I'm sorry Jimmy but obviously you can't see the flaw in your premise (aka your question).
You seem to be suggesting (and I use "seem" charitably) that anyone who knows "anything" about evolutionary theory must accept it.
So if someone who doesn't accept the theory of evolution, responds to your "question," they must demonstrate that they know "something" about the theory?
Clearly you think you've sprung a trap here in that anyone who knows something about evolutionary theory must perforce accept it. And you don't see the arrogance of this premise?
The notion that creationists don't know "anything" about evolution or biology is ridiculous. Clear, you don't know "anything" about creationists.
Your insistence on the "REAL reasons" for their rejection is a pompous demand that they acknowledge they are the idiots you think them to be.
I'm not trying to change "the" question, but simply illuminating why it is at best idiotic.