Limbaugh was on the horn DAY 1 after election day in 2008, gathering the Right-wing nut troops to make the Obama presidency a hell for him.
I was attending to Limbaugh quite closely at the time. He has always acted as a propagandist and disinformation specialist in aid of GOP electoral victories. That is his game (aside from making 50 or 70 million per year for himself through broadcast fees and side cons like gold). "Echo Chamber" by Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Joseph Cappella is very good study on him (and his relationship/coordination with Fox, etc) and on his effectiveness.
I can't recall everything Limbaugh was up to in 2008 but one element we can all recall is his misrepresentation of an Obama line in a speech, "We're the ones we've been waiting for". From that line, Limbaugh began pushing the "Obama thinks He's the One" meme (still around today).
When Obama was elected, he famously said "I hope he fails". As if that wasn't a known known. But my recollection is that he began relatively slowly in his predictable pattern of derogation and insinuation.