blatham wrote:
I am going to make this plea again to everyone posting on this topic.
Refrain, for the love of god, from tossing insults out at other posters.
This is how political discussions go bad. Just don't do it. If there are other posters who do this regularly, PUT THEM ON IGNORE. There really is no value at all in joining them in such ugly contests and lots to be lost if you do. If we all follow this simple procedure, then the individuals who are mainly the ones guilty of it (it is trolling) will be evident to moderators as bad actors and can then be treated appropriately.
I believe Blatham is here responding rather badly to mere disagreement in a thread that he apparently regards as his own blog or something like that. It appears he believes he can paste endless materials here that are mocking or rather broadly insulting to many others on the site, but should be somehow immune to any disagreement or criticism himself. He routinely fills these pages with innumerable posts ( try counting them) with pasted material from carefully selected, highly partisan sources, supplementing them with often far-fetched conspiracy theories, and now appoints himself as arbiter of the behavior of others, in this case, clearly conflating disagreement with insult, and now urging others here to silence opposing voices.
Debate and the (sometimes heated) exchange of ideas and viewpoints is what this site and other like it are about. Blatham has a right to advance his ideas as he does. However. domination by individuals or single points of view serves no one's interest. One who chooses to so vigorously pursue a single (and narrow) political perspective, and who so routinely denigrates the motives and merits of all who do not agree should be prepared to deal more directly and courageously with disagreement than is indicated by this flaccid appeal of Blatham's to grab authority he does not have.