apparently your mind cannot make the effort to even mildly understand the truth that counters the misinformation you try to ply here every few weeks.
Why is it that you can only post stuff from people who are more"entertainers' and not scientists? All these people whove made their lives work following the art and discipline of science v a few idiots who don't even understand the processes of radionuclide decay, geology, biology or physics and who make their lives work as "entertainers" "hucksters" and "phony pitch men"/
The C14 analyses of the Allosaurus bones were , in sequence, sent to U of Arizona and then U of Georgia radioisotope labs (there was a talk about "bogus" sampling at GSA seminar in recent years). Fo these samples there was
1No narrative about possible contaminating by "recent carbon'
2No sampling QA, no chain of custody and no handling narrative. In otherwords, the actual experts at handling the specimens were not included for their advice on such things as how to properly package the sample. (for example, if theres any wood in the packing, it can give off turpenes with recent carbon that could affect the readings
3 The bones of the Allosaurus were originally dated by U/Pb techniques using zircons from 2 separate ash layers from above and below the formation that contained the fossil. Those formations provided dates that were securely within the Mesozoic.
If ya use radioisotopic methods you usually try to be complete
I wonder where the error was that gave the dates of 9000ybp, 16000 ybp, and 22000 ybp?
Would you question the honesty of the Ken Hams? and Steve Austens?
Steve Austen ws the one who tried to give a Creationist field trip at the 2011 GSA conference in Denver and tried to present a
flood story' at the Grand Canyon. Only problem ws that he missed several interlying formations that were clearly desert dune depoits and not "Floods"