shows they were before, so where are they gonna go with the press?

I also just read over on www.dailykos.com that the Anti-Defamation league is condemning Sinclair for anti-Jewish sentiment on the air. That oughta raise some hackles.

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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 11:49 am
Kerry went overseas, and immediately showed himself to be such a total idiot and incompetent that the guys in charge sent him home after two months with three purple hearts for bandaid wounds.

Bullshit. That's what the Swift Boat Veterans of Bullshit has programmed into your highly impressionable brain. And you predictably fall for it. You also denigrate so many of the Vietnam vets who were wounded, as well as all those idiots at the RNC who would wear pink bandaids on their chins and wave their arms back and forth in flip-flopping unison.

It is a sick joke, and it is monumentally sad.



As the bullshit charges against Kerry have not stuck (if any of you haven't noticed, his numbers are rising), the Swift Boat Veterans for the Sinclair Broadcasting Group must now resort to this tactic.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 11:53 am
My daughter and I have "Girl Time" every week with WB. Monday is Everwood. Tuesday is Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill.

Guys get the big screen for Wednesday nights airing of Smallville.

We will find other appropriate programing if Sinclaire group insists on this. And, we will let advertisers know as well. Those that advertise during those times this week and next will be receiving letters.

Also, I know Gilmore Girls is paid for with federal grants. Other WB programs may be as well.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 12:08 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
Bullshit. That's what the Swift Boat Veterans of Bullshit has programmed into your highly impressionable brain. And you predictably fall for it. You also denigrate so many of the Vietnam vets who were wounded, as well as all those idiots at the RNC who would wear pink bandaids on their chins and wave their arms back and forth in flip-flopping unison.

What gives you such a special insight into the inner truth of this story? Were you there? Do you have much of a background in such things? In short is there any reason for the reader to attach any value whatever to your opinion? I do note that 20 out of 22 of the Officers in Kerry's boat squadron are signed on with the SBVFT. They were present and they did witness the events in question.

Moreover the objective facts that Kerry spent 13 weeks in swift boats, accumulating 3 Purple Hearts during the first 11 weeks; got an early release from overseas duty based on them; returned home requiring zero medical treatment; and testified to widespread warcrimes before a Senate committee in company with another individual who has since been unmasked as a charlaitain, posing as an ex Airforce Warrant Officer; and then, mindful that he could be prosecuted for failing to report such events, later denied ever witnessing any such crimes. That alone is certainly enough to at least raise serious questions in the mind of any objective observer.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 12:15 pm
Thomas wrote:
revel wrote:
If there are rules in place then "we the people" can fight those with most of the money by forming together and having laws by which people have to live by so that those with the most money don't end up controlling us with less money.

"We, the people can", but there are good reasons to expect that "we, the people" won't, and those with the most money will. To begin with, your individual ballot vote, by itself, has a trivial amount of influence over who ends up governing you -- so the system by itself doesn't give you any incentive to vote responsibly. On the other hand, politicians, once elected, will find it more important to pursue their own agenda rather than yours, especially since they know that controlling them faces you with the same free-rider problem you faced when you voted.

Moreover, the money votes of lobbyists usually end up benefitting the people who spend the money, so their incentive to trade favors with politicians is much greater. Connect the dots, and you can see why the lobbyists end up controlling the agencies that were created to control them. It's not a degeneration of an otherwise noble system. This is how the system really works. And the only solution I see is to give the politicians fewer favors to trade.

This isn't just a crazy conspiracy theory on my part -- there's a well-established scientific field on this matter called "public choice theory". This old Slate article by Paul Krugman should give you a good introduction into the issues. Note that Krugman is a well-known liberal, so his partisan incentive would be to play the issue of government failure down, not up.

I have not checked out your website yet, not because i already disagree with it. In fact more than likely you are right now the way you describe it works.

However what you don't seem to understand is the power of the people.

(sometimes I sound like a rehash of John Lennon and Yoko and that was even a little bit before my time; 39)

But we do the power in our hands to change the way things work. It just takes work and the will of the people. And that would include the power of the special interest groups and lobbiest and anything else that occurs in our country. If I didn't fundamentally believe that, I truly would give up on our country and accept that those with more money and power will always have more control.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 12:35 pm

What gives you such a special insight into the inner truth of this story?

Because these idiots have been debunked time and again, and have been exposed for the myriad lies they've used against Kerry.







So, you know, I wasn't there. But neither were ANY of these Swift Boat men actually ON John Kerry's boat during the medals in question.

This is just ridiculous, and only points more to the fact that a man who went AWOL in the National Guard, and whose Vice President got five deferments to avoid the Vietnam war, are sending our sons and daughters into a war based on LIES.

THAT is what this is all about. I find it EGREGIOUS that somebody like you would criticize a man from a wealthy and privileged background who chose to fight in Vietnam.

I think it's dispicable.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 12:41 pm
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 12:45 pm
The main ciriticism of Kerry from his fellow veterans, including Bush, dookie, is not what he did in Viet Nam, but what he did when he returned.

True, he is also criticized for his self engrandizing of his service, but mainly it is the disrepect he showed his comrades in arms in his statements to the Congress and his flipflopping from a prowar advocate and participant to an antiwar one and one who met and gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

As one POW vet said, he gave the enemy what he had himself endured torture and resisted giving them. IMO, the POW is the real hero, not Kerry.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 01:05 pm
John McCain, a POW and "real" hero, has condemned these idiots time and again:

"I'm sick and tired of re-fighting the Vietnam War. And most importantly, I'm sick and tired of opening the wounds of the Vietnam War, which I've spent the last 30 years trying to heal," McCain told USA Today. "It's offensive to me, and it's angering to me that we're doing this. It's time to move on."

Separately, McCain told the New York Times that he intended to personally "express my displeasure" to President Bush about TV ads that question Kerry's valor in Vietnam."

That's coming from a POW real hero.



"Republican pollster Neil Newhouse said Mr. Bush had the advantage when the debate centered on Kerry's actions in Vietnam because the questions raised doubts about Kerry's credibility. Now that the debate has shifted to questions about campaign tactics and political insiders, Newhouse said, Mr. Bush lost his advantage."

Honestly, what do you know about war that could intrinsically change your mind regarding it's mission on the psychi of the America soldier? There is already a growing number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq seriously questioning their involvement in this war, and are speaking public (albeit anonymously) to voice their discontent with Bush's policies in the region.

John Kerry was also speaking for the many other soldiers who TOLD him about these atrocities. He had NOTHING to do with Viet Cong using his statements to torture their prisoners. The VIET CONG did.

And there are also THOUSANDS of Vietnam vets who have spoken out against war:


John Kerry has made a point of his service because, quite simply, Bush was AWOL, and didn't give a damn. It's a simple as that. An early discharge for "making up points" is ludicrous.

Bush chose to not go to Vietnam. That, to me, says enough about HIS character, and the last four years have been hell.

Um, and as far as I've heard, Bush hasn't said ANYTHING regarding what Kerry did after Vietnam. He wouldn't dare. But I could be wrong now. Bush is so desperate now that he's saying some of the dumbest things now on both the campaign trail and the last two debates:

The truth of the matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam would still be in power if he [John Kerry] were the President of the United States, and the world would be a lot better off.
-- Speaking carefully... well, that's a different matter, Second Presidential Debate, St. Louis, Missouri
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 01:05 pm
revel wrote:
However what you don't seem to understand is the power of the people. (sometimes I sound like a rehash of John Lennon and Yoko and that was even a little bit before my time; 39)

Oh, I do respect the power of the people. It is their wisdom that I question, especially since the institution of majority rule gives them a strong incentive to be stupid. You like John Lennon, I like Men in Black, and I especially like one immortal quote somebody in this thread once pointed out to me. It's the one where Jay asks why MIB makes such a secret of the aliens living on Earth. "Why the big secret? People are smart, they can handle it." Kay answers: "Persons are smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." The application of this insight to politics is left as an excercise to the reader. Just remember that politicians are people too as you apply the insight.

If I didn't fundamentally believe that, I truly would give up on our country and accept that those with more money and power will always have more control.

Oh, but they do! But that's no reason to make things worse by giving politicians more control to sell to them.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 01:17 pm
Dookiestix wrote:

What gives you such a special insight into the inner truth of this story?

Because these idiots have been debunked time and again, and have been exposed for the myriad lies they've used against Kerry.







So, you know, I wasn't there. But neither were ANY of these Swift Boat men actually ON John Kerry's boat during the medals in question.

This is just ridiculous, and only points more to the fact that a man who went AWOL in the National Guard, and whose Vice President got five deferments to avoid the Vietnam war, are sending our sons and daughters into a war based on LIES.

THAT is what this is all about. I find it EGREGIOUS that somebody like you would criticize a man from a wealthy and privileged background who chose to fight in Vietnam.

I think it's dispicable.

It's funny that you go so far out of your way demonstrating that perpetual lies have no bearing on the truth and then use the perpetual lie of Bush being AWOL in your response. Just too funny.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2004 01:19 pm
Then prove me wrong, McGentrix. There is so much out there TO show that these idiots are the biggest liars on the planet, and that not ONE individual can recall seeing Bush in the NG during his time in question.

THAT is too funny.
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