Quote:The NEWS piece about Kerry doesn't fit your definition of an ad. How is highlighting Kerry's anti war activities an ad? It is informative and provides back round information on a candidate that wouldn't other wise be know, but is indeed true.
Um, actually, no Baldimo. This "background" information has already been vetted by the Swift Boat Veterans for Bullshit, and one of the people used in their ads has worked on this film. How can this be anything BUT a political advertisement that is directly helping the Bush administration? Sinclair can do whatever the hell they feel like it, because they are filthy rich, and give predominantly to Republicans. And so, they are scoring further brownie points with the Bush administration, and furthering the cause of media monopolies in this country. In case you aren't aware, this is the same Sinclair who prevented a Madison, Wisconsin Fox affiliate from airing an advertisement by the Democratic National Committee last July. The same Sinclair who today forces local stations against their will to run a daily "commentary" segment by its corporate spokesman which calls the French "cheese eating surrender monkeys," and antiwar Congressman "unpatriotic politicians who hate our military."
There is no DOUBT that it wil be wrong and full of lies. When Kerry testified in front of Congress back in 1971, the many atrocities that he cited DID take place, and have been well documented. What the press releases have been saying SPECIFICALLY about what Kerry said in the context of this film is that these atrocities did not happen. THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE SAYING. They are also saying that because Kerry said these things were happening, that it was his fault. Christ, it was the fault of those men who committed those atrocities, and Kerry called them on their heinous acts. It's like Rumsfeld and Cheney not calling Saddam on his heinous acts against his own people back in 1983. Oh, wait. They actually DID that.
John Kerry railed against the establishment and those in the top command, and held THEM responsible for these atrocities, not the predominantly 2.5 million men who served in Vietnam. And you should, too. We were occupiers in a strange land, trapped in a civil war, whereas many were high on drugs, drunk, and horrifically disillusioned by the horrors of the Vietnam war.
Republicans are so desperate as to try this latest attempt at nonsense. And I think it is utterly dispicable.