What is the soul?

Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 04:33 pm
Perhaps you took Farmerman's comments the wrong way and misread his sentiment?

It should be alright to disagree with myths, innuendo and dogmas without someone insulting your education level, going all into a huff and calling down angels of death and wrath to gleefully wreak havoc on the world...

Christian jihads are often based upon the flimsiest ideas. Like family members mercy killing each other over the argument of whether if Adam and Eve had a navel...

As for the soul and/or spirit I tend to think this idea is a racist and/or elitist method of claiming superiority over others...

"Oh, they are not born again" or, "they sold their soul to the devil" because they are a good guitar player, musician or pop star...

We are all one family and we all have the same souls.

Since our DNA comes from billions of sources over millions of years all mixed together into many ethnicities. There are characters, traits, propensity to disease or fitness, intellectual skills, hormones, chemical soups that account for growth, personality, behaviors, mood and disposition.

The mind is susceptible to suggestion, deception, flights of fancy, delusions of grandeur, fantasies, religious indoctrination, self amelioration or destruction and evil brought on by a myriad of often learned factors through culture, societal conditions, biological stress and environmental chemical imbalance.

There are conditions like privilege and misfortune that also factor into a person's abilities and psyche.

It would seem that the soul and/or spirit are just another naturally occurring part of the human condition. God is arbitrary, atheists can be just as empathetic and moral.

No anointment or rebirth is needed to become fully actualized as a human being.

We simply need to utilize what is available through diet, education and physical exercise to reach our potential.

Impediments are all part of our evolutionary history and all people have these impediments in may forms and types across the spectrum of ethnicity.

Evolution is not a perfect mechanism but it is sufficient.

We are all equally a part of this mechanism, no ethnicity can claim anonymity or superiority. We all have flaws and strengths which make humanity a diverse, dynamic and robust animal.

Does the soul or spirit exist? If it does, we all partake in its abilities and functions and we are all, "civilized".

Is the soul or spirit the act of survival and empathy?

Well, all creatures alive have survived millions of years of challenge and they made it.

As for evil people. Sometimes it is the most privelaged and well off people who turn evil and often it is the most underprivileged people who are inclined to show mercy and love.

Is love learned? Part of it is learned and part of it has to do with our diet and how well we have cared for ourselves through exercise and eating foods that are not harmful.

If someone needs God to rise up out of their despair and learn to care about themselves and others I would say, click your ruby slippers! The ability to do well was there all along and God is merely a dangling illusionary carrot.

Do it for yourself out of necessity, self-will, intelligence and your own gumption and not because it is expected (or you will go to hell) and you will gain more from the experience.

Confidence motivation is much greater in the positive than fear motivation can ever be in the negative.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 06:12 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

What a load of unadulterated BS, if you are going to attack the scripture twisting theologians of the Roman church and her daughter denominations , try using some evidence as I do, and not your rubbishing dribble.

Concerning the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth, it amazes me how any intelligent person can be deceived into believing the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth of the man Jesus.

The Hebrew has a specific term for ‘Virgin’ and that word is ‘Bethulah,’ which word is used in the Old Testament whenever a woman, who has never had any sexual contact with a man, is being referred too, but Isaiah does not use the word ‘Bethulah’ in the famous passage ‘Isaiah 7: 14,’ instead he uses the Hebrew ‘almah’ which refers to any woman of marriageable age, irrelevant as to her sexual status. A young unmarried woman with children is still an 'almah'.

From the Revised Standard Version, Luke 2: 36; “And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher; she was of a great age, [84] having lived with her husband 7 years from her virginity [married at the age of 70] lived with her husband until he was murdered when she was 77 and as a widow for 7 years til she was 84 when her grandson Jesus was born.

As a widow, Anna/Hanna remained in her Parthenia= state of seclusion for 7 years, from the death of her husband in 13 BC, until the birth of Jesus in 6 BC, but this does not mean that she was a virgin. A more accurate rendering of the term “Parthenos” is a person who does not have a regular sexual partner. An unmarried woman with children and no partner, would be a Parthenos in Greek and an almah in Hebrew.

‘Parthenos,’ was often used in reference to non-virgins who had never been married. Homer uses it in reference to unmarried girls who were no longer virgins, and Homer was the standard textbook for learning Greek all throughout antiquity, so any writer of Greek, including the authors of the Septuagint and those who translated Matthew’s Hebrew Gospel into the Greek, who translated Isaiah’s words, that an ‘almah’ (An unmarried woman would be with child etc) while being well aware of this words versatile and indefinite meaning; were in no way implying that Mary was a virgin when they were forced to use the Greek term ‘Parthenos’ in translating Isiah 7: 14.

As said before the Hebrew has a specific term for ‘virgin,’ “Bethulah” which word is used in every instance in the Old Testament where a woman who has never had sexual intercourse with a man is referred to, which is obviously not the case with the unmarried woman/Almah, who is mentioned in Isaiah 7:14.

The Good News Bible: Catholic Study Edition: Proverbs 30; 19; translate the Hebrew term “Almah” as woman. “And a man and a woman falling in love.”

The New Revised Standard bible, likewise translates the Hebrew “ALMAH,” as “GIRL.” “The way of a ship on the seas, and the way of a man with a girl.”

In Pergamos, as one of the final stages in the quest for enlightenment, the initiated adept would participate in sex with the Temple Virgin/Parthenos. "Parthenos" did not mean possessing an intact hymen. A parthenos was simply an unmarried woman, a woman who claimed ownership of herself.

The Greek language did not have a specific word for virgin. The Greek ‘Parthenos’ refers to any youth, male or female, of marriageable age, irrelevant as to their sexual status, and denotes ‘virgin’ only by implication.

The young 13 years old unmarried Mary, was a ‘Parthenos,’ a young unmarried woman, who told the Messenger of God that she had never had sexual contact with a man, thereby implying that she was still, at that point in time, a virgin.

When the Septuagint was translated from the Hebrew to Greek, hundreds of years before Jesus, the Hebrew translators were forced to use the Greek word ‘Parthenos’ when translating the Hebrew ‘almah’ to the Greek, and as Matthew’s gospel was originally written in Hebrew, when it was later translated to Greek, the same word ‘Parthenos’ was used to translate the Hebrew ‘almah.’

“The Greek word Parthenos (παρθένος) is ambiguous but the Hebrew term “Almah” [Unmarried Female] is absolute, and is erroneously translated from Isaiah 7: 14, to English in Matthew 1:23; as “virgin,” whereas according to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, the Hebrew term “almah,” carries the meaning, (Concealment---unmarried female.)”

Isaiah 7: 14; Jewish Translation: “Therefore the Lord, of his own, shall give you a sign; behold the ‘YOUNG WOMAN’ is with child, and she shall bear a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.”

An ‘almah,’ [an unmarried girl,] can still be a virgin, as long as she has never had sexual intercourse with a man, but there is no way on this god’s earth that a young woman who is ‘WITH CHILD’ can still be a ‘virgin.’ There are of course those who would argue that an unmarried woman could be artificially inseminated without breaking her Hymen, and the male child that formed in her womb could be delivered by Caesarean Section, and the young woman would then remain a ‘virgin,’ but the child would be the biological son of the sperm donor, and not some miraculously born ‘Son of God.’

The actual word “Virgin” in reference to the mother of Jesus was not introduced, until the Latin Bible ‘The Vulgate’ was translated to English, when the Latin word ‘VIRGO’ was translated to Virgin. For just like the early Greek language, the Latin did not have a specific term for ‘VIRGIN’, their word “Virgo” refers to any young woman of marriageable age, whether or not she had previous sexual relations with a man. Even though, by the time of Jerome, the false teaching of the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus was firmly established.

See how easy it is, but then, as you are a biblical ignoramus, you are forced to dribble your BS, in some childish attempt, to condemn all God believers

What is there about people who blindly guess there is a god...and blindly guess they know specifics about that god...

...who are astonished by people who guess differently from them on various parts of the tales?

The entire of "scripture" is an absurdity...on the plane of Alice in Wonderland (Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There). People doing what you are doing are like people "believing" the book of Alice is "true" but taking umbrage at people who have different views of Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 06:15 pm
The Anointed wrote:

Here you are with your own agenda condemning God believers, and trying to convince them that they are wasting their time in searching for a creator and what that creator requires of them.

To you, God is no more that a dangling illusionary carrot, now if you believe, that "YOU" the invisible mind=spirit, that is developing within that physical womb, ceases to exist when it is returned to the elements from which it was created, then Good for you, but I believe that 'YOU' will survive the death of the womb in which you were formed from the information taken in through the senses of that womb, and from the words of He who exists in our future, I believe that the disembodied spirit who is assured of the resurrection can and will enter a state of rest as it awaits the day of its resurrection, while the mind that believes it will cease to exist, will suffer terrible mental torment, wishing the hell that it had searched more fully the subject of life after the first death, and now, having no physical senses to gain more information, thirsting for the information of what lies ahead as it awaits the great day of Judgement.

Isaih 57: 1-2; Good people die, and no one understands or even cares. But when they die, no calamity can hurt them. Those who live good lives find peace and rest in death. This suggests that those who lead wicked lives, those who know that they have condemned the righteous God of committing
heinous crimes against mankind, with their disgusting foul descriptions.

As Jude the step brother to Jesus said; Jude 1: 14; Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying; “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgement on all, and convince all that are ungodly among them all of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

This is reflected in Matthew 25: 31; Where Jesus speaks of the time that the Son of man comes with all his angel and divides the sheep from the goats that are consigned to suffer the second death, which is the condemned minds that had survived the first death. The same is recorded in Revelation 21: 5-8.

Why condemn others for doing exactly what you yourself are doing, spruiking your own agender, on how one should live. Why do you try to convince those poor souls who are suffering deep depression and feelings of 'The hopelessness of life', that death is all they have to look forward to?

How do you get from your pretense that you can prove a god exists...to the traits you suppose this god has?

And the answer cannot be a variation on...it just is.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 06:16 pm
Had to edit the post but it was too late, so here it is again.

Here you are with your own agenda condemning God believers, and trying to convince them that they are wasting their time in searching for a creator and what that creator requires of them.

To you, God is no more that a dangling illusionary carrot, now if you believe, that "YOU" the invisible mind=spirit, that is developing within that physical womb, ceases to exist when it is returned to the elements from which it was created, then Good for you, but I believe that 'YOU' will survive the death of the womb in which you were formed from the information taken in through the senses of that womb, and from the words of He who exists in our future, I believe that the disembodied spirit who is assured of the resurrection can and will enter a state of rest as it awaits the day of its resurrection, while the mind that believes it will cease to exist, will suffer terrible mental torment, wishing the hell that it had searched more fully the subject of life after the first death, and now, having no physical senses to gain more information, thirsting for the information of what lies ahead as it awaits the great day of Judgement.

Isaih 57: 1-2; Good people die, and no one understands or even cares. But when they die, no calamity can hurt them. Those who live good lives find peace and rest in death. This suggests that those who lead wicked lives, those who know that they have condemned the righteous God of committing
heinous crimes against mankind, with their disgusting foul descriptions.

As Jude the step brother to Jesus said; Jude 1: 14; Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying; “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgement on all, and convince all that are ungodly among them all of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

This is reflected in Matthew 25: 31; Where Jesus speaks of the time that the Son of man comes with all his angel and divides the sheep from the goats that are consigned to suffer the second death, which is the condemned minds that had survived the first death. (“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels!)

The same is recorded in Revelation 21: 5-8. 5Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!” He also said to me, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.” And he said, “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it. Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children. 8But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practise magic, those who worship idols, and all liars — the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.”

Why condemn others for doing exactly what you yourself are doing, spruiking your own agender, on how one should live. Why do you try to convince those poor souls who are suffering deep depression and feelings of 'The hopelessness of life', that death is all they have to look forward to?
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 08:15 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgement on all, and convince all that are ungodly among them all of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

Is this the same LORD that let Satan brutally murder Job's family?

And the same bipolar LORD that demanded sacrifices, then later, said he did not require sacrifices and, then later, sacrifices his fictitious son?

Did he ask Abraham to offer Isaac for a burnt offering then change his mind?

Hosea 6:6
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.

Amos 5:22–23
22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
I will have no regard for them.
23 Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.

I am sure you have bogus answers and faulty rationale (bull crap) just like you are full of answers as to why (your) god left Jesus hanging the cross.

You seem hell bent on justifying theocide murder.

Oh, and he is coming with his army to smite the infidels!

And who are the goats exactly?

Maybe those who dream fervently of insurrections so they can prop up their racist dictator?

Maybe those who dream of genocide while believing they themselves are without sin?

1 John 1:8
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Have you deceived yourself?

Maybe those who squash and force the scriptures into their own angel of vengeance and death while they hide their hypocritical sepulchers filled with dead men's bones and the blood of the innocent?

Did you ever consider that the devil is clever enough to masquerade as your jealous murderous god and you are too blind to see the difference?

You apparently do not have discernment of spirit. It seems you cannot divine the truth.

I will tell you with all that is honest and descent in me that, that is the case and you are seemingly walking in darkness following devils and lacking spiritual awareness.

Do you really think god needs to murder, curse and massacre people?

Is that really what your all powerful omnipotent god does?

And then when it comes to the scriptures of "god is love" do you rationalize, forgive atrocities and employ your twisted rhetoric to appease your demon murderer god instead of heed the call to love?

While all of the "enlightened" spiritual leaders of the world say one does not have to have a god or a savior to get to heaven, one only needs to be a good person. Oh, but that apparently is not enough for you and your mass killing machine. Have you justified atrocity?

And then you on the other hand are willing to slaughter millions to save your fake flock of demon possessed sheep?.

PROVERBS 14:12 KJV "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death."

The ways of death...

Hell, brimstone, vengeance, a jealous god, damnation, accusation, arrogance, thinking evil of others, spreading shame and condemnation.

The way of life

forgiveness, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, temperance, long suffering, faith hope charity and tolerance, acceptance, brotherhood, duties to society, the world and forbearance. Oh yea, and "grace"...

I don't see any of these lifegiver qualities in you.

I see a person full of vinegar, spite, malice, envy, strife, insult and rotten hatred.

It seems you see what you want to see and you appear to be guided by the wrong spirit.

You evidently twist and form your god into your vehicle of hate and destruction. What if the apocalypse is a lie from Satan? Have you ever even once considered that?

The scriptures of vengeance were written as a pitfall to snare people like you in your own evil designs. How do you like yourself? I bet you despise most of the people around you.

What a pathetic and petty god it appears you have.

Acts 26:18
18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,

Is your god really Satan...

Satan has masqueraded as god in the old testament and even parts of the new, you believe it, hook line and sinker. It seems you can't see the difference.

That is why one minute god needs sacrifices and the next he does not.

So what god anointed you?

There are two gods. The god of this world and the true god (the god of the earth, nature and love).

You don't seem to perceive the difference.

Is that lack of spirit or lack of teaching? I don know if you would believe it even if you were taught. You seem like your hate is too far gone and you are radicalized with the untruth.

It seems you took the wrong road.

Isaiah 35:8-10

And a highway shall be there,
and it shall be called the Way of Holiness;
the unclean shall not pass over it.
It shall belong to those who walk on the way;
even if they are fools, they shall not go astray.
No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come upon it;
They shall not be found there,
But the redeemed shall walk there
And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion with singing;
Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;
They shall obtain gladness and joy,
And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Are your hands unclean with the blood of the innocent.
Have you forsaken the way of holiness for the way of death.

Maybe the reasons why angels were chained in hell from the time of Noah was because the devil caused the (figurative) flood?

You seem blind and convinced you see but you sleep in ignorance and false teaching.

The flood story was created to entrap people like you into being all gung-ho about massacring people.

It worked, it appears you made the way of sin and death your own, forsaking the way of holiness.

So, are you really anointed of god?
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice...

Did you ever consider that the devil caused the flood but God saved Noah?

Does God have an angel of death? Really?

This is why your posts to me seem like a jigsaw puzzle scattered all over the place.

And then in the same breath you insult my learning.
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 08:35 pm
1 Corinthians 12:31 KJV
But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2021 11:11 pm
All have sinned and all must die once then go off into judgement, all must pay the blood price for the sins of their flesh. If your body is dead, what other than your mind=spirit goes off into judgement?

Just as mankind developed within the bodies of our animal ancestors, so too, "THE SON OF MAN" develops in the body of EVE who has become the great sinful and pregnant androgynous body of Mankind.

But the sinful life of the woman is Justified by the child she hears to her Lord

And "THE SON OF MAN", is the only one who can pay the death sentence for the sins of the flesh in which he developed, but the umbilical cord is not severed from the mother body until she dies and is reunited with her Lord Adam at the close of the great seventh day Sabbath, of which Paul says is the future reality of the weekly Sabbath.

For this reason, when Christ (He who was taken up at the age of 365 and anointed as the successor to the throne of the Most High in the creation) was about to come into the world, he said to God: “You do not want sacrifices and offerings, but you have prepared a body for me. You are not pleased with animals burnt whole on the altar or with sacrifices to take away sins.

That body was the man Jesus, of who it is written in Hebrews 5: 7; In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was “A” Son of God, he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek. (All Jews are sons of God, see Psalms 82: 5; How stupid! You are completely corrupt, and justice has disappeared from the world. ‘You are gods,’ I said; ‘all of you are children of the Most High.’)

In the same way, Jesus did not take upon himself the honour of being a high priest. Instead, God said to him: “You are my Son; ‘TODAY’ I have become your Father.” He also said in another place, “You will be a priest for ever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”

Jesus, whose Parents were Mary and her half brother Joseph, who were both sired by Alexander Helios=Heli, by different mothers, was born ‘SON OF GOD’ not by blood, nor by the will of the flesh, but by the spirit of the Lord with which he was filled, the spirit that descended upon him in the form of a dove on the day he was baptised and the heavenly voice was heard to say; “You are my Son, ‘THIS DAY’ I have begotten thee,” or as Hebrews has it, “You are my Son, ‘TODAY’ I have become your father.

As Revealed in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; Where God said to Moses; “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put ‘MY WORDS’ in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will punish anyone who does not listen to ‘MY WORDS’ that He shall speak in ‘MY NAME’.

Peter confirms that Jesus was that man, when, concerning the man Jesus, he says in. Acts 3: 22; For Moses said; "The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people, etc."

Did the people of his day believe that he was the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of our ancestors? No, they did not, for on the day of his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the people escorting him cried out, "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD" Verifying that they believed Jesus to be the one that God had promised Moses that he would choose from among the Israelites, and send to the people to speak in his name.

And it was not the man Jesus who gave his life for the continued existence of the body in which our Lord God and savior, the MOST HIGH in the creation, had developed in. It was He who had revealed himself to us through the words and miracles as seen through his obedient earthly host body, the MAN Jesus, who abandoned his chosen successor on the Cross as he, ‘Jesus,’ gave up the spirit crying, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me.” It was He who then ceased to be an individual entity by releasing all the spirits of the righteous, who had been gathered to him, whose graves were then opened, and three days later, those righteous spirits came out of their graves and entered the city and showed themselves as the risen body of Christ, whose spiritual head was now Jesus.

Acts 17: 31; "For he (The Lord) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death!”

Did you notice that I do not choose scripture out of all context to that in which they were intended and toss them around willy nilly as do the biblical ignoramus’s who haunt this forum
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 08:59 am
Perhaps you took Farmerman's comments the wrong way and misread his sentiment?

Really? How should i have read this?

farmerman quote:

Farmer is biggoted toward anything nonmaterial. He has never made anything remotely like a scientific argument for 'the soul'. I have.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 09:06 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

All have sinned and all must die once then go off into judgement, all must pay the blood price for the sins of their flesh. If your body is dead, what other than your mind=spirit goes off into judgement?

Just as mankind developed within the bodies of our animal ancestors, so too, "THE SON OF MAN" develops in the body of EVE who has become the great sinful and pregnant androgynous body of Mankind.

But the sinful life of the woman is Justified by the child she hears to her Lord

And "THE SON OF MAN", is the only one who can pay the death sentence for the sins of the flesh in which he developed, but the umbilical cord is not severed from the mother body until she dies and is reunited with her Lord Adam at the close of the great seventh day Sabbath, of which Paul says is the future reality of the weekly Sabbath.

For this reason, when Christ (He who was taken up at the age of 365 and anointed as the successor to the throne of the Most High in the creation) was about to come into the world, he said to God: “You do not want sacrifices and offerings, but you have prepared a body for me. You are not pleased with animals burnt whole on the altar or with sacrifices to take away sins.

That body was the man Jesus, of who it is written in Hebrews 5: 7; In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was “A” Son of God, he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek. (All Jews are sons of God, see Psalms 82: 5; How stupid! You are completely corrupt, and justice has disappeared from the world. ‘You are gods,’ I said; ‘all of you are children of the Most High.’)

In the same way, Jesus did not take upon himself the honour of being a high priest. Instead, God said to him: “You are my Son; ‘TODAY’ I have become your Father.” He also said in another place, “You will be a priest for ever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”

Jesus, whose Parents were Mary and her half brother Joseph, who were both sired by Alexander Helios=Heli, by different mothers, was born ‘SON OF GOD’ not by blood, nor by the will of the flesh, but by the spirit of the Lord with which he was filled, the spirit that descended upon him in the form of a dove on the day he was baptised and the heavenly voice was heard to say; “You are my Son, ‘THIS DAY’ I have begotten thee,” or as Hebrews has it, “You are my Son, ‘TODAY’ I have become your father.

As Revealed in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; Where God said to Moses; “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put ‘MY WORDS’ in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will punish anyone who does not listen to ‘MY WORDS’ that He shall speak in ‘MY NAME’.

Peter confirms that Jesus was that man, when, concerning the man Jesus, he says in. Acts 3: 22; For Moses said; "The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people, etc."

Did the people of his day believe that he was the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of our ancestors? No, they did not, for on the day of his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the people escorting him cried out, "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD" Verifying that they believed Jesus to be the one that God had promised Moses that he would choose from among the Israelites, and send to the people to speak in his name.

And it was not the man Jesus who gave his life for the continued existence of the body in which our Lord God and savior, the MOST HIGH in the creation, had developed in. It was He who had revealed himself to us through the words and miracles as seen through his obedient earthly host body, the MAN Jesus, who abandoned his chosen successor on the Cross as he, ‘Jesus,’ gave up the spirit crying, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me.” It was He who then ceased to be an individual entity by releasing all the spirits of the righteous, who had been gathered to him, whose graves were then opened, and three days later, those righteous spirits came out of their graves and entered the city and showed themselves as the risen body of Christ, whose spiritual head was now Jesus.

Acts 17: 31; "For he (The Lord) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death!”

Did you notice that I do not choose scripture out of all context to that in which they were intended and toss them around willy nilly as do the biblical ignoramus’s who haunt this forum

You ARE an ignoramus who haunts this forum...but I love you. You do more for my perspective than the people on my side are able to do.

Please stick around...and post as often as possible.

As for "the soul"...it is one more piece of the grand blind guess about REALITY that theists make. It may be a correct guess, but I hope it is wrong. The last thing I would want is "eternal life." Good to live this life...and I am enjoying it immensely. But when it ends, I want that to be an end. If there is something else...the last thing I want it to be is a continuation of THIS life. I want something new...with THIS life being something of history.
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 09:12 am
@Frank Apisa,
the last thing I want it to be is a continuation of THIS life. I want something new...with THIS life being something of history.

Frank! Me Amigo! You & Me baby..

Stole the words right outta ma mouth!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 01:48 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote: All have sinned and all must die once then go off into judgement, all must pay the blood price for the sins of their flesh. If your body is dead, what other than your mind=spirit goes off into judgement?

Your literal translation of the scriptures is simply errant.

Romans 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath [judgment] through him.

As the story goes, Jesus died so we don't have to.
Some who are "alive" will be caught up together to meet the lord in the air, To forever be with the lord...
Therefore COMFORT one another with these words...

Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death

John 8:36
36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

The wrath and sin consciousness that you attempt to impose on others is laid out by you, for you, not them.

It is you who impose law and you who will be judged by what you impose on others.

You attempt make the Christ sacrifice of naught when you impose wrath on those whom you have no power or authority over. The scriptures have given grace to them/us.

The judgment more likely awaits you... and all of the fear and damnation that y0u, without thought, meet out for others will instead come to you, without thought.

Error built upon error, all the way up to the lying, republican criminal ex-president crook that you have supported and enabled.

And then you talk about prophecies... so the prophets merely laid out a blueprint for exactly whom the forgers needed to fabricate as a real person.

I am not saying that I believe in any of this Bible mumbo jumbo, I am merely saying that your claims of anointment and superior understanding is dubious and highly questionable.

I can run rings around your spiritual discernment and I am an agnostic who has done the biblical homework.

Lighten up... You have a long way to go yet in your quest for "truth".

A bit of humility would suit you much better. You might actually learn something.

You have some interesting things to share TA but you season your words with arrogance, malice and vitriol and they lose their savor or palatability.

In many cases you are simply errant and barking up the wrong tree.

The new Torah replaces the old Torah, the schoolmaster was replaced by the kindly shepherd king and the old testament beast who masqueraded as "the LORD" exposed as the murderous fraud.

Give that some thought. So the future wrath is not written in stone but is something changeable and written in our hearts.

Even the new testament has corruption that has been passed off as gospel.

This is the purpose of the manifestation of discernment of spirits.

One doesn't have to be a Christian to discern spirits, one simply needs to have a heart...

Your ultimatum ways of discernment are tone deaf.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 02:08 pm
The anointed wrote: Acts 17: 31; "For he (The Lord) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death!”

Acts 17:31 KJV
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

The King James verse dose not include the word "whole" before the word "world".

No, you don pull things out of context you simply find the translation that says what you want it to say.

Is that the "whole world" without exception or the "whole world" without distinction?

Is that all men without exception or all men without distinction? And what about all women?

You don't think things through, you simply barrel on with your hatemongering without much thought that you might be far off course.

This is not critical thinking, it is slapshot theology.

Lost in the sea of speculation...

Matthew 7:1 +2 KJV
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 03:44 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank dapissa wrote ..... .the last thing I want it to be is a continuation of THIS life. I want something new...

The Anointed Responds ...... Then your wish will be granted. Oh how boring your loveless, joyless and hopeless life must be, for you to want it to end and get a new one.

Well then according to the scriptures after the first death, which is that of the body in which you the mind have developed, and you stand before the judgement seat of 'The Son of Man' and because of your foul accusations against your redeemer, your mind is then separated from the soul, which is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universe activating all that is.

Then, that empty lifeless portion of soul from which you the invisible spirit=mind is separated, will be given a new body in which to develop a new mind, of course, what sort of body you will be given in the resurrected world, will be up to the Lord, who you have offended.

When Enoch was anointed as the heir and successor to the throne of the MOST HIGH in the creation, he was told to write down the name of every soul that would ever live, and the position for each of them into the everlasting.

It was He, the stone that the builders of the Jewish and Roman churches have rejected and accused as a heretic, who, after being in the valley of man, the spiritual dimension that co-exists within this three dimensional world for three thousand years or three days, and after he had been brought to perfection through suffering, he was reborn as the man Jesus and taken to heaven, where he was anointed as the successor to the throne of the Most High in the creation.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 03:59 pm
Did the Lord say half the world, or did he say 'THE WORLD'? The Good News Catholic Study Edition of the bible, knowing that the Lord didn't mean 'Half the world' added the word 'WHOLE' so that dumb people of the world wouldn't be confused and think that he was referring to only a portion of the 'WORLD'.

So then, the Holy Scriptures which state that "the (The Lord) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death!” is correct.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 05:03 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Frank dapissa wrote ..... .the last thing I want it to be is a continuation of THIS life. I want something new...

The Anointed Responds ...... Then your wish will be granted. Oh how boring your loveless, joyless and hopeless life must be, for you to want it to end and get a new one.

I have always said that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. Things always seem to break right for me. I am very happy...smile on my face most of the time. For you to think my life is boring, loveless, joyless, and hopeless is merely transference on your part.

I hope things get better for you.

Well then according to the scriptures after the first death, which is that of the body in which you the mind have developed, and you stand before the judgement seat of 'The Son of Man' and because of your foul accusations against your redeemer, your mind is then separated from the soul, which is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universe activating all that is.

Really. Is that what your "scripture" says. So I should live my live in accordance with your silly blind guesses about the REALITY?

C'mon. Get real for a change.

Then, that empty lifeless portion of soul from which you the invisible spirit=mind is separated, will be given a new body in which to develop a new mind, of course, what sort of body you will be given in the resurrected world, will be up to the Lord, who you have offended.

When Enoch was anointed as the heir and successor to the throne of the MOST HIGH in the creation, he was told to write down the name of every soul that would ever live, and the position for each of them into the everlasting.

It was He, the stone that the builders of the Jewish and Roman churches have rejected and accused as a heretic, who, after being in the valley of man, the spiritual dimension that co-exists within this three dimensional world for three thousand years or three days, and after he had been brought to perfection through suffering, he was reborn as the man Jesus and taken to heaven, where he was anointed as the successor to the throne of the Most High in the creation.

If you are going to blindly guess...why not blindly guess that any gods that exist are not like that savage from your scripture.

Anyway, just want to remind you that I love you. You are more help than you can imagine. Stick with us...and keep up the good work.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 05:07 pm
@The Anointed,
John 1:10 KJV
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

The first usage of the word "world" is the created world and the third usage of the word "world" is the inhabited world.

The scripture did not say the created world it did not say the inhabited world you have to infer it.

Perhaps, there will be a day when the world is judged by itself?

There is the human view and then there is the view of the divine.

The human view is God smited the enemy, and the divine view is, they fell upon their own swords.

Did god smite or judge them of did they fall prey to their own judgement?

There is a saying, we are our own worst enemy...

Karma happens...

It does not say "whole world".

Just like when the Bible uses the word "all" is that all without exception or all with distinction.

One must know the context, and use discernment.

The whole world will not be judged on that day because the church was (past tense) judged with Jesus.

This is why the church is saved from wrath [judgment] and abides under grace and mercy.

Grace = divine favor
Mercy = withheld judgment

Due to divine favor, judgment is withheld.

The church is the body of Christ (not the bride)
The church was crucified with Christ
Judged temped in all points and without sin
Raised and glorified with Christ.

The church was in Christ.
As Christ is in the church also.
The church is the embodiment of the living Christ on earth today (In his stead)
Therein is the grace with which it stands.

Saved from all wrath [judgment]...

So no, not all the world will be judged on that day if that "day" is actually not some figurative sliding scale of million of years... (joke) 😁

The church is spared from judgment, Christians receive rewards and crowns, not judgments and punishments. These events happen at different times.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 05:10 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

John 1:10 KJV
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

The first usage of the word "world" is the created world and the second usage of the word "world" is the inhabited world.

The scripture did not say the created world it did not say the inhabited world you have to infer it.

Perhaps, there will be a day when the world is judged by itself?

There is the human view and then there is the view of the divine.

The human view is God smited the enemy, and the divine view is, they fell upon their own swords.

Did god smite or judge them of did they fall prey to their own judgement?

There is a saying, we are our own worst enemy...

Karma happens...

It does not say "whole world".

Just like when the Bible uses the word "all" is that all without exception or all with distinction.

One must know the context, and use discernment.

The whole world will not be judged on that day because the church was (past tense) judged with Jesus.

This is why the church is saved from wrath [judgment] and abides under grace and mercy.

Grace = divine favor
Mercy = withheld judgment

Due to divine favor, judgment is withheld.

The church is the body of Christ (not the bride)
The church was crucified with Christ
Judged temped in all points and without sin
Raised and glorified with Christ.

The church was in Christ.
As Christ is in the church also.
The church is the embodiment of the living Christ on earth today (In his stead)
Therein is the grace with which it stands.

Saved from all wrath [judgment]...

So no, not all the world will be judged on that day if that "day" is actually not some figurative sliding scale of million of years... (joke) 😁

The church is spared from judgment, Christians receive rewards and crowns, not judgments and punishments. These events happen at different times.

Allow me to extend my congratulations on the magnitude of the ass-kicking you are administering to that guy. It is first class...and you are doing it using his own material.

Way to go!!!!
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 05:43 pm
TheCobbler wrote ..... the third usage of the word "world" is the inhabited world.

So what you are saying, is the flood that occurred in the days of Noah, was the known inhabited world around the Mediterranean, and the animals that were taken into the ark were the animals that existed in that area.

Good on you mate.

BTW, what portion of the known civilised world today do you believe that the Lord is going to judge? Because he is referring to a time in the future.

Wake up to yourself kiddo and stop revealing yourself for what we know you are, another mate of Frank the biblical ignoramus, and the atheists who haunt the forums of the world, in the futile attempt to convert a God believer over to their false religion of hopelessness.
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 06:54 pm
@The Anointed,
I am definitely not an atheist, but I am also not a person who has sacrificed truth for a fake religion that often stands against science and common sense.

Neither can I prove some form of God does not exist. I am certain a real God is different from the God(s) depicted in the Bible. But I am open to discourse.

I got honest with myself and I am a better person for it.

And you have a valid point, when the flood covered the earth perhaps it was a localized thing that covered only a designated area. World can mean many things and all is not always all.

Considering the flood and other stories were clearly plagiarized from the Babylonians... this leaves suspicion then regarding any real historicity of the flood.

And when it said all of the animals it may have meant all of the animals that were of the most importance to them.

Or, maybe the entire flood is figurative... I am more inclined to believe this.

Meaning that, the animals were signifying the flood of paganism that was prevalent at the time. Paganism surely covered every part of the globe.
It was merely a story to extol the virtues and perhaps morality (though debatable) of a monotheistic God. Is monotheism really moral? Not really. Perhaps more moral than Trump, but that is not saying that much.

Today, ripping off a story and twisting it is called, "propaganda".

Just as the creation story of Gilgamesh is very similar to that of Genesis the way both stories end is, one ends and there is a multitude of Gods after, and the other ends and there is only one God (and a serpent on the loose.)

The stories were simply vehicles to bestowal the virtues of their type of theism. They were not meant to be used to compete with the scientific rigors of time. Talking snakes? Really?

Was the God of the Bible responsible for the "flood" of paganism?

But it seems the God of the Bible (in the story) was instrumental in saving Noah and his family.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2021 07:23 pm
TheCobbler wrote ….. This is why the church is saved from wrath [judgment] and abides under grace and mercy.

Grace = divine favor
Mercy = withheld judgment

Due to divine favor, judgment is withheld.

The church is the body of Christ (not the bride)
The church was crucified with Christ
Judged temped in all points and without sin
Raised and glorified with Christ.

The church was in Christ.
As Christ is in the church also.
The church is the embodiment of the living Christ on earth today (In his stead)
Therein is the grace with which it stands.

Saved from all wrath [judgment]...

The Anointed Responds ….. Would you be referring to that church, the head of which claims to be ‘The Shepherd of God’s People”?

The worthless Shepherd that God said he would raise up in the land after he abandoned the flock that had valued him at thirty pieces of silver, as prophesied through the prophet Zechariah.

Zechariah 11: 12-17; 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So, they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.

And the LORD said unto me, “Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.”

Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.

For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.

Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.

Oh! you shepherd of God’s people
Who claim God sent you out,
And even though we know that’s true
That fact I wouldn’t flout
For God commanded Zechariah
Throw my wage across the floor
Those thirty bits of silver
For I’ll guide this flock no more
A useless shepherd now I’ll raise
To guide that stubborn flock
And he will be a worthless one
Of him I’ll take no stock
For he’ll not feed my little ones
Nor search for them that’s lost
But he eats the meat of the fattest sheep
And their hoofs? He tears them off
That worthless shepherd he is doomed
For abandoning my flock
His power will I destroy by war
His arm will wither uo then drop
And his right eye will I turn blind
That’s why he’s never seen
The passage where I speak of him
Zechariah, eleven, twelve to seventeen.

Do you know which organisation, whose head claims to be the shepherd of God’s people, was established in the land after Jerusalem had been destroyed and the Jews scattered?

I will respond to your next post, as soon as possible.

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