What is the soul?

Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 05:36 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Between 630 and 640 thousand years ago

Do you work for British Gas?

That sounds very much like one of their time frames for a visit.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 08:23 am
Why would God try and restrict knowledge in the garden? Does God have something to hide?

Why do the mystery religions and Apocrypha claim that Lucifer is actually God?

Did God really commit genocide with the Noah fable?

Was Judas used as a pawn?

Did "the most beautiful angel" Lucifer reject God's advances?

Who is God's wife? Or do Gods not have wives and what is up with Lilith?

Why is there an occult and why do many stories have Jesus subscribing to and advancing the occult through parables and "mysteries"? Why was Jesus performing "magic"?

What is up with all of the Osiris comparisons with Jesus?
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 08:44 am
Thank you for those comments, especially this one:
This" life could not be any grander in scope and dimension.

I can see why some of the things I've said might lead you to believe that I would disagree with that. But I could not agree with you more.

I mean, what grander picture of life could there be than to be given this gift of consciousness, and nothing else, then left with this challenge to figure out what it all means. It has been an incredible journey, no complaints, but there comes a point where it's time to move on. No hurry though, as long as it's still interesting.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 09:22 am
Yet you only see all life as too complex and led by anagenesis. Thats not the case when viewed objectively
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 10:42 am
I guess the old saying, "stop and smell the roses" pretty much sums up my attitude concerning life and consciousness.

Glad we are in agreement on this.

Life is filled with many dreams, some that we will achieve and some that it will be only possible to speculate about.

Even the dreams we never achieve are still something to be thankful for.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 11:01 am
Even the dreams we never achieve are still something to be thankful for.

Nice. Wished I'd said that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 11:08 am
Yet you only see all life as too complex and led by anagenesis. Thats not the case when viewed objectively

No man, it's actually simple. God wanted Good Company.

But I am always genuinely interested in other's view of life.
How would you sum up yours ?
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 02:50 pm
The Anointed
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 03:02 pm
That's much better Izzy, a little humor rather than foul insults, perhaps I'll get to like you one day, perhaps.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 03:54 pm
The Cobbler wrote ….. Why would God try and restrict knowledge in the garden? Does God have something to hide?

The Anointed ….. When we finally create artificial intelligence, we will demand that it does not rebel against our commands and start judging them as evil. Otherwise, we might have to lock them into another dimension, where they cannot affect our lives.

The Cobbler wrote ….. Why do the mystery religions and Apocrypha claim that Lucifer is actually God?

The Anointed ….. When the Israelites were dying in the wilderness because of the plague of serpents that were killing them, Moses had an ‘IMAGE’ made of the serpent and lifted it up upon a pole, in order that all who were dying because they had been bitten by the serpents only had to turn to the ‘IMAGE’ to be saved.

The Lord God our savior filled the man Jesus with his Spirit in order to reveal himself to us.

The Lord said to Moses Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; I will raise up for them a prophet just like you, I shall fill him with ‘MY WORDS’ and he will speak to them all that I command him. And all who refuse to heed ‘MY WORDS’ that he shall speak in ‘MY NAME’ I will surely punish.

Jesus was the earthly ‘IMAGE” that was lifted up upon a pole in order that all those who are dying from the venom of the serpent that is coursing through their veins, only had to turn to its earthly perfected 'IMAGE' in order to be saved.

John 3:,14-15; "As Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the desert, in the same way the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

The Cobbler wrote ….. Did God really commit genocide with the Noah fable (Historical record)?

The Anointed ….. Yep! And it’s going to happen again when the words of the prophet Zephaniah are fulfilled after the great Sabbath of one thousand years. Zephaniah 1: 1-2; The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken. Verse 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth. “Everyone who still lives on earth being the operative sentence.”

“I am the Bright Morning Star said the Lord.” ........ To be continued.
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 08:14 pm
@The Anointed,
Louisiana A.G. Encourages Employees To Undermine COVID Restrictions

In an email to state Department of Justice workers, Attorney General Jeff Landry advised how to invoke the Bible to object to face masks in schools.

Because The Anointed's god will save you from the virus (and serpents). (cynical)

And when artificial intelligence finds a cure for cancer the Anointed's fake Christians people will lock the computers in another dimension.

Exodus 20:4-6
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath...

The Anointed Wrote: Jesus was the earthly ‘IMAGE”

Guess who is living in idolatry?

The Cobbler wrote ….. Did God really commit genocide with the Noah fable?

The Anointed Wrote:
Yep! And it’s going to happen again... (garbage)

Comment: With the help of his brain dead Trump followers and republican get-filthy-rich-quick off the backs of students, the old, poor and disabled...

Did you ever even once consider that it might have been Lucifer that actually caused the (mythological) flood? There is a lot of biblical evidence to support this scenario. (Book of Job and the Book of Genesis)

This is where your scholarly farce of a joke "Trumpo education" unravels into a pile of dung...

And you will be there gleefully helping when Lucifer tries again... Egging on climate change and poisoning our air and rivers for $.

2 Thessalonians 2:3K JV
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

That is your buddy whispering for you to not wear masks or take the vaccine!

Now who is the anointed?

Anointed with what and by whom is the question?
The Anointed
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2021 09:23 pm
Continued on from my previous post.

What an ignorant child you are Cobbler, fancy interrupting me before I have finished answering your original questions, Did your mother not teach you any manners?

The Cobbler wrote ….. Was Judas used as a pawn?

The Anointed Responds ….. Acts 2: 23; “In accordance with his own plan God had already decided that Jesus would be handed over to you; and you killed him by letting sinful men crucify him.

I often wonder if those people who call themselves Christians, and who are as ignorant to the scriptures as those ignorant unstable atheists, were able to mentally descend to the days of Jesus and merge with the mind of Judas on the night of the Last Supper, and knowing what Judas was about to do, would they try to stop him, and mentally dissuade him from his supposedly insane act of betraying Jesus to the authorities? Or knowing that the act of Judas was according to God’s plan, would they, ‘like Satan,’ on seeing Judas’s resolve beginning to diminish, then do all in their power to strengthen that resolve, and so become an accessory to the act of Judas?

The Cobbler wrote ….. Did "the most beautiful angel" Lucifer reject God's advances?

The Anointed Responds ….. Do you still spit in your mothers face? A yes or no answer please.

The Cobbler wrote ….. Who is God's wife? Or do Gods not have wives and what is up with Lilith?

The Anointed Responds ….. There is only one God and He is all that exist, you poor ignorant child.

The Cobbler wrote ….. Why is there an occult (WHAT OCCULT?) and why do many stories have Jesus subscribing to and advancing the occult through parables and "mysteries"? (WHAT STORIES?) Why was Jesus performing "magic"? (WHAT MAGIC?)

The Cobbler wrote ….. What is up with all of the Osiris comparisons with Jesus?

The Anointed Responds ….. . I see that you are referring to the ancient Greek myths, which were an attempt to explain that which in their time was unexplainable.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the sixth child born to Time (Kronos) and Space (Rhea), Time was his father and Space his mother. Zeus is the Godhead, the Most-High that was created on the sixth day, or the sixth period of universal activity, the sixth generation of the universe as revealed in Genesis 2:4. Zeus, the sixth child born to Time and Space is called the father of Gods and men, the most high and powerful among mortals, whom all others obey.

His five siblings, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed by their father ’Time’ immediately after they were born. The five previous generations of the universe, who were born to Time and Space prior to the sixth universal child, did not develop a mind, that is to say, a spiritual godhead to the universal body in which they were developing.

When Zeus was born, his mother ’Space’ hid him in a cave, a tunnel (A worm hole) and gave to her partner ‘Time,’ a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth, which he swallowed. The stone swallowed by Time was none other than the philosopher’s stone, the concealed stone of many colours, the single stone with seven facets, the mystic seed of transcendental life, which should invade, tinge, and wholly transmute, the imperfect self into spiritual gold.

The son of Zeus and his sister wife Demeter, is Dionysus who is equated with Osiris. The Platonists who believed the Greek myths, called Dionysus, the mind within us, our master, our indwelling ruler.”

Demeter was the sister wife of Zeus and mother of Dionysus [The firstborn son of Zeus and the successor to the throne of the spiritual godhead to the human race] whose body was torn to pieces by the Titans, then boiled in water before being roasted in fire; (The baptism of blood, water, and fire.)

When Zeus had grown, it was by a cunning devise of Metis ‘which is divine wisdom,’ that Cronos (Time) was forced to bring up the five children or the previous five universal bodies that he had swallowed before they had developed a Supreme personality of godhead within them, but first of all, the seven faceted stone.

Those children who were swallowed by time, were the product of the first five creative days or periods of universal activity, (The first five generations of the universe.) Osiris like Adam was the first man to be mummified and Osiris is the god of the first of the five new made days.

Osiris/Adam, the first man to be mummified, was created on the seventh day, by “The Son of Man,” who was born at the close of the 6th generation, who was ‘the Lord to the glory of ‘EL’ the creator.

Budge—Book of the Dead, p. 627, “O Osiris, son of Nut (Primeval matter), I have given unto thee the Sovereignty of thy father Seb (Time), and the goddess Mut (Space), thy mother, (Lord of Space and Time) who gave birth to the gods, brought you forth as the first born of five gods, and created thy beauties and fashioned thy members.”

Isis, the sister wife to Osiris, was the most popular goddess from the time of Psamtik 1 (663-610 B.C) till the coming of Christianity, her cult appealed to the Greeks and Romans alike and when Egypt came under Roman rule, her cult spread through much of Europe. By the time of Jesus, the chief center of her worship was in Rome. Isis is commonly depicted with Horus the child (Harpocrates) on her lap, and today, it is impossible for the average punter to distinguish between the late pagan and early Christian figures of the mother and child, it’s almost as though the old Pagan Queen was stripped of her old garments and clothed with the new covering of Christianity.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 10:22 am

Are you going to talk Theology or not. Nobody dragged you here, so answer the question unless you are just trolling. If so, F O.
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 12:38 pm
Errant theology masquerading as science and history supply Farmerman with every justification for his presence and comments here.

Especially how the Anointed is spouting a corrupted, warped view of science while trying to mix that with dogma religion.

I would think that Farmerman's interest here would be obvious...

Also the topic of this thread is, "What is the soul"?

Applying scientific analysis to this question, considering, the soul is (theoretically) something related to life and "biology" is certainly an appropriate approach to this inquiry.

While, applying faith based personal interpretation of scriptures and forcing that opinion on others (through insults and fear mongering) without any proof is really... yes, OBTUSE.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 12:48 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

Errant theology masquerading as science and history supply Farmerman with every justification for his presence and comments here.

Especially how the Anointed is spouting a corrupted, warped view of science while trying to mix that with dogma religion.

I would think that Farmerman's interest here would be obvious...

Also the topic of this thread is, "What is the soul"?

Applying scientific analysis to this question, considering, the soul is (theoretically) something related to life and "biology" is certainly an appropriate approach to this inquiry.

While, applying faith based scriptures and forcing that opinion on others (through insults and fear mongering) without any proof is really... yes, OBTUSE.


That anointed guy is entitled to his guesses about the REALITY of existence, which includes guesses about "What is the soul"...but when those guesses are presented as assertions in an Internet forum, there is a burden of proof that occurs. And that burden is not met with "It is obvious."

When an attempt is made to meet that burden with pseudo-science...people like Farmerman have a right (in my opinion, an obligation) to set things right. FM has been doing that kind of thing here for decades...and I doubt he will stop because the anointed guy and his wingman have hurt feelings.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 01:11 pm
The story of Jesus was drawn from the stories of:

What about Buddha or Krishna being born virginal?
and MANY more...

And one might say, well, there is scant concrete evidence that Jesus in every detail was borrowed from these earlier myths.

Why is that?

Maybe because the Christians burned the library of Alexandria that contained the complete list and evidence of this plagiarism? Many of these old myths are gone now no thanks to the Christian Nazi scroll burners..

Did Jesus ascend into the clouds, perform miracles healing the blind with mud, raise the dead, descend into the grave himself for three days and three nights (must be exact about this), born of a virgin prophesized in the stars, walked on water, the last supper, sermon on the mount, just as the story of Moses was based upon earlier myths...! He could calm a storm, and then there is Paul struck by a blinding light and bitten by a snake, but miraculously healed by the "one true God"! Oh, and the mystery of "Christ in you"! Christ in or, Christian...

The list of evident fabrications obviously came from the myths contained within the massive library of Alexandria including riding the donkey, born of a virgin, his martyrdom at the hands of an empire and the religious opposition, king of kings (well of course).

It is all a grandiose fabrication meant to create a deity centered around Jewish mysticism.

But, the library had to go up in flames to cover the tracks of this elaborate forgery scheme.

A voice crying out in the wilderness and the answer to that voice was an elaborate, grandiose, plagiaristic, forgery scheme.

Does the world need a Jesus? Perhaps, in some ways, but to give people a hero based upon lies and fabrications... Is there no one worthy to be called savior who is real? Of course there is, there are plenty of selfless real life saviors who are not based upon the borrowed lies of the ages.

This is the reason why Christians are so gullible and easily misled. Kool-Aid anyone?
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 03:13 pm
Applying scientific analysis to this question, considering, the soul is (theoretically) something related to life and "biology" is certainly an appropriate approach to this inquiry.

I can't wait for farmer to expound on that. Seriously. I've asked him that just recently. The all caps insults that returned were not totally
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 03:17 pm
Ridiculous. Might as well scientifically study Tinker Nell or Scooby Doo.
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 03:19 pm
That was my ******* point Edgar.

The Cobbler pretends its legit.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 04:32 pm
What a load of unadulterated BS, if you are going to attack the scripture twisting theologians of the Roman church and her daughter denominations , try using some evidence as I do, and not your rubbishing dribble.

Concerning the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth, it amazes me how any intelligent person can be deceived into believing the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth of the man Jesus.

The Hebrew has a specific term for ‘Virgin’ and that word is ‘Bethulah,’ which word is used in the Old Testament whenever a woman, who has never had any sexual contact with a man, is being referred too, but Isaiah does not use the word ‘Bethulah’ in the famous passage ‘Isaiah 7: 14,’ instead he uses the Hebrew ‘almah’ which refers to any woman of marriageable age, irrelevant as to her sexual status. A young unmarried woman with children is still an 'almah'.

From the Revised Standard Version, Luke 2: 36; “And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher; she was of a great age, [84] having lived with her husband 7 years from her virginity [married at the age of 70] lived with her husband until he was murdered when she was 77 and as a widow for 7 years til she was 84 when her grandson Jesus was born.

As a widow, Anna/Hanna remained in her Parthenia= state of seclusion for 7 years, from the death of her husband in 13 BC, until the birth of Jesus in 6 BC, but this does not mean that she was a virgin. A more accurate rendering of the term “Parthenos” is a person who does not have a regular sexual partner. An unmarried woman with children and no partner, would be a Parthenos in Greek and an almah in Hebrew.

‘Parthenos,’ was often used in reference to non-virgins who had never been married. Homer uses it in reference to unmarried girls who were no longer virgins, and Homer was the standard textbook for learning Greek all throughout antiquity, so any writer of Greek, including the authors of the Septuagint and those who translated Matthew’s Hebrew Gospel into the Greek, who translated Isaiah’s words, that an ‘almah’ (An unmarried woman would be with child etc) while being well aware of this words versatile and indefinite meaning; were in no way implying that Mary was a virgin when they were forced to use the Greek term ‘Parthenos’ in translating Isiah 7: 14.

As said before the Hebrew has a specific term for ‘virgin,’ “Bethulah” which word is used in every instance in the Old Testament where a woman who has never had sexual intercourse with a man is referred to, which is obviously not the case with the unmarried woman/Almah, who is mentioned in Isaiah 7:14.

The Good News Bible: Catholic Study Edition: Proverbs 30; 19; translate the Hebrew term “Almah” as woman. “And a man and a woman falling in love.”

The New Revised Standard bible, likewise translates the Hebrew “ALMAH,” as “GIRL.” “The way of a ship on the seas, and the way of a man with a girl.”

In Pergamos, as one of the final stages in the quest for enlightenment, the initiated adept would participate in sex with the Temple Virgin/Parthenos. "Parthenos" did not mean possessing an intact hymen. A parthenos was simply an unmarried woman, a woman who claimed ownership of herself.

The Greek language did not have a specific word for virgin. The Greek ‘Parthenos’ refers to any youth, male or female, of marriageable age, irrelevant as to their sexual status, and denotes ‘virgin’ only by implication.

The young 13 years old unmarried Mary, was a ‘Parthenos,’ a young unmarried woman, who told the Messenger of God that she had never had sexual contact with a man, thereby implying that she was still, at that point in time, a virgin.

When the Septuagint was translated from the Hebrew to Greek, hundreds of years before Jesus, the Hebrew translators were forced to use the Greek word ‘Parthenos’ when translating the Hebrew ‘almah’ to the Greek, and as Matthew’s gospel was originally written in Hebrew, when it was later translated to Greek, the same word ‘Parthenos’ was used to translate the Hebrew ‘almah.’

“The Greek word Parthenos (παρθένος) is ambiguous but the Hebrew term “Almah” [Unmarried Female] is absolute, and is erroneously translated from Isaiah 7: 14, to English in Matthew 1:23; as “virgin,” whereas according to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, the Hebrew term “almah,” carries the meaning, (Concealment---unmarried female.)”

Isaiah 7: 14; Jewish Translation: “Therefore the Lord, of his own, shall give you a sign; behold the ‘YOUNG WOMAN’ is with child, and she shall bear a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.”

An ‘almah,’ [an unmarried girl,] can still be a virgin, as long as she has never had sexual intercourse with a man, but there is no way on this god’s earth that a young woman who is ‘WITH CHILD’ can still be a ‘virgin.’ There are of course those who would argue that an unmarried woman could be artificially inseminated without breaking her Hymen, and the male child that formed in her womb could be delivered by Caesarean Section, and the young woman would then remain a ‘virgin,’ but the child would be the biological son of the sperm donor, and not some miraculously born ‘Son of God.’

The actual word “Virgin” in reference to the mother of Jesus was not introduced, until the Latin Bible ‘The Vulgate’ was translated to English, when the Latin word ‘VIRGO’ was translated to Virgin. For just like the early Greek language, the Latin did not have a specific term for ‘VIRGIN’, their word “Virgo” refers to any young woman of marriageable age, whether or not she had previous sexual relations with a man. Even though, by the time of Jerome, the false teaching of the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus was firmly established.

See how easy it is, but then, as you are a biblical ignoramus, you are forced to dribble your BS, in some childish attempt, to condemn all God believers

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