Quote:Funny, it seems as if every thread critical of Bush and his policies gets derailed by Baldimo and his clique into a spur about homos, lesbians, and Clinton's monicadilloes.
...It's because those of the right wing persuasion have an aversion to sex, especially when people seem to be getting some pleasure out of it. They are the descendant cousins of the Puritans of early America. Don't get me wrong, they have sex, lots of it by the looks of their growing families, but for them it's more of a duty than a pleasure, and they take great pride in the fact that they are ashamed of themselves for doing it. Unable to bear the guilty pleasure of their own sexuality, they can hardly be expected to be able to look at (yipes!) okay, just talk about, someone else's sexual feelings especially when that might involve pairs of the same sex.
Further, I don't think the right wing brain has a fully formed fun center. They're funny in the humorous sense but always at the expense of others and not themselves. Bush's stump speech is full of jokes about Kerry, it's a regular stand-up routine which is why George forgets sometimes that he is running for President and not to take over for Jay Leno.
Bill Clinton did the right the superb favor by committing a sexual sin. They would have had to forgive him if he had stolen something, or connived in some evil manner some deeds of deception, but he took pleasure, the one thing the right believes is forbidden to humankind and Bill, no matter what Jesus said, will not be forgiven. Knowing that gives those on the right a feeling that, if they didn't know better, might border on the orgasmic.